What happens when you give up sugar? This change will do you good

You do not need to be a qualified sociologist to be able to express the observation that there is far too much sugar in the daily diet of Poles. Some studies even report that children (!) Consume up to 19 teaspoons of sugar a day. We check what changes take place in the body if we limit sugar in the daily menu.

  1. Reducing sugar can have many health benefits
  2. Sugar restriction is one way to support your weight loss diet
  3. If you reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, you will have more energy and… less dental problems
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Give up sugar to lose weight

People wishing to lose weight should take a comprehensive look at their lifestyle, especially how they take care of their sleep, hydration, physical activity and the quality of nutrition. The menu should be consulted individually based on many variables, but there are some universal tips that can be implemented by any person thinking about losing weight. One of them is sugar restriction in the diet.

  1. Make an appointment with a dietitian by performing an E-panel before visiting a dietitian – home blood collection from the patient.

Products that contain only naturally occurring sugars (such as fruit) and do not contain additional sugars are lower in calories. Such selection of meals will make it easier to compose a valuable menu that meets individual caloric needs.

An analysis of dozens of trials and observational studies published in “BMJ”, the British medical journal, found that reducing the amount of added sugar in the diet – by 10 to 71 g per day – reduced body weight.

Carefully choose dietary supplements for slimming

When choosing dietary supplements for weight loss, be careful. It is best to choose products with a natural composition. Do shopping at MedonetMarket.pl:

  1. L-carnitine 500mg – a slimming supplement,
  2. A TWO-PACK of weight loss supplements – Chrome Picolinate 200 mcg,
  3. Slimming – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit,
  4. A set of dietary supplements supporting slimming – Garcinia Cambogia + Chromium picolinate,
  5. A set of YANGO slimming supplements,
  6. Herbal weight loss kit.

By limiting sugar, you prevent diabetes

Consuming large amounts of sugar with meals causes weight problems and reduces insulin sensitivity, leading to insulin resistance and diabetes. Therefore, by choosing to limit sugar in your diet, you can prevent health problems.

Sugar added to foods you consume on a daily basis causes metabolic and hormonal changes that increase the risk of diabetes. Too much sugar also means to consume too much calories, which means weight gain and higher blood glucose levels. This is a vicious cycle that is harmful to your health and you can fortunately get out of there.

To make the theses credible, it is worth looking at the research published in the journal “Diabetes Care”. Researchers found that people replacing one sweet drink or fruit juice a day with water or another type of drink without added sugar had up to 10 percent. lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

  1. Check if you have diabetes – diagnostic test package,

By reducing sugar, you will be less susceptible to disease and wastage

The fact that sugar promotes caries is passed down to us from childhood. Research has shown that the bacteria on the teeth metabolize sugar, which causes the production of the mineral-reducing acid from the enamel. Hence the straight path to cavities. There is evidence that consuming less than 50 g of added sugar per day will result in a lower risk of cavities. By deciding to lower this amount to 25 g, the risk drops even more.

  1. Also read: Caries is fought from the first tooth

It is also worth looking at the relationship between sugar consumption and susceptibility to disease. There is a known study in mice where it was shown that high sugar consumption changes the balance of bacteria in the gut. In addition, all types of added sugars (fructose, sucrose, glucose, HFCS) have been shown to raise the level of C-reactive protein, a key marker of inflammation. It is worth adding that chronic inflammation is an unhealthy and abnormal immune response of the body. Its effect may be an overload of the human immune system.


If you want to check the level of C-reactive protein, try the Home test for determining the concentration of CRP in the blood.

A study published in the journal Nutrition Research found that a reduction of about 23 grams in the daily intake of added sugar was associated with a significant reduction in C-reactive protein levels. So it’s worth considering reducing the added sugar, so you can reduce susceptibility to disease, minimize existing inflammation, and improve the body’s overall immune function.

Lower sugar in the body promotes heart health

It is worth reducing the amount of sugar consumed in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases. A healthier diet = a healthy heart. Study 31 thousand 147 American adults, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that humans supplying between 10 and 24 percent of their daily calories in the form of added sugar (50 to 120 g) were 30 percent. more likely to die from heart disease than those who gave their body less sugar.

A diet rich in meals with added sugar causes an increase in blood pressure, increased inflammation and abnormalities in the work of the liver. The liver then pumps harmful fats into the bloodstream, which increases the risk of heart disease.

Take care of your heart

The offer of the MedonetMarket.pl store includes:

  1. E-packet heart – blood tests to monitor the work of the heart,
  2. Ubiquinol 100 mg – a dietary supplement for the heart,
  3. For the heart – herbal set,
  4. Formula for the heart – Panaseus dietary supplement.

It is also worth making an appointment for an Echo of the heart and a cardiologist, as well as getting a blood pressure monitor.

Editors recommend: The 10 Latest Principles of the Nutritional Pattern for a Healthy Heart

Sugar reduction effects

Sugar is addictive and we often crave sweet snacks. This is because sugar triggers the release of dopamine, which has a stimulating effect on the brain’s reward center. If we refrain from excessive consumption of such products, the sugar craving will soon decrease. It is worth approaching the topic gradually. Suddenly restricting sugar in your diet can cause withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, headaches and an increased craving for sugar. If you manage to make it through this time, you’ll notice an increase in energy almost immediately due to fewer peaks and drops in blood sugar levels. It is also related to the fact that people who consume less added sugar have healthier sleep – longer and more quality sleep.


Can’t help but grab your favorite snacks every once in a while? Try healthier substitutes for sweetness, for example Creametto OstroVit sugar-free spread – various flavors, Florbu sugar-free cookies, Bonelle sugar-free jelly and Torras sugar-free milk chocolate 75g.

A very important benefit of reducing blood sugar is the reduction of the risk of depression and cognitive decline. Excessive consumption of sugar increases the likelihood of mental problems, such as anxiety and depression. According to the researchers, it has to do with inflammation in the brain, which is caused by a higher glycemic index.

Limiting sugar brings not only health benefits, but also beauty. It turns out that by avoiding excess sugar added in the diet, we can delay skin aging. Research suggests that reducing sugar consumption can slow the aging process by up to 25 percent.

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