What is a fat pad and how to deal with it

Why almost all women face such a problem and whether it is a problem, we are dealing with an endocrinologist and fitness trainer.

In medicine, the term “fat pad” has two meanings. First: a fat pad on the heel, or if scientifically, the heel fat. This fat acts as a shock absorber – softening the impact that falls on the heel in the first phase of the stride.

As a rule, with age, the layer of adipose tissue becomes thinner, this leads to the appearance of painful phenomena in the heel. Second meaning: “fat trap” (or “fat pad”) means the presence of a disease with local hypertrophy of adipose tissue.

We asked a nutritionist and fitness trainer about what they personally mean in the concept of “fat pad”.

– I suppose that when the phrase “fat pad” is used, we are talking about the fat that accumulates on the internal organs, in particular around the kidneys. It is a natural defense of the body, it should not be allowed to decrease critically due to lipolysis (I mean special procedures to accelerate the excretion of excess fat) and fitness drying.

By and large, we are all genetically different. We all constitutionally have places that are most prone to fat accumulation. For some it is the stomach, for others the sides, or the buttocks and hips, or the back and arms. Everything is very individual. Even with effective weight control, these areas are the last to lose fat. Although, of course, with persistent training, they are amenable to correction. Of course, provided that there are no problems with hormonal levels, there is no micronutrient deficiency.

– I consulted with colleagues, what definition to give “fat pad”, and each answered differently! In science, in my opinion, there is no such concept at all, it is an everyday expression. Personally, I tend to believe that a fat pad is like an airbag in a car. This is the necessary supply of fat that a person needs for life; not the excess fat layer, which is superfluous, but the fat that provides the necessary support for the internal organs, protects the organs and bones from injury. I know of an example when an athlete brought himself to the point that his body fat was only 4%. After the performance, he died …

If there is no fat pad, our body will begin to eat itself, destroy tissues, muscles in order to receive the necessary energy.

The so-called fat pad is also necessary for the absorption of certain vitamins – fat-soluble. That is, it provides the transport of nutrients in the body, helps create a number of vital hormones.

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