What is a baby development calendar?

The week-by-week baby development calendar allows you to check your toddler’s developmental progress. It includes tips and advice from experts specially adapted to the age of the child. The first year of life of our children is a particularly important and intense time when many physical, mental and mental changes take place. It is then that they learn to sit up, crawl and make their first attempts to walk. At this time, new methods of baby care and nutrition are also being implemented.

Child development calendar describes average developmental norms that may differ from individual norms depending on multiple factors. Child development calendars can be found on various parenting websites. Some of them describe the first 24 or even 36 months of a baby’s life. Thanks to them, you will learn what you should be interested in, what should worry you, how to properly care for your offspring and obtain information on vaccinations.

Baby development: 1 month

Baby after being born into the world, it adapts to the new environment. He is experiencing changes in temperature and noise from which he was protected in the womb. There are reactions to new stimuli, e.g. tactile and olfactory. Appearance newborn it is specific, because it has a relatively large and distorted head, with soft fontanelles, plump limbs, very thin and wrinkled pink skin and puffy eyelids. The baby is very sensitive to touch and reacts strongly to it. For example, if you stroke his cheek, he will be ready to suck the breast and open his mouth (Rooting’s reflex, which will disappear around 4 months of age). Eyes newborn they are not fully developed and do not distinguish between colors. In addition, they are sensitive to light. Hearing is still dull, but child is able to recognize the voices of the parents, and in particular responds well to the voice and sight of the mother. Baby he puts on weight around 500-700 grams, is very physically active and can sleep up to 20 hours a day.

Baby development: 2 month

The period of being ends newborn baby. The baby can now lie on its stomach and raise its head. At this stage, you need to focus on her training. He recognizes his mother’s face and likes to look at other people’s faces. He develops colic that should be relieved. His appetite grows and he starts demanding himself to eat on average every 3 hours. There is a grasping reflex that needs to be practiced and the ability to laugh. There are also the first tears.

Baby development: 3 month

Child he can now lean on his forearms and raise his head so that he can look almost straight ahead. He turns his head to follow sound stimuli and people moving around the room, often opening his mouth or folding it into a horseshoe. He makes the first attempts to turn to the side, so you have to be careful not to let him fall off the bed, for example. It is good to introduce rattle games as the little one begins to practice reaching. Eyesight develops and the perception of objects and surroundings broadens. The appearance of fasting, which is the second phase of speech development right after shouting, is characteristic. Baby then it produces guttural and backlingual sounds, e.g. grr, agu, tli. This reflex exercise of speech, which is not yet aimed at communication, will soon turn into babbling. You should exercise your muscles child by placing it on the stomach (when lifting the head it will exercise the muscles of the neck). You also need to focus on training eyesight concentration and coordination. For this, toys are hanging above the crib. Baby can laugh out loud, cry and whine. It’s getting easier and easier to read his mood and body language. A strong bond is developed between the offspring and the parent.

Baby development: 4 month

Baby is gaining more and more weight. It becomes more and more mobile. It holds the head firmly in an upright position and is able to roll over from back to side and back to back. He can straighten his legs and wave his arms. He tries to play with the captured object and puts it in his mouth often (be careful with what is around the child), but he is unable to hold more than one thing in his hands. He makes a whole range of sounds and begins to utter the first lips as well. His daily rhythm stabilizes.

Baby development: 5 month

Child is able to perform the seal position, i.e. lifts the upper torso, leaning on the hands. Prepares slowly for crawling. The first teeth are erupting. The child can already grasp toys with both hands and, importantly, also the cup that he lifts to his mouth. The length and weight of the body increases significantly. Baby pronounces the first syllables.

Baby development: 6 month

Captivity rolls from belly to back and from back to belly. If you pull their hands gently, they can sit up. It moves by rolling or crawling. Vegetable soups and porridges can be introduced into the toddler’s diet. It is in this month that individual differences emerge the development of individual children.

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