What happens to women after childbirth

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The joy of motherhood is often clouded by health problems, which only doctors can help get rid of.

It is finished! You became a mom. Together with the joy of motherhood, a young woman also acquires problems that arise as a result of labor. There are many of them, but you can cope with them. We are talking about this with the candidate of medical sciences, the doctor-coloproctologist of the clinic “Movement” Alexei Soloviev.

– The first thing that almost all women who have given birth face are a violation of the process of defecation or bowel movement. This is due to the fact that during childbirth, the pelvic floor muscles were stretched or damaged, torn. Due to damage to the muscles of the pelvic day during childbirth, the anatomy of the pelvis is disrupted and, accordingly, many processes that occur in the pelvic organs are disrupted. After childbirth, problems arise in the intimate sphere – both the woman and the man notice that their sex is not the same as it was before the birth of the child. Moreover, women experience pain during intercourse, in medicine this is called dyspareunia. All this is a consequence of the thinning of the tissue between the vagina and the rectum.

Alexey Olegovich Soloviev

– Yes. We have damaged the muscle, and it ceases to function normally. If you do not take any measures, over the years there is a prolapse of the cervix, such an unpleasant phenomenon as urinary incontinence appears. Understand, you can give birth in the coolest place, under the supervision of the most advanced specialist, but this problem will still overtake. There are both anatomical and hereditary prerequisites for this. Everyone has different muscles, connective tissues, possibilities of tissue stretching and its restoration, different anthropometry.

– It’s all very individual. And to a greater extent depends on what kind of damage the woman received during childbirth. Doctors distinguish four degrees of rupture. The first is when only the mucous membrane is damaged. Such a gap cannot end badly. The second is a rupture with damage to the muscle wall. The third degree is a rupture, in which a portion of the sphincter (rectum) is damaged. Fourth – when the rectal wall is also damaged. Depending on the gaps, there will be manifestations. If any symptoms appear – hemorrhoids, fissures, difficult defecation, any pain in the anus, – the woman goes to the proctologist. But you need to understand that with constipation, she can go to the gastroenterologist, and if there is discomfort in the lower abdomen, then she goes to the gynecologist. But gynecologists do not deal with rectal problems, moreover, they are afraid of it!

If unpleasant symptoms persist for a month after childbirth, you need to go to the doctor. But if you are tormented by severe pain, do not endure, do not delay, visit a specialist!

– To the centers that deal with this systematically. This exists on the basis of the clinic “Movement” – the Center for Urogynecology. Roughly speaking, three specialists – a proctologist, a gynecologist and a urologist – sit in neighboring offices and conduct an appointment at the same time. And coming to one of the doctors, the patient, if necessary, receives advice from two more. We have been practicing this approach since 2014. We have our own patented treatment methods. The specialists of the Movement clinic perform all kinds of surgeries associated with postpartum complications. As a result of sphincterolevatoroplasty, the muscles converge, and the anatomy that the woman had before childbirth is restored.

– Of course not. As with any disease, treatment begins with conservative methods. There is a special gymnastics, in the clinic “Movement” there are a variety of physiotherapy procedures, with the help of which you can solve a number of problems. With proctological symptoms, constipation, we begin by figuring out how the patient eats. Sometimes it is enough to change the diet to help her.

– They are good anyway. For example, a year after giving birth, a woman had such problems. We look and understand that the body is still quite young, with a good margin of tissue strength, the atrophy of the torn muscle has not yet occurred. We tell her that physical therapy is enough. And if a woman’s muscle over time has become thinner, goes to the side, stretched, a pocket of the rectum forms. Every time there are problems with stool, difficulty with bowel movements. Plus there is excess weight, or a woman is engaged in hard physical work. As a result, there is a prolapse of the cervix, there is such a nuisance as urinary incontinence. The operation is already indicated for such women. But as a preparation for it, we still advise you to go through physiotherapy procedures in order to tone the muscles, improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs.

– Any perineal surgery is a contraindication for further natural childbirth. These women are delivered by caesarean section. We need to weigh the pros and cons ourselves, because we are talking about the quality of life. The operation solves several problems – it eliminates the difficulties with defecation, restores sexual functions and is the prevention of prolapse of the uterus. It is important! When there are symptoms, you should see a specialist. Yes, six weeks after giving birth, women who are attentive to themselves go to the gynecologist. But it is better to go to the center that specializes in postpartum problems. You cannot treat this as a headache – it will hurt and pass. This, unfortunately, will not work. Yes, we can close our eyes to breaks. But we understand that in 15 years this woman will come to us with prolapse of the uterus. This means that she will have an operation that is much more difficult than sphincterolevatoroplasty.

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Working hours of the clinic “Movement”:

Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 20:00 pm,

Saturday – Sunday: 9:00 am – 14:00 pm

Clinic address:

400107, Volgograd

st. Rionskaya, 2,

phone (8442) 266-266.

There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.

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