What have we done to keep fit for summer?

Do you exercise, eat right, but the excess weight does not go anywhere? You may be making one of these five mistakes.

In winter, summer seems unattainable far away. Spring is coming, and with it, a fitness club membership, brand new running shoes, a supply of chicken breast, bunches of greens and fresh vegetables in the refrigerator. But it’s already June on the calendar, and at best we lost a couple of centimeters at the waist. So what are we doing wrong?

Sleeping on the weekend

It would seem that this is terrible? After the “sleep marathon” on Saturday and Sunday, on Monday we are energetic and ready for the most intense workouts. But if your goal is a slim figure for the beach season, you are making a mistake. Sleep before dinner knocks down the usual rhythm of life, it becomes more difficult to fall asleep in the evenings, the quality of sleep worsens. And the less sound our sleep is, the more difficult it will be to get rid of extra pounds.

Losing even thirty minutes of sleep leads to excessive production of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger. Therefore, even after a hearty breakfast, you may not feel full. To curb your appetite and manage those stubborn pounds, follow a routine and try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.

Starting the day with coffee

Unless you get up at night every couple of hours to drink a glass of water, your body will be extremely dehydrated when you wake up in the morning. This makes us lethargic and fuels our appetite – the brain often mistakes thirst signals for hunger signals.

If the body does not receive enough energy, calories are stored for a “rainy day”

A cup of coffee may give you a little refreshment, but it will increase your levels of dehydration and make you feel more hungry. Drink one to two large glasses of water before breakfast. But a cup of black coffee can be afforded only after a meal.

skipping lunch

We are all incredibly busy people, and at work sometimes we can’t find even half an hour for lunch. But cutting calories and not eating a full meal will only provoke further weight gain. If the body does not receive enough energy, then metabolism slows down, calories are stored for a rainy day.

Even if you decide to cut back on your calorie intake, eat little but often. A protein shake, an apple or a pear, a handful of nuts will not let you feel hungry between meals, and your metabolism will remain at the right level.

Complaining about the diet

If over the past week you have managed to complain about the new diet to your partner, colleagues, friends and family, it’s time to think about how this diet suits you. Diet and training plan should not cause suffering. Try to find a healthy diet that suits your tastes. Look for alternatives – if you can’t stand the taste of Brussels sprouts, you can substitute broccoli for it. “If you love your diet and workout plan, then they have every chance of becoming your new lifestyle,” says nutritionist and personal trainer Jim White.

We reward ourselves with sweets for efforts

Or we arrange a Sunday “cheat meal”, a day when you can eat everything. It would seem logical. We tried hard all week, cycling, squatting, running in the park, why not relax on one of the weekends – eat a chocolate bar or a piece of cake? The problem is that “boot” days are the main reason why your weight stays in place. Three hundred calories of chocolate-caramel brownie, we can drive only after an hour of intensive work on the cardio machine. Instead, reward yourself with a massage, manicure, or movie. Just take a glass of fresh berries instead of popcorn.

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