What insurance representatives under compulsory medical insurance inform about

Messages not to be missed

What do insurance representatives inform about? Only the most important. They recommend that citizens take good care of their health and undergo preventive medical examinations and medical examinations in a timely manner, as well as visit a doctor as part of dispensary observation. These activities allow for examination, treatment and health maintenance.

Such personal informing of the insured is carried out according to the lists that come from medical organizations. During the period of restrictions on preventive medical examinations and medical examinations due to the coronavirus pandemic, SOGAZ-Med employees monitored areas where restrictions have already been lifted and areas where prohibitions on preventive measures were still in force.

SOGAZ-Med specialists informed the insured only if medical organizations indicated their readiness to receive patients. Today, in a number of subjects, there is still a prohibition on prophylactic medical examinations and professional examinations, but the situation is changing very dynamically, and insurance representatives will certainly inform residents about the possibility of undergoing an examination. Therefore, having received an SMS or letter with such information, please do not ignore it.

When it comes to dispensary observation, it is important to note that information messages are targeted to patients with chronic diseases, and a separate group for information support includes patients with oncological and cardiovascular diseases.

When sending messages, medical insurance organizations use the contact information specified when receiving the compulsory medical insurance policy. That is why it is extremely important for the insured to promptly inform the medical insurance organization about changes * full name, passport and contact information. This can be done at the nearest office of the insurance company.

In order to accompany the insured during the rehabilitation stage in 2021, new types of information have appeared for those who have had COVID-19: such messages are sent to citizens over 40 years old who have confirmed chronic diseases in the compulsory medical insurance system, as well as to all patients over 70 years old.

How does it work?

The flip side of informing insurance companies is assistance to the insured in resolving issues when receiving medical assistance under compulsory medical insurance. When receiving messages from SOGAZ-Med, the insured also learn about insurance representatives, understand how and in what cases they can be contacted for help. And the easiest way to do this is to save the contact center number of your medical insurance organization on your phone. It is quite natural that people receiving such targeted information messages from SOGAZ-Med increasingly began to turn to the insurance company for help.

Here are just some examples:

· The issue with the appeal, which came from the sister of the insured “SOGAZ-Med”, who has a probability of cancer, was positively resolved. The insured was faced with the impossibility of undergoing laboratory and diagnostic tests, consulting an oncologist. The situation required maximum efficiency, the SOGAZ-Med employee contacted the deputy chief physician of the hospital and found ways to solve the problem. The necessary laboratory tests were taken from the insured and instrumental studies were carried out.

· Another example. The insured was taken to the hospital with a positive test for COVID for CT. At the time of waiting for the examination, the patient’s condition began to deteriorate rapidly. But they refused to hospitalize him in the same hospital. Then the citizen from the admissions office turned to SOGAZ-Med. In the shortest possible time, the insurance representative of the company resolved the issue, and the patient was hospitalized in this medical institution.

In 2020, the SOGAZ-Med company received more than 1,6 million applications from the insured (not only on the subject of COVID, but also on other issues). In each specific case, an individual approach and the provision of qualified assistance were required.

Health is always relevant

Summing up the consideration of the topic of informing, I would like to once again draw the attention of all readers to the importance of reading messages from medical insurance organizations and timely updating of personal data for the compulsory medical insurance policy. The latter is necessary, including for receiving medical services without any difficulties. Citizens insured with SOGAZ-Med should contact their insurance representatives on the sogaz-med.ru website, by calling 8-800-100-07-02 or at the company’s offices regarding compulsory medical insurance.

* Part 2 of Article 16 of the Federal Law of 29.11.2010 No. 326-FZ “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”.

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