What happens to us when we suffer alone

Sometimes we face something really difficult: an illness, the loss of a loved one, serious problems at work or in relationships. If we keep feelings in ourselves, then we only increase our suffering and cannot get rid of them.

Are you struggling day by day with everyday life? Are you trying to cope with difficulties without sharing with anyone what you are really going through? Most likely, at these moments the following is happening to you.

1. Wearing a “mask” exhausts you.

In any situation involving communication in society, you are forced to pretend, to hide your true state. As a rule, it depletes energetically. You smile, pretend that everything is in order, while the only thing you want is to cry, scream, lay out everything that is on your mind, get rid of this burden.

2. Trying to talk about the problem doesn’t help.

Have you tried sharing what’s bothering you with friends, family, or a therapist. But trying to explain what is happening to you is a real challenge. It begins to seem to you that even wiser, smarter, more competent people are not able to hear and understand you. You probably have to solve this problem on your own … But to feel completely alone in the fight against difficulties, even if someone sincerely wants to help you – what could be harder!

3. You feel lonely

You feel like you are isolated from those around you. Despite their physical presence, you feel that some kind of barrier separates you, a wall. And even if you happen to talk to them, and the conversations turn out to be very meaningful, you can’t help feeling that they don’t really understand you. As a result, you take the position of listening to other people’s problems, instead of sharing and solving your own.

4. You need friendship, understanding and love

It happens that you want to be alone with yourself, to “pull” yourself out of the outside world. Such a desire is quite normal: everyone needs sometimes to move away from everyday noise, to recuperate. The problem is that at the same time you feel the desire to be surrounded by people, looking for love and tenderness, although you avoid it.

5. You are considered unpredictable.

It may be said about you that you are “withdrawn”, that your mood changes like a flash. Mood swings are common to most, but because your problem is hidden from prying eyes, people do not understand what is happening to you, why certain words hurt you more than others.

6. Your thoughts are confused

You forget everything and are constantly in a state of stress and anxiety – even during sleep. Your brain is filled with parasitic thoughts that prevent you from thinking clearly, enjoying life, and generally functioning normally.

7. You believe that only you can help yourself.

You do not leave attempts to pull yourself together and figure everything out, of course, on your own. But this strategy is wrong. The only sound advice to follow is to surround yourself with people, share problems, find solutions together.

Man is a social being. We cannot be in eternal isolation. Communication and support of others gives us strength, motivates us to take new steps and discoveries, overcome fears, charges us with positive emotions, the desire to live and enjoy life.

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