What hygiene for healthy teeth?

Dental hygiene for children: the right reflexes

The latest data published by the High Authority for Health (HAS) date from 2010. They specify that in children between 0 and 3 years, the fluoride content of toothpaste must be less than or equal to 500 ppm. Before the age of 6 months, the HAS does not provide for oral fluoride supplementation (tablets, drops) in children. In February 2017, the National Medicines Safety Agency (MSNA) has therefore decided to restrict the indications for fluoride-based specialties to children over six months of age.

From 3 years old, at the age when children start to use a real toothpaste, it contains the right dose of fluoride (check on the packaging). Fluoride is a natural element. It is found in spinach, fish, tea, certain tap or bottled water … Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and makes them more resistant to acid attacks caused by the breakdown of sugars.

Beware of overdose. The risk ? Fluorosis, that is to say a change in the structure of the enamel which results in the appearance of more less visible spots. Ask your town hall for the fluoride content of the water supplied by the city. And check the fluoride content of mineral waters, some are full of them (Arline or Saint-Amand, for example).

Dental hygiene: tailor-made brushing

From the first baby tooth, clean its first incisor with a cotton swab or a compress impregnated with physiological saline once a day, preferably before bedtime. From 6-10 months, your child will surely be delighted to get acquainted with a small toothbrush with rubber edges and a wide handle. Then brush from pink (the gum) to white (the teeth). At 3 years old (and up to 6 years old), it’s time to invest in a real brush with a small head and synthetic bristles, flexible and soft. Choose it easy to grip and change it every two months or so when the hairs start to wear down. Show your child how to properly brush the tops of their teeth, from left to right, up and down, finishing on top. At first, finish brushing yourself, then let it do it gradually: first the lower teeth, then the upper ones. The important thing is to turn the brush from pink to white, that is to say from the gum to the teeth, repeating the movement ten times. We recommend at least two brushes of teeth per day for three minutes, without forgetting the rinsing which eliminates debris and germs. Up to 8/10 years, brushing supervision is preferable.

A varied diet to prevent cavities

After each intake of food containing sugars, the acidity causes a relative demineralization of the enamel surface. It is therefore the frequency and quantity of sugar consumed that causes cavities.

Our advice to limit the damage, first of all, do not put your baby to sleep at the breast or give him a bottle of sugar water or milk when he falls asleep. Of course, limit sweets, chewing gum, toffees and nougats. Reserve sugary drinks on certain occasions. Finally, don’t hesitate to ask for sugar-free syrups when they exist. The right reflexes. To develop the chewing capacity of the child and stimulate salivation, necessary for the elimination of waste from the dental surface, do not prolong the soft or mixed diet more than reason.

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