What happens to the body on different days of the menstrual cycle
Women are highly dependent on the periods of their cycle. Let’s figure out how it works.
Why on “these” days some are ready to kill everyone they meet, while others do not even have the strength to get out of bed? Obstetrician-gynecologist Ekaterina Shchelkunova told about what a woman’s body experiences during ovulation and the menstrual cycle, as well as how our mood and state of health change.
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the Dialine network of multidisciplinary clinics
Optimism and kindness are the keys to good luck!
There are standards in the behavior of the body depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, but, as they say, each rule has exceptions, so there are always women who will say: “Everything is wrong with me.” And this can also be true, because everything is individual.
Estrogen is responsible for joy and vigor
The menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your period.… The uterus gets rid of the unfertilized egg while the woman’s body produces prostaglandin. It is he who is the reason that we feel pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen. At a time when our body experiences unpleasant sensations, the condition of the skin of the face improves: pimples, if any, disappear, and the oily sheen disappears.
Have you noticed that in the first days of your period you are like a squeezed lemon? Don’t you want to talk to anyone or go somewhere? It’s all about the hormone estrogen. When the amount drops sharply, many women tire faster than before and feel overworked from doing their daily routines.
In principle, this is understandable, because with blood we lose iron so necessary for our body, which is fraught with a state of weakness, drowsiness and apathy. Foods high in iron and a cup of cocoa will help fill this deficiency.
Sociability at altitude
From 6 to 13 days of the menstrual cycle is the best time to go out.… The thirst for communication grows in you, and you become a more pleasant interlocutor: you laugh more often, smile, joke. The level of estrogen is high, so a woman during this period feels an unprecedented surge of strength and is very active.
After menstruation, a woman is usually the most empathic and easily picks up the mood of others, so the likelihood of quarrels and conflicts is minimized.
Beauty is our everything
From the 14th to the 15th days of the cycle, a woman is especially beautiful. The thing is that these days ovulation occurs: the egg is ripe and moves to the uterus in anticipation of fertilization. The skin becomes smooth, radiant, moderately hydrated and velvety, and libido reaches its maximum. A woman during this period is not only incredibly beautiful, but also quite productive, capable of making the right decisions at lightning speed in critical situations.
The thing is that ovulation is the best period for the female body: the level of progesterone falls, and estrogen rises.
Time to relax
From the 16th to the 28th days of the cycle, all processes in the woman’s body slow down: the egg leaves the follicles, and a corpus luteum forms in its place. Many women have swelling at this time, and the skin becomes excessively oily, acne appears. The estrogen level drops sharply, the woman becomes overly emotional, impulsive with signs of increased anxiety.
This is premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which manifests itself in every woman in its own way, from terrible tearfulness to excessive appetite. At this time, we should all protect ourselves from the sources of nerves, create conditions for relaxation and look for more reasons for smiles and pleasures.
Did you recognize yourself at every stage of the cycle?
Yes! The specialist accurately described my behavior and well-being.
In places. I myself cannot keep track of the change in mood.
It is better to ask others: they know better!