What I Stopped Worrying About When I Turned 40

When a person says, “I don’t change,” it’s hard to believe. Even the cells of our body are completely renewed in 7 years. And even more so thoughts, values ​​and priorities. Our readers told us what they are less worried about in their XNUMXs.

Even if I had the opportunity to return to my 17, 27 and even 37 years, I would never agree. Despite wrinkles, gray hair and other signs of age, over the years we gain experience. We learn and learn to understand ourselves. We come to realize what is really important to us. And we already react to many things not as dramatically as in our youth.

What do women who have overcome the 40-year milestone stop worrying about?

  • “I stopped worrying about being liked by everyone. What is – such is. At the level of theory, many people understand this. But in practice … I am glad that I have matured to this. Oddly enough, it is now much easier for me to communicate with people, ”- Tatyana, 41 years old.
  • “I stopped complexing about the figure. It’s a pity that I spent so much time and effort on losing weight, squeezing into slimming underwear … Now I allowed myself to be plump and gradually changed my wardrobe. Picked up such things that beat my image. I also learned this only over the years,” Marina, 40 years old.
  • “I am glad that the question no longer hangs over me, to give birth or not to give birth. In any case, I believe that it is already too late, and the first harbingers of menopause have appeared. To be honest, this topic put a lot of pressure on the psyche. And after 30 years, “the clock is ticking” and such thoughts simply plagued me. The issue has been removed from the agenda – and this is such a relief! — Irina, 45 years old.
  • “For many years I bothered about how to find a man, a partner. I searched, found the wrong ones, got upset …. And now I am no longer worried about the status of an unmarried woman. I used to live like this, I have friends and relatives. I am alone, but not lonely,” Olga, 44 years old.

  • “I realized that I was not interested in a career – in the sense of position, power, the role of the boss. It is much more important for me to be able to fulfill my tasks and live in peace. And do not bear responsibility for the work of the whole team on your shoulders. I want to leave work at work, not drag it home and into my personal life. Free your head, take care of your psyche and nervous system, ”- Lera, 42 years old.
  • “I stopped worrying about the studies of my younger children, looking at the older one. I realized that drawing conclusions and judging the future for each deuce is stupid. But ruining a relationship with a child, constantly quarreling over grades, is too easy. But this is exactly what you don’t need to do, ”Anna, 42 years old.
  • “I no longer care if I get to some party, concert or other event. I’d rather spend time with my family or all alone, with a good book or TV series. Probably, with age I become an introvert, ”- Maria, 44 years old.
  • “And I stopped worrying about politics. There have always been and always will be problems for people and all over the world. That’s how life works. Why do we need these disputes on the Internet, who is right, who is wrong? I don’t want to waste time or energy on this,” Elena, 43 years old.
  • “It only dawned on me at the age of 40 that endless quarrels with my mother-in-law can be stopped – just not to communicate with her. That I am not obliged to call, come to a person who does not love me and does nasty things. For several years I was worried about how to build relationships. And now I just shielded myself from any communication with her. And it became much easier for me!” — Alexandra, 41 years old.
  • “I stopped worrying about whether I will get a diploma, whether I will find an interesting job, whether I will get married, whether I will give birth to children, whether I will visit Africa … Because half of my life has already passed – and I know that all this has come true. It’s like I’ve watched half of the movie. But there is still, hopefully, the second half. And there is a chance to realize other dreams ”- Dilya, 40 years old.

Interestingly, the older generation talks about how after 50 and after 60 you can make more and more discoveries in yourself. Change priorities. And to understand that many situations are not really worth our experiences. I hope that it will be interesting for each of us to change, become wiser and live in peace with ourselves.

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