Feel sorry for yourself and go to sleep? Or quickly do something simple to believe in yourself and your strength again? Or maybe talk with two people: let one of them, like acid, corrode and remove everything superfluous, and the other give practical advice from the standpoint of “everything can be solved” … What else can we do to make it easier for us here and now?

1. The morning is wiser than the evening: sleep more. Sleep heals, soothes and prompts.

2. To do something: write, wash, disassemble, connect – that is, to achieve some kind of simple integrity and completeness in small things.

3. Go for a walk and see that the world is wide and full of colors, and our focus on the negative is a small part of it.

4. Set yourself adequate and great physical activity.

5. Recall, step by step, what led to heaviness in the soul, and find in it as much as possible accurate, serious, but also funny.

6. Imagine yourself in the form of a comic book, running pictures. How do you get out of the situation, what characters you meet and who you yourself turn into.

7. Imagine in your place three other people who are interesting to you.

8. Come up with a game “looking for a way out”, setting the search parameters for others – moving away from gravity at arm’s length. Now you are nearby, but not inside the problem, you look at it like a board and you yourself, like a piece, move along it.

Write yourself a letter from a place and time when it was good

9. Remember and make of many details a situation in which it would be good for you: to simulate bliss, if not to feel it completely.

10 Find an unexpected point on the body. Imagine that you draw with it in the air, describing circles. A very useful exercise that allows you to break the general centering and the fact that the body is kept compressed.

11 Write yourself a letter from a place and time when it was good.

12 It is important not to mutter to yourself when it’s bad, but to give free rein to fine motor skills: draw with a pencil, sculpt from plasticine, fold from paper, weave from beads, crochet … If you don’t have any of these, it will be good to go and buy something to pamper yourself.

13 Go to some shop or to the collapse and sort things out with your hands.

Be grateful for what has led you to a seeming dead end.

14 Talk to two people: let one of them, like acid, corrode and remove everything superfluous, and the other give practical advice from the standpoint of “everything can be solved”. But don’t make a fortune for yourself.

15 Try to close your eyes and evoke imagination, a waking dream, about how you swim under water and breathe, you have a flamethrower in your hand, and you find some treasures, obstacles, fight and get somewhere, into another space and dimension. Wiggle your fingers and toes. It turns out such an interactive computer game with the whole body.

16 Write some text without taking a preconceived idea as a basis. Let the text itself lead you somewhere, and you follow it.

17 Be grateful for what has led you to a seeming dead end. What lessons can you learn to live successfully and with a good mood?

18 Decide what nice little gifts you can give to those around you. Causing their smile and joy, you will return yours.

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