What happens in your body when you ride your bike? [WE EXPLAIN]

Not so long ago, Internet users followed the experiment of YouTuber Sven Vee, who decided to ride a bike for two hours each day for a month. At the end of this challenge, the man also shared the “before” and “after” photos. The difference was clear and no wonder. During regular cycling, a lot happens in the body, also in terms of health. What exactly? We list the most important phenomena.

Month with a bicycle. What can you expect?

Sven Vee became famous because of the experiment he carried out in front of Internet users. The man decided to cycle for two hours every day for 30 days. He did not change his diet.

As the interested person himself said, the first days of the experiment were not easy at all. The body, unaccustomed to such an effort, tired relatively quickly. With each subsequent training, however, the task turned out to be easier and easier. So much so that Vee not only kept to the time limit every day, but also began to accelerate his pedaling pace.

After a month, the effect of the experiment could already be seen with the naked eye: the man’s muscles were clearly outlined. But it doesn’t stop there. His efficiency has also increased, as evidenced by the fact that by the end he was already able to run at a speed of 45 km / h (initially it was 32 km / h). The man also managed to reduce the amount of body fat.

– I lost about three kilos. It is not a lot, but mainly because I did not change my diet to a slightly healthier one, the man argues. My challenge shows that exercise and dieting alone have a pretty big impact on your results, Vee continues. The most important part for me is also not the metrics. Importantly, I was consistently doing my job and completing the 30-day challenge without skipping a single training session. It is very encouraging.

The spine strengthens

Cycling is one of the sports recommended for people who have joint problems or the condition of their spine does not allow for more strenuous activities. During bicycle trips, the joints are not overloaded, and cycling strengthens the skeletal system. This is good news especially for people who spend most of the day sitting. Regular cycling can reverse the negative changes associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

However, for this sport to actually have a good effect on the spine, it is necessary to choose the right equipment and its correct adjustment. Otherwise, the effect may be counterproductive.

The condition of the whole organism improves

During training on two wheels, the whole body is harnessed to work. The skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and even digestive systems are stimulated to act. Regular cycling workouts strengthen the entire body. After a few weeks, you will notice an increase in your body’s efficiency (you will tire more slowly). The volume of your lungs will also increase, making it harder for you to breathlessly. Exercise will also increase blood flow in the body, oxygenating the body better and strengthening the heart. And this is very important, because when this organ is in good condition, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (which today is a real epidemic and the first cause of death in the world) is reduced. Cycling also keeps the ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol in check.

Sugar under control

A lower risk of hypertension or atherosclerosis is just one of the many good things about cycling. Another relates to diseases that are associated with dysregulated glycemia, i.e. blood glucose levels. At the forefront of the ailments associated with it is, of course, diabetes – a chronic disease with a powerful negative impact on the body. Diabetes systematically weakens individual organs, leading to further diseases. Due to regular physical activity, including cycling, blood glucose levels are normalized, protecting us against this dangerous disease of civilization.

Better metabolism, healthier digestive system

Physical activity also has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system – improving metabolism, improving the work of the stomach and intestines. In practice, this means that the body copes with food debris more efficiently, pushing it faster to the end of the digestive system. This, in turn, reduces the risk of ailments such as gas, heartburn and constipation.

The bike is slimming

Another important process of cycling is burning fat faster. Driving for an hour at a speed of 20 km / h allows you to use up to 500 kcal. Thanks to this, unless we finish the training with a high-energy meal, cycling leads directly to the loss of unnecessary kilograms. In addition, this type of training also has a positive effect on our figure, shaping individual muscles and forcing the correct posture. Cycling reduces lymphatic stagnation, which means that it is also a way to reduce cellulite.

You already know that cycling is a sport that positively affects the entire body. It is a physical activity that is very popular among amateurs due to its simple and pleasant nature. The bike also gives you a lot of freedom, because you can pedal on both bicycle paths in the city and picturesque routes in the forest or along the seaside beach. When getting on your bike, do not forget about the spirit of competition – take part in the nationwide campaign for the title of the Cycling Capital of Poland! Before each training session, start the free application «Active Cities», select a city and shoot kilometers under the banner of your little homeland. You can brag about the routes you traveled on social media by encouraging your friends to switch to two wheels, too. Same health!

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