What if not Mars: where you can “move” within the solar system

Futurists are increasingly talking about the colonization of new planets. Mars always falls first on the list, but does a person have the opportunity to go to other planets? Sharing all possible addresses inside the solar system

Man has dreamed of conquering space for many years. Some goals have long become a reality, while others can only be fantasized about. Among the latter, plans for the colonization of other planets stand out clearly. Many futurists are talking about moving to Mars, and Elon Musk is even going to send the first manned mission there in four years. And what other points can become available for human habitation?

Is colonization of the moon possible?

The Moon attracts many scientists with its proximity to the Earth. Fly closer to it than to any other space object. The moon seems so attractive to move that scientists have even calculated the approximate cost of its colonization. In theory, this process can cost $10 billion. At the same time, building a colony on an earthly natural satellite would be a profitable investment for further space exploration. You can build a base on it and use it as a transfer point when traveling to other planets. Since the moon is rich in minerals that can be used as rocket fuel, it would be a good place to fuel spacecraft.

Among the most attractive places on the moon, the South Pole-Aitken basin is distinguished. The area is heavily indented with craters that will protect the astronauts from strong winds. Another advantage is shadows. They will help to avoid strong temperature fluctuations. This area also contains an accumulation of water ice suitable for creating oxygen gas, drinking and irrigation water.

A possible base should be made mainly from local materials, since the transportation of raw materials from the Earth will cost unreasonably large sums. NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have been developing possible solutions for several years and have already found methods to organize the construction of a base exclusively from lunar resources. ESA and architecture firm Foster+ have been working on the International Lunar Village project since 2013 and have already submitted a project for a possible settlement.

What if not Mars: where you can move within the solar system
Architectural design by ESA and Foster+ (Photo: ESA)

Jupiter moon base

Callisto, a natural satellite of Jupiter, could be another contender for colonization. Roskosmos and NASA are talking about the prospects for its settlement. It is believed that it contains a large amount of underground water: according to preliminary estimates, it can be twice as much as in all the oceans of the Earth. In addition to practical benefits, water can become a subject for research: it is possible that signs of life can be found in it. It would also be convenient to make missions to Jupiter from a satellite, where to produce hydrogen and helium-3, which is necessary for nuclear fuel. The base on Callisto will also open up access to the minerals of the neighboring natural satellite – Europa or Jupiter II.

The colonization of Callisto will give humanity a lot of opportunities to extract resources and conduct research necessary to understand the structure of the universe. But on the way to this there are a number of tasks that have not yet been solved. So, the satellite has a high level of radiation and low gravity. Eliminating these problems comes with a huge budget, and the future of the mission depends on how much you are willing to spend on it. In addition, the colonization of Callisto will probably begin no earlier than the Moon and Mars. The development of these space objects will take less time and money. And Callisto could be the logical next step.

What if not Mars: where you can move within the solar system
Jupiter’s moons (Photo: NASA)

Life on the cloud of Venus

Venus seems like another habitable planet. But before settling, it needs to be terraformed: it is impossible to move to Venus without climate change, because it is too hot, strong winds, and high levels of radiation and pressure. Scientists have found another possible way to colonize the planet: they propose to populate its atmosphere and arrange an air city in the clouds. The main condition is not to land on the surface.

“Venus has an atmosphere similar to Earth’s, and living at an altitude of 50 km from the planet will be quite comfortable,” says Jeffrey Landis, a NASA scientist and science fiction writer who was one of the first to propose this idea.

Since the force of gravity on Venus is almost the same as on Earth, the ships will be able to stay in the air. And Teflon enamel will help protect houses from sulfuric acid.

What if not Mars: where you can move within the solar system
Air house in the clouds of Venus (Photo: medium.com)

However, the idea of ​​scientists faces several problems. It will be difficult to deliver food and raw materials necessary for survival to such houses. Alternatively, astronauts can send robots to the surface and control them from the ship. Venus is similar in structure to the Earth, and it has all the elements necessary for life, including water. And remote-controlled robots could just be engaged in their production. And yet, it is too early to talk about the implementation of such an idea: scientists need to thoroughly study the planet and send more than one space mission there.

Asteroid mining on Ceres

Ceres is a dwarf planet in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Its diameter is 950 km and 25% of the area is occupied by water ice. Such water reserves will be enough for the successful colonization of the planet. There is ten times less sunlight on Ceres than on Earth, but it is enough to create solar energy and operate equipment from its charge. Ceres is the largest cosmic body in its asteroid belt. It can become as profitable a transfer point for travel between planets as the Moon. Ceres will also be able to turn into a base for mining asteroids and become a connecting transport hub between Mars, the Moon and Earth.

The colonization of this small planet may open the way to the settlement of other space objects in the solar system, such as the moons of Jupiter. Another option is that the planet can become a kind of space warehouse: it is more convenient to transport resources there from the Moon or Mars than from the Earth to the Moon. It is also possible that under its surface there may be a freshwater ocean that could supply neighboring planets. As a result, Ceres has every chance of becoming a kind of industrial city with factories for the extraction of asteroids, minerals and water.

What if not Mars: where you can move within the solar system
Lake on Ceres (Photo: NASA)

Colony on Saturn’s largest moon

Titan is the only space body within the solar system, which, like on Earth, has a liquid on the surface, consisting, however, not of water, but of methane and ethane. Titanium contains a lot of minerals similar to oil and natural gas. They can be used to generate energy, which will replace the depleted terrestrial sources. Titan’s atmosphere lacks oxygen, but it can be mined from the water ice that lies beneath the moon’s surface. A spacesuit will save you from cold temperatures.

Gravity on Titan is very weak, but some scientists see this as a plus. People will be able to fly above the surface of the satellite with their wings screwed on, and if they break, they will be able to land smoothly, because they will not be pulled to the ground. This type of movement can be useful in practice and at the same time fun entertainment.

What if not Mars: where you can move within the solar system
Titan in front of Saturn (Photo: NASA)

The main disadvantage of Titan is that it is too far from the Earth. With modern technology, it will take about seven years to fly to it, which can be not only long, but also dangerous for the health of astronauts. In addition, humanity does not yet possess the technologies capable of equipping such a long flight. The colonization of Titan can begin after the development of space bodies closer to Earth and the creation of more powerful spacecraft.

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