What happens when you drink a glass of wine every day? Can alcohol be healthy for the body?

Many people are convinced that drinking a glass of wine every day is a simple recipe to strengthen the body and improve your health. There is still much controversy surrounding this popular myth about the presence of harmful ethanol in alcohol. However, some people believe that the antioxidant content of wine is healthy and has many benefits. What does it really look like? How does alcohol affect the human body? Is it worth drinking a glass of wine a day?

  1. Wine has little health-promoting effect due to the content of polyphenols, i.e. antioxidants that inhibit the development of free radicals and reduce the risk of certain diseases
  2. Alcohol hinders the absorption of water, which is why it often leads to dehydration, which is dangerous to your health
  3. Regular drinking of small amounts of red wine can have a positive effect on the heart, brain and skeletal system, but also has a negative impact on the health of the liver, sleep quality and digestive tract.
  4. The key to staying healthy is using common sense and not drinking too often
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Wine for health – fact or myth?

Alcohol abuse is one of the most common addictions among Poles. This is common among both young and old people. The tendency to reach for alcohol results primarily from personal problems, not coping with stress and emotions, as well as the high availability of stimulants in almost every store. Despite the widely known the consequences of alcohol abuse many people reach for a glass of wine every day, convinced that it has many health benefits. How is it really?

Polyphenols are natural antioxidants that inhibit the development of free radicals and have a very positive effect on the condition of the body. They slow down the aging processes of cells, reduce the risk of various diseases and, as a result, improve efficiency and well-being. Polyphenols are found in the grapes from which wine is made, among others. For this reason, scientists began to study the effects of this aromatic alcohol on the human body many years ago. So is drinking a glass of wine a day healthy?

How does alcohol affect your body?

Effects of drinking wine can be felt after just a few minutes. Balance disorders, unusual behavior and problems with concentration are just a few of them. Compounds contained in alcohol enter the bloodstream in the stomach, and then through the small intestine. It does not take much longer for the contaminated blood to reach the brain, with further consequences. Consuming wine hinders the absorption of water, which often results in dehydration that is dangerous to health. So can drinking alcohol have any positive effects?

The rest of the article under the video.

The influence of wine on the brain

Drinking a lot of alcohol or abusing it frequently destroys the structure of the brain, disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and causes permanent cognitive impairment. On the other hand, regular but moderate drinking of wine in small amounts can even have a positive effect on the work of the brain. Elderly people who included this drink in their diet had a much larger total brain volume than those who drank beer or did not drink alcohol. According to research results, consuming wine may contribute to reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and memory impairment.

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The effect of wine on the heart

The positive effect of wine on the work of the cardiovascular system is one of the most frequently mentioned benefits of consuming this drink. It is related to the presence of polyphenols that inhibit the development of free radicals. As a result, the risk of contracting certain neoplastic diseases is reduced. What’s more, antioxidants reduce platelet aggregation, thus limiting its excessive clotting. This means that the blood becomes thinner and easier for it to be given to the heart. A positive effect on the level of good cholesterol has also been noticed.

However, it must be remembered that alcohol abuse can have the opposite effect and lead to a permanent one weakening of the heart muscle, which is a disease known as cardiomyopathy.

The influence of wine on the skeletal system

The question of the influence of alcohol on the skeletal system is still quite ambiguous. On the one hand, it has been proven that small amounts of wine in the diet contribute to the improvement of the absorption of calcium from food – an ingredient necessary for the proper development of bones and avoiding dangerous cavities. However, it has also been proven that by irritating the digestive system, alcohol may deteriorate the absorption of certain minerals, thus increasing the risk of developing osteoporosis, among others. This is especially true for menopausal women, as they are at risk of developing the disease by stopping estrogen production.

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The influence of wine on the digestive system

It is not without reason that many people suffer from stomach problems after a drunk party, which are manifested by pain, flatulence, heartburn or diarrhea. Alcohol does strong irritating effect on the digestive system. Drinking even a small amount of wine over-stimulates the production of gastric juices, causing discomfort, painful bloating and reluctance to eat. What’s more, the consumption of high-percentage alcoholic beverages can even cause inflammation in the digestive tract and cause serious diseases.

The liver, which is responsible for filtering food intake and getting rid of toxins from the body, is heavily burdened if a person drinks alcohol frequently. In addition, ethanol is a huge challenge for this organ, because it is difficult to digest and rich in harmful substances. Excessive exposure of the liver to such a large amount of effort can cause cirrhosis and fatty liver, threatening your health and life.

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The effect of wine on sleep

One of the most common myths about alcohol is that it can benefit your health overnight. Many people believe that drinking a glass of wine before going to bed it will improve the quality of rest and make you feel much better in the morning. Unfortunately, the truth is quite different. Although alcohol can actually help you fall asleep, it significantly worsens the quality of the NREM phase, during which the whole organism deeply regenerates. As a result, after drinking wine in the evening, sleep is less effective. Cognitive functions are also disturbed – the ability to remember and learn is deteriorated, and after waking up, concentration problems are felt.

The influence of wine on the well-being and mental state

Alcohol has a very bad effect not only on the physical health and condition of most organs, but also on the mental state and general well-being. Eating wine frequently it causes emotional disturbance, concentration disorders, as well as depressive states. As a result, the general mental state significantly worsens and the level of satisfaction on a daily basis decreases. This may translate into relations with the environment, work efficiency or simply the inability to enjoy everyday events.

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Consequences of frequent drinking of alcohol

Although sometimes a small amount of wine in the diet can contribute to a slight improvement in the health of the heart system or brain function, it is also necessary to awareness of the negative consequences consuming it. Life-threatening liver diseases – cirrhosis and fatty liver – have been found in almost all alcohol addicts. In both cases, organ pathologies make it difficult, and with time even prevent the work of filtering harmful substances and draining bile. This condition can be really dangerous because it is a serious disturbance in the functioning of the whole organism.

Drinking alcohol also contributes to you experience a stroke, damage to nerve cells, impaired concentration, dementia, problems with remembering, and to the dangerous high blood pressure. Too frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages also increases the risk of irritation and, as a result, even the development of intestinal cancer, stomach, esophagus or larynx.

A glass of wine a day – to drink or not to drink?

Studies have shown that in some cases, drinking a small amount of wine can have a positive effect on health. The work of the heart improves, and in old age the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease is reduced. Unfortunately, on the other hand, the impact of alcohol on the body is also very harmful. Its consumption increases the work of the liver, which over time is no longer efficient enough to be able to efficiently get rid of the toxins contained in the wine.

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However, it should be remembered that small amounts of polyphenols contained in wine are not the only component of this stimulant. Each bottle also contains: extremely harmful ethanol, polysaccharides, i.e. sugars, as well as acids and often also sulphates. All these elements are very toxic to the human body. So is it worth drinking a glass of wine every day?

A much better and healthier solution is to use common sense and consume alcohol as little as possible occasionally. Valuable antioxidants are not only contained in wine – it is better to supply them with yourself a healthy, balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the problems of the perineum – a part of the body just like any other. And although it concerns all of us, it is still a taboo subject that we are often ashamed to talk about. What do hormonal changes and natural births change? How not to harm the pelvic floor muscles and how to care for them? How do we talk about perineal problems with our daughters? About this and many other aspects of the problem in a new episode of the podcast.

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