What injuries can you get while running and how to avoid running injuries?

Running is one of the best yet simple cardio exercises. But even for him, the right technique is needed to help avoid running injuries!

When running, there is a risk of injury for both beginners and masters. During training and sports jogging, muscles, joints, cartilage, and the musculoskeletal system as a whole receive a load. Even if pain and discomfort are not felt during the run itself, this does not mean that there will be no consequences.

The body “reports” any injury with the help of pain and discomfort. It is wise to visit a doctor before continuing to exercise. In some cases, they will need to be temporarily suspended altogether so as not to expose themselves to even greater risk. In other cases, it is enough to correct the mistakes made when running. See also: Outdoor running – useful tips

The main types of running injuries and injuries

On average, three out of four runners are injured. About half of runners stop training or participating in competitions earlier than they planned to do so – also due to injuries and received “professional” pathologies. To avoid this, it is enough to follow a few recommendations – for each problem there are their own.

Pain in the knees

Usually the pain occurs due to injuries of the knee joint. It is necessary to pay attention to which part of the knee the pain appears. You can determine the source of discomfort on your own or during an examination by an orthopedic traumatologist.

  • Don’t run around in pain. It is a symptom that there is not enough strength in the feet or hips, or the distance increases too quickly. The solution is eccentric strength training or light weight training that strengthens the tendons and makes them stronger.

Hamstring injuries

Strong tension in the thigh is a symptom that the hamstring has received too much stress. For example, the speed of running was too high, other muscles were weakened, the body was tired in general. Tension can be felt in the tendon itself, in the cartilage area, in the press area.

Here, too, one should not overcome discomfort and continue running through force. Tendons recover from such injuries for quite a long time – one and a half to two months. You should consult your doctor and follow his instructions.

  • Short isometric exercises are the solution. With the help of pushing movements, regeneration can be accelerated. When returning to normal exercise, you will need to start with short distances and with plyometrics (for example, with skateboarding).

Shooting pain in the leg

This problem is often encountered by novice runners. Sharp pain usually affects the front and back of the leg. The main thing is not to allow the injured shin to become inflamed, otherwise it will become difficult not only to run, but also to walk. Such injuries increase the risk of more serious problems, such as fractures.

  • The best solution would be a regular vacation. It is necessary to identify the injury at the initial stage and not “start” it. Usually, the shin is injured due to mistakes made by novice runners. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor.

piriformis syndrome

This injury got its name in accordance with the source of the problem: the sciatic nerve is clamped by the piriformis muscle. The syndrome is a muscle spasm but feels like a burning pain in the buttocks, so it can be confused with lower back problems. Consultation with a doctor is necessary.

  • To get rid of pain, it is enough to warm up the buttocks and relieve tension with the help of exercises. If this does not help, you should stop exercising and seek treatment. Long-term strengthening of the buttocks and thighs is carried out with the help of special exercises. You also need to move more, sit less.

Achilles tendinitis

The main symptom is a sharp pain in the foot, which occurs at the first step after sleep or a long rest. The Achilles tendon becomes inflamed due to the muscles not working properly. In some cases, if you do the exercises incorrectly for a long time, it’s not about inflammation, but about wear and tear of the tendon – this problem requires a more detailed solution.

  • Training should be suspended for the period of rehabilitation. At this time, you can focus on strength exercises that do not strain the Achilles tendon, then, thanks to muscle strengthening, it will be easier to distribute the load across the foot. Therefore, active strength training is in demand and useful in such a situation.

How to run correctly to avoid injury?

A chronic disease of professional runners is tendonitis. This is a process in the tendons that occurs due to excessive loads on tissues that have not yet recovered. It is not easy to treat it, and at the same time it is necessary to exclude any load. But even after a full recovery, there is a risk of losing progress and returning to the starting point of training.

To avoid the disease, you should follow a few basic rules:

  • Be sure to warm up before jogging: muscles and joints should be warmed up.
  • Do not tolerate pain: if during the run you feel it, then reduce the intensity of your workouts or stop them altogether.
  • Increase the load gradually. Running is a cyclical sport, and success in it is achieved by years of regular training.
  • Develop flexibility: Stretching should become your daily routine.
  • Allow your muscles to fully recover, even if it takes a long time.

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