What influences the development of Hashimoto’s?

Research on Hashimoto’s disease is still ongoing, so the pathogenesis, i.e. its mechanism of action and development, is still not fully understood. We already know that Hashimoto’s is probably genetically determined, i.e. it is inherited from one generation to the next. It also happens that it can be acquired during life under the influence of various environmental factors or lifestyle.

Hashimoto’s may therefore be caused by a specific environmental factor, be genetically determined or be caused by the environment with a simultaneous genetic predisposition to its formation.

Environmental factors influencing the development of Hashimoto’s disease

The most common causes of secondary chronic Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are iatrogenic factors (i.e. the consequences of treatment unfavorable for the patient) or side effects of the use of immunomodulating drugs. In addition, the increased risk of developing this disease is demonstrated by many nutritional and environmental factors, such as:

  1. smoking,
  2. increased alcohol consumption,
  3. iodine deficiency or its excess in the environment,
  4. vitamin D deficiency,
  5. various types of viral and bacterial infections,
  6. chronic stress,
  7. anxieties.

Also check: Hashimoto’s disease – what tests will detect it?

Iodine and the development of Hashimoto’s disease

According to research, excess iodine in the diet is one of the important factors influencing the development of the disease. Too much consumption of this element has a negative effect on the cells of the thyroid gland.

In 2020, research by Wan and colleagues was conducted, the results of which were published in the Cambridge University Press. The research was carried out on people living in countries where food is fortified, i.e. enriched with iodine, it has been found that it has a positive effect on the development of autoimmune diseases, i.e. those in which the body’s immune system fights its own cells and tissues. Hashimoto’s disease belongs to this type of disease.

Find out more: Diet and Hashimoto’s. Learn the five most important rules

Does selenium matter?

Another factor that is worth paying attention to from the nutritional perspective is the provision of sufficient amounts of selenium with the diet, as people suffering from Hashimoto’s disease have been shown to have reduced amounts of this element. Based on the research conducted in 2020 by Sharma and colleagues, it was concluded that a lack of sufficient selenium in the diet can cause the development of Hashimoto’s disease, therefore, you should pay attention to its amount in everyday food or consider supplementation.

  1. Hashimoto symptoms – find out how to recognize the disease 

It’s just an innocent infection

All kinds of infections and diseases will also have an impact on the development of Hashimoto’s disease. Therefore, remember to take care of your health. It is not worth underestimating even meager symptoms and hoping that “in a few days it will pass by itself”. Sometimes a small infection turns into a large inflammatory focus or disease that can affect our health. Inflammation associated with an infectious disease can also affect the development of autoimmune disease. There is a theory confirmed by research that the presence of one autoimmune disease may contribute to the appearance of another. This was raised in 2010 by scientist Kristien Boelaert and his colleagues. Therefore, let’s test ourselves regularly and act quickly.

Hashimoto’s can be caused by both genetic predisposition and environmental factors. The most important environmental factor influencing the development of hashimoto’s is iodine excess. The development of the disease has also been proven with selenium deficiency, as well as with all kinds of infections and some medications. And let’s not ignore the significant impact of our general lifestyle on the health of the thyroid gland.

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