Strictly speaking, the first two weeks out of 40, which lasts a pregnancy, are preparatory. First, ovulation will occur, then – the fertilization of the egg, and after a few more days it will attach to the uterine lining. And that day is technically the first day of your pregnancy.
In the first, preparatory week of pregnancy, there are still periods, when the uterus rejects the eggs of the previous month and the mucous membrane. Then the membrane begins to thicken again, new oocytes are produced.
There are no external signs of pregnancy in the first week yet. So far, all the body’s work is going on at the first stage: a mature egg is fertilized and forms a zygote, the first cell of the future man. But especially sensitive natures can feel the first symptoms.
1. Bloating and discomfort. Hormonal fluctuations have already begun, and the drops are quite serious, and this is reflected in the state of health.
2. Fatigue – it can be very strong even if you do nothing. The body stores energy in preparation for pregnancy.
3. The breasts become slightly swollen and more sensitive – all due to the same hormonal changes in the body.
4. Taste preferences begin to change, many people want something sweet or salty. These changes in the near future may intensify even more and be supplemented by toxicosis.
5. Headache, pulling sensation in the lower back – these are before menstruation. This is quite normal, but if they persist, then you need to see a doctor.
In addition, in the very first days after the attachment of the zygote to the uterine mucosa, the hCG hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, the main marker of pregnancy, will begin to be produced. It stops the menstrual cycle, and soon the amount of this hormone will rise so much that pregnancy tests will begin to respond to it. Well, a blood test will reveal its presence even earlier.
In the second week of pregnancy, the size of the embryo will reach a maximum of 1 millimeter, and it will weigh half a gram, or even less. But by the third week, it will already grow up to 4 millimeters, and very soon you can already see the future baby on an ultrasound scan.
If you are planning a child, doctors advise you to behave as if you are already in the first month: you need to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, consult with a specialist about which vitamins are best to take and whether you need them at all, eat right and follow the regimen day. Getting enough sleep is very important – you will need a lot of energy.