What I won’t take with me into the new year

To start life from scratch, you need to make it clean yourself. Look at what is already written on it, and figure out why it sometimes happens that a clean place is left only in the fields …

1. Your ex-“anything”

Leave the past in the past. Ex-boyfriend, ex-husband, past job, casual acquaintance … They became ex, so there is a reason for this.

Stop thinking about what would happen if you were still together. Stop looking for a way back and look for a way forward. To make it easier for you, imagine that there are old bouquets in cracked vases on your table. The world is too good to look at it through what has long withered!

2. Fear of trying

Leave behind the fear of new things, your fear of taking the first step and making a mistake, the indecision that prevents you from daring to change your life. Sometimes it’s really scary. But fear is a healthy feeling – to a certain extent. It keeps us in a safe zone and prevents us from rushing along the track at high speed or jumping off a sheer cliff into the sea. Another thing is when you need to take a risk and do something new.

Tell your fear: “Thank you for taking care of me, but this particular decision should not be made for me.. I’ll do it myself.” Feel the fear, then knock him out with one punch.

3. The words “I don’t know”

You are smarter than you think. If you’re not sure about something, look it up online or ask someone. If you’re making a big decision and you’re stuck right in the middle because you don’t know what to do, don’t say, “I don’t know.” Words have power. Tell it like it is – “I’m halfway to clearing things up.”

4. Relationships that destroy us

Psychologist Jim Rohn once said:You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with“. See who’s next to you. Do not make allowances for circumstances and your ideal past. If relationships at work, at home, or in your circle of friends are depriving you of some important part of your personality, it’s time to change something.

5. Tendency to go with the flow

We are all guilty of this. Did a friend change their Facebook profile photo? We quickly did the same. Does anyone you know talk about Trump? Let’s make a repost. Oh, and this discussion about a new diet is worth participating in … Our day is filled with action, but the trajectory of our movement, if we step back a little, is as bizarre and predictable as that of a flock of silver fry.

6. Self-hatred

Say goodbye to the habit of sighing and wincing every time you see yourself in the mirror. You are a masterpiece. Painting canvas. Repeat after me: “I am beautiful.” Embrace your cellulite, your hair the wrong shade, your cupcake belly (because it hangs over your jeans like a puffy muffin top), your imperfect butt, and size forty legs. Accept every part of your body, even if you are still getting used to being loved.

7. Diets and generally easy ways

Instead of a life called “I’m on a diet” there is just a healthy life. Nourish your health from within, think globally. If you have achieved peace of mind, many “excesses” will simply cease to interest you.

8. Barriers and lies … to yourself

After all, we deceive ourselves when we say: “I can never do this. It always happens to me. I’m lucky as a drowned man. This is not for me. They didn’t live well, there’s nothing to get used to.”

Are you serious? Just stop and don’t think like that again. Or here’s what – do not pronounce them inside yourself, but say these phrases out loud, loudly. They will seem to you artificial, pompous and … absolutely untrue.

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