What happens when you donate blood?

How is the blood collection going?
When you donate blood, you must first create or update your donor record. You are then assigned a login which allows you to follow the donation chain anonymously.
Then you have to to fill out a questionnaire in order to prepare maintenance with an EFS healthcare professional. This interview is confidential and aims to ensure that the donation presents no risk to the donor or recipient (medical history, risky behavior, etc.).
The healthcare professional then makes a quick physical examination which consists of taking blood pressure and checking the donor’s hemoglobin level.
After a favorable opinion from the healthcare professional, we proceed to the sample. The method is same as for a blood test.
The first milliliters of blood collected will not enter the transfusion circuit, but will be used to fill the analysis tubes for carrying out biological examinations.
The rest of the blood is collected in a donation collection bag intended for transfusion.