What happens to your brain when you drink? You will definitely limit your alcohol

Alcohol has long been an integral part of our culture. Poles drink it when celebrating various occasions, wanting to cheer themselves up, or to help themselves fall asleep faster. Many of us still seem unaware of the debilitating effects alcohol can have on the human body especially the brain.

  1. Alcohol interferes with the work of neurotransmitters in the brain, making the body unable to function properly
  2. Persons who consume alcohol chronically are at risk of, inter alia, for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease
  3. Excessive consumption of alcohol can result in a reduction in the volume of the brain
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

From time to time, the results of studies showing that occasional alcohol consumption are recalled especially red wine in small amounts, it has a beneficial effect on our health. This drink has a positive effect on the human heart, for example. Some people forget, however, that the study mentioned rarely drinking alcohol and thus try to justify the consumption of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages. And such a situation can be extremely harmful to our health. The brain is particularly vulnerable.

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Effect of alcohol on brain function

Often, when consuming alcohol, the human body behaves completely differently than usual. It has to do with the brain not working properly. Located in it Then, neurotransmitters, which are responsible for the distribution of chemicals throughout the organ, suffer from disorders, and this, in turn, affects the weaker control of our behavior, emotions and physical fitness.

This is why some people, after drinking more alcohol, become aggressive, for example, and some have difficulty moving. In addition, a disorder of the neurotransmitter called “GABA” affects the quality of our sleep. After the initial sleep-promoting effect, alcohol is digested in the body during the later hours of rest, causing more frequent waking and lighter sleep. Therefore, we often wake up tired after drinking alcohol.

It is not uncommon for a temporary memory loss to occur after drinking too much alcohol. This is due to a disorder that then occurs in our hippocampus, the region of the brain that plays a major role in creating new memories. This can also have very negative effects on your health in the long run.

A large proportion of people like to drink alcohol because, despite the negative effects it can cause, it obviously affects our well-being. When consuming high-alcohol drinks, dopamine is released in the brain, which puts us in a good mood and has a relaxing effect.

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The dangerous effects of excessive alcohol consumption

Numerous studies show that frequent and excessive alcohol consumption can have a very bad effect on the work of the brain. One of the effects of too much drinking can be the death of brain cells. Adult mice were exposed to alcohol in an experiment at the University of Texas Department of Neurobiology. In the results, scientists found that the substance killed stem cells in animals, which are essential for normal cognitive functioning and are used to create new nerve cells.

In addition, the study found that Long-term alcohol users may be prone to brain damage and neurodegeneration, which can result in diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Another study published in the Archives of Neurology found that excessive alcohol consumption can result in a decrease in the volume of the brain, which also negatively affects the entire human body.

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You have to drink wisely so as not to harm the brain

According to Dr. Sujay Kansagra, a neurologist at Duke University in North Carolina, it is important to “try to drink in moderation and always avoid combining alcohol with medications such as sleeping pills and pain relievers.” So if we are going to drink, it is best to limit ourselves to a glass of red wine, which will positively affect the work of the heart.

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