What is a “full” diet, and why is it cooler than others

Forget about exhausting hunger strikes, from which you only gain excess weight, now you can eat and lose weight!

Now everyone is passionate about losing weight, and fashionable diets appear almost every day. One of the new developments by Canadian researchers at the University of Laval in Quebec is a meal plan that involves consuming large amounts of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and high protein foods, which helps to achieve satiety. It would seem that this diet is no different from others, but it has its own peculiarity. It is important in it to feel a sense of satiety, when other diets often ignore it.

Basic dietary rules

This is a long-term eating plan in which you can stay full and satisfied, while moving towards the figure of your dreams. Basic rules for drawing up a daily diet:

  • 4 servings of vegetables (serving – half a glass of cooked or raw vegetables);

  • 4 medium sized fruits;

  • 5 servings of grains (containing at least 4 grams of fiber)

  • 4 servings of protein (serving – 150-200 grams of boiled lean beef, poultry without skin or fish per day; 30 grams of meat or fish can be replaced with one egg, half a cup of cooked peas or other legumes);

  • one light snack.

Another important component on which a “full” diet is based is the use of hot and spicy spices. They help you feel full faster and speed up your metabolism. The diet is high in grains and healthy fats (fish, nuts, seeds, eggs, and avocados) and is similar to the keto and Mediterranean diet to many. However, the keto diet contains only about 10% carbohydrates, while this plan provides for about 50%.

The most important criterion when choosing products that will be included in the diet is how well they saturate the body.

How to start a well-fed diet?

A well-fed diet is based on two principles: a special menu and appetite control. The second is even more important, because often the main reason for the appearance of excess weight is overeating.

How to learn to control appetite?

There is a whole scale of satiety that is worth learning to use for those who want to achieve the figure of their dreams. A scale from 1 to 10 should illustrate the degree of hunger and satiety. Tell her how you feel before, during, and after eating.

For example:

1 – hungry as a wolf;

2 – hungry that I start to get annoyed with others;

3 – I feel hungry, it really is time to eat;

4 – hungry, eat only what will be useful to me;

5 – full and at the same time feel light;

6 – ate well;

7 – a feeling of slight stomach fullness;

8 – I ate so much that I feel discomfort;

9 – ate to the dump;

10 – very bad from eaten.

Try to avoid extremes. Eat around 3-4, stop around 6-7, and aim for 5 as soon as possible. Analyze every meal. What did you eat too much? Is there enough fiber in today’s diet?

Useful Tips

– Analyze your emotional and physical state when you start eating. Many people seize stress, and this is the path to obesity. Try to listen to your body: it is really time to have a snack or this desire arose from boredom.

– Go to bed on time. It is important to get at least 8 hours of sleep. With a lack of sleep, the body begins to look for energy in food.

– If you take a snack when you are stressed, then first you need to determine: is it time to eat? Food is the fastest way to relieve stress, but not the healthiest one. At such moments, you want to eat some kind of tasty treat, that is, fast carbohydrates, and these are foods that do not give the body the necessary saturation. They dull hunger for only a short time.

– In your free time from work or study, try to find yourself an exciting activity. It could be a new hobby (dancing, yoga, painting, sewing). New acquaintances, impressions and skills will be a bonus to this. And when we are busy, passionate and in a good mood, we sometimes forget about all sorts of goodies.

– Be careful! Thirst is often disguised as hunger. Cultivate a habit: a glass of water before each meal.

Who is not a well-fed diet for?

Since one of the components of this diet is the use of hot spices, it is impossible for people with gastritis or ulcers. Also, it is not suitable for those who want to lose weight as quickly as possible.

What are the benefits of this diet?

With it, you can learn to listen to your body. And develop a constant diet. The diet is designed for a long time, which means it does not harm the body. With her, you stop starving, which means that she does not spoil the mood.

What should include your food on a “full” diet

Vegetables: leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplant, avocado.

Fruits: apples, oranges, bananas, oranges, peaches, pears, plums, pineapple, papaya, mango.

Cereals: brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain cereals, oatmeal, quinoa, buckwheat, bulgur, rye, barley.

Protein foods: seafood, poultry, lean cuts of beef, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, nuts, seeds, tofu, soy, legumes, chickpeas, beans, peas, lentils.

An example of a daily menu

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomatoes, spinach and spices; Apple; tea.

Lunch: bulgur salad (can be replaced with couscous or quinoa), boiled beets, feta cheese, pumpkin seeds, seasoned with olive oil and pepper; pear; the juice.

Snack: coffee, oatmeal and cottage cheese cookies.

Lunch: buckwheat, baked turkey breast with broccoli in low-fat cream with spices, red pepper salad, tomato with herbs, spices, seasoned with olive oil, tea.

Snack: some cottage cheese with a handful of dried fruits, a spoonful of honey and cinnamon.

Dinner: brown rice, boiled fish; salad of cucumbers, radish, grated cheese, lemon juice, dill and parsley, juice.

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