What helps with a hangover: 8 tips

The traditional Russian remedy for a hangover – a glass of vodka or a bottle of beer on top of the one drunk the day before – is far from the best option.

Doctors do not welcome such a system and warn that it can end in even greater intoxication and deterioration in well-being.

It is better to use one of the options from Vzboltay. But, remember that when taking any medication, you must first consult a doctor.

Get rid of the leftover alcohol

The easiest way to get rid of ethyl alcohol products is to give an enema or take a non-toxic laxative.

As an alternative, sorbents can be used: activated carbon (1 tab. / kg of weight), polyphepan, enterosgel, smectu.

Coal is recommended to crush and drink plenty of water. After 2 hours, you must definitely empty the intestines, otherwise the toxins will be absorbed back.

Speed ​​up your metabolic processes

In order for the body to quickly process the remnants of harmful substances, detoxify. Pharmaceutical preparations and home remedies will help with this:

  1. succinic acid

    It is recommended to dissolve 1 tablet every hour (but not more than 6 pieces in total).

    Succinic acid should also be taken with caution: it is contraindicated in gastritis, stomach ulcers, hypertension.

  2. Eleutherococcus tincture

    Drink 20-40 drops before meals. Analogues: picamilon (up to 200 mg per day) and pantogam (up to 2 g per day).

  3. Lemon acid

    Squeeze the juice of 2-3 lemons into boiled water in a ratio of 1:2.

  4. Lactic acid

    Contained in yogurt, kefir, ayran, koumiss, unpasteurized kvass (drink up to 0,6 liters per day).

  5. Honey

    During the day, eat a little about half a glass.

  6. Glutargin

    Take 1 g every hour (but not more than 4 times).

If nothing from the list is at hand, you can purchase special anti-hangover drugs (Limontar, DrinkOFF, Zorex).

The most powerful of them is Medichronal: it will help with a severe hangover, in other cases it is better to limit yourself to weaker means.

Slow down the entry of poisons into the body

Here, infusion of mountain ash, quinine (part of many tonics), pharmaceutical products “Antipohmelin” (4-6 tablets once) or “Korrda” (2 tablets three times a day) will help.

Restore fluid balance

Drink plenty of mineral water or diuretic fluids.

Also suitable are green tea, a combination of cabbage / cucumber pickle (1 cup) with plain water, oatmeal, non-alcoholic beer.

Watermelon, natural coffee, bearberry, strawberries, zucchini, dandelion also have a diuretic effect.

Cold and hot shower

The simplest option that has an antitoxic effect. It will also help to get rid of puffiness and alleviate the general condition.

A good effect will be a bath (even better – a sauna) or a warm bath with sea salt.

Stabilize your mood

Calm down, relax, put your nerves in order will help:

  1. Glycine (2 tablets per hour, no more than 5 times)

  2. Panangin / asparkam (1-2 tablets before meals)

  3. Magnesol (2-3 tablets dissolved)

  4. Magnesium solution (up to 3 times a day)

  5. Picamilon (up to 200 mg per day)

  6. Pantogam (2 g per day)

  7. Mexidol (1-2 tablets three times a day), Novo-Passit, Negrustin, Persen

If you don’t want to stuff your body with drugs, you can use natural analogues: drink milk, hop tincture, cocoa.

From herbal preparations, infusion of St. John’s wort, soothing herbal preparations, valerian, motherwort work well. For food, bananas and chocolate are ideal.

Replenish your energy

Energy drinks, coffee / tea, preparations containing stimulants (guarana, taurine, ginseng), a walk in the fresh air will help restore working capacity.

Don’t Expect a Morning Hangover If You Feel Like You’ve Been Drinking

Immediately after drinking alcohol, you can:

  1. Induce vomiting (effective way);

  2. Take digestive enzymes (mezim, creon, abomin);

  3. Drink sorbents (charcoal, smecta, enterosgel, filtrum) and empty the intestines / do an enema / take a laxative after 2 hours;

  4. Take special means (Alka-Seltzer, Bizon, Zorex, Morning Care, etc.);

  5. Drink lemon juice dissolved in water, B vitamins;

  6. Go in for sports / sex (if there are no problems with the heart), sleep well.

What not to take with a hangover

  1. Phenazepam. There is a high risk of choking on vomiting in a dream, and against the background of alcohol, hallucinations and other unpleasant consequences are possible.

  2. Corvalol, valocordin and valocerdin. These preparations contain phenobarbital, which is incompatible with ethanol.

  3. Paracetamol and citramon (load the liver), ibuprofen.

Relevance: 31.07.2019

Tags: Tips and life hacks

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