What herbs should I drink for colds?

Do you think that a pill will help faster than a sip of herbal tea with honey? In some, especially advanced cases, this is certainly true, but we are sure that you are not starting yourself, watch your health. Therefore, it makes sense to listen to the old, generation-proven methods of dealing with sore throats, coughs and just colds. Read about herbs on Woman’s Day!

Everyone knows that there are medicinal herbs, but how many of you can say that you have used them in practice at least once? For many, probably, the therapist prescribed a breast collection, did you brew and drink as prescribed? Or thrown, because it was not always possible to brew the herb? Well, yes, for this you need a kettle and five minutes of time for the herb to brew! And they began to take more potent drugs. Oh, those potent cold remedies! And as a result of the fact that you either went to work without completing treatment (if at all stayed at home for a day with a mild cough), or were further treated with these most potent drugs. As a result, the cough turned from the lung into terry bronchitis, or even chronic? So our advice to you is: start treatment with herbs, continue treatment with herbs and end it on the same note that you started, that is, with herbs.

So what medicinal herbs can help you? Do not be alarmed, we do not invite to the meadows to collect medicinal herbs, they are all available in pharmacies, packaged and easy to brew. Or alcohol infused with pipettes for the correct dosage. But you still need to know what the medicinal herbs from which you make tea look – at least to show the children and say that these leaves help against colds.

What medicinal herbs help with colds? Yarrow herb can help, if insisted. So, it’s time to tell in what forms and forms herbs are usually taken. There are only four of them: decoction, infusion, tincture and tea. With tea, we hope everything is clear.

How to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs? The recipe is simple: dry herb is poured with cold water, brought to a boil and cooked in boiling water for another 10 minutes. Then it is cooled to body temperature and filtered.

What are the herbs for colds

An infusion of medicinal herbs is prepared hot or cold. When cooking in a cold way, the herb is poured (hurray, even a kettle is not needed!) With cold water and kept in a closed vessel for XNUMX hours, like a genie. When the period of imprisonment (that is, a day) has expired, the infusion can be taken.

The hot method of preparing an infusion of medicinal herbs is akin to brewing or boiling, but with the only difference that the water should not be brought to a boil, otherwise useful substances will be destroyed. Sometimes infusions are prepared in a water bath. It is easy to organize it in an ordinary thermos, it will make your life easier. The herbal infusion can be prepared with water, oil, or alcohol. The first infusion was prepared by Avicenna back in the XNUMXth century in oil, but what kind of medicine he insisted on, history is silent.

The herbal tincture should stand for a longer time, and the medicine in this case is infused with alcohol. We sincerely do not recommend preparing tinctures on your own, since this is a troublesome business. In addition, all tinctures of medicinal herbs that a doctor can prescribe for you are sold in pharmacies! But if you are not looking for easy ways and you have more than enough time, then you can try to make a tincture at home.

So, we need a bottle with a wide mouth, gauze and, in fact, the medicinal herb that you are going to insist. We wrap the grass in cheesecloth, tie a string to a knot and immerse it in a still empty bottle. Then we pour alcohol (40–70 degrees) into the bottle, that is, ordinary vodka will work for these purposes. And leave to infuse for 5-6 days. Then we take out a bundle of medicinal herb, pour it into a dark glass bottle and treat ourselves to our pleasure. Tinctures are usually taken in 30 drops, but the doctor will tell you more precisely.

What to drink with a dry cough?

So, a decoction of yarrow helps with colds, in addition, drink linden tea with honey. Linden flowers need to be collected in the summer in an ecologically friendly area and dried or bought at a pharmacy. The regimen is four times a day.

What to drink with a dry cough? Rhizomes istode. They are included in many pharmacy collections, they are collected in Siberia, Ukraine and the Caucasus, at the latitude of Moscow you will not find it, unfortunately.

You can strengthen the immune system with tinctures of echinacea, ginseng or Chinese magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, and sea buckthorn. All of the above, except for sea buckthorn, should not be taken if you are prone to high blood pressure. Eat a tangerine better. It will at least be safer.

Sea buckthorn has practically everything that is used in medicine: the fruits can be eaten, they strengthen the immune system, they contain more vitamin C than oranges and tangerines combined. Sea buckthorn rubbed with sugar can be stored all winter in sealed jars. Oil is pressed from the seeds of sea buckthorn, and juice is made from the fruits – and if the first heals, then the second strengthens thanks to the same vitamin C, known to everyone from ascorbic acid.

When coughing, use sea buckthorn leaves. The day is brewed and infused with thyme (be careful during pregnancy!), Mint, oregano and St. John’s wort (bitter in taste, but it will pull with honey), add honey and sea buckthorn fruits rubbed with sugar. Then they drink. You can also just drink sea buckthorn juice with honey – the cough will go away much faster.

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