What happens to your liver when you drink beer every day?

Beer is a popular alcoholic drink. It contains much less alcohol than vodka or wine and is considered very refreshing, especially on warm days. But when it comes to beer, you also have to be careful. Even a small amount of beer drunk regularly can be fatal for our liver.

  1. The liver is a key organ in our body. It can take a lot and is not easily damaged
  2. The most dangerous toxin for the liver is alcohol, even the low-percentage alcohol
  3. Regular drinking of beer can lead to fatty liver disease, inflammation and even cirrhosis
  4. The latter condition is irreversible, sometimes the only salvation is liver transplantation
  5.  More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page    

Liver – what are its functions?

Alcohol adversely affects many of our organs. First of all, it concerns the liver. One of the liver’s key functions is to break down and filter out toxins and other harmful substances, and alcohol is considered a toxin. The liver also produces proteins, enzymes, and hormones that our body uses to stop infection.

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The liver also helps to remove toxins from our body, it is also responsible for the production of bile, which helps to break down fats in the intestines. Other tasks of the liver include regulating blood glucose levels and producing proteins responsible for the blood clotting process.

As you can see, the liver is responsible for many key processes in the body, so it must remain in perfect shape to function properly. If you drink too much alcohol, such as two to three beers a day, can damage your liver.

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The rest of the text below the video.

How does beer threaten our liver?

Heavy drinkers, including beer, are at high risk of developing alcoholic fatty liver disease, also known as fatty liver disease. Alcohol consumption can inhibit the breakdown of fats in the liver, which is why fat accumulates. It is estimated that up to 90 percent. alcohol abusers to some extent are affected by this condition.

– Worse for the liver is the so-called the Mediterranean model of alcohol consumption, i.e. drinking moderate amounts of alcohol every day than the northern European one, i.e. drinking at weekends or much larger amounts once every few weeks – said Dr. Jakub Klapaczyński, a hepatologist in an interview with Medonet.

The liver is also responsible for the breakdown of most alcohol you drink – a process that generates harmful substances such as acetaldehyde, a highly toxic compound. These substances can then cause inflammation, damage liver cells and ultimately weaken the body’s immune system. Fortunately, alcoholic fatty liver disease is a reversible condition.

Someone with fatty liver disease can reverse the condition by removing alcohol from the diet for at least a few weeks. So, if you drink beer regularly and start to feel discomfort near your liver, feel tired, or unexplained weight loss, these could be symptoms of alcoholic liver disease.

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The changes may be irreversible

If left untreated, alcoholic fatty liver disease can develop into alcoholic hepatitis, which is a much more severe condition and can be irreversible. The best way to treat people with this type of liver damage is complete abstinence.

Long-term alcohol consumption can damage the liver, a process known as fibrosis. Scars form on the liver. As more and more healthy tissues are replaced with harder scars, cirrhosis develops. Cirrhosis of the liver prevents this organ from working properly. In extreme cases, the only salvation may be a liver transplant.

The liver is supported by numerous herbs, such as turmeric, artichoke or bad luck and knotweed. Order today FOR THE LIVER – herbal tea, in which you will find, among others just the above-mentioned herbs.

So if you suspect something is wrong with your liver, make an appointment to see your doctor. Up to 40 percent people with cirrhosis of the liver may have no symptoms or mild symptoms.

Before this happens, however, limit your beer consumption. Let it be one beer every other day or less. In this way, you protect the liver from damage.

In the prevention of liver diseases, you can also drink herbal teas, for example made of SteroHerbs Liver – a herbal mixture available on Medonet Market in a large economic package.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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