The plank is one of the simplest basic exercises. But this is only at first glance. Experienced coaches and professional athletes recognize it as one of the most effective exercises, the effectiveness of which exceeds all expectations. The bar is under the power of absolutely every person, even with weak physical training. You can perform it in any convenient place without any sports equipment. All that is needed for this is a small area of the floor and the right attitude.
What does the bar give with regular classes
- Cortical muscles (support the spine and help us move) they become more developed and strong. As a result, there is a raised press, a flexible waist, slender, toned buttocks and thighs.
- The muscles of the back, chest, shoulders and neck are strengthened, and therefore the habit of slouching disappears. The posture becomes smooth and beautiful, and the figure visually looks slimmer.
- The condition of the spine improves. The load is evenly distributed throughout the body, and the risk of injuring the back is minimal.
- The coordination of movements becomes clearer and more confident. You will be able to keep your balance easily and for a long time. This makes it easier to perform other more complex exercises.
- Increases flexibility and stretching. The muscles of the chest, collarbones and shoulder blades, as well as inactive abdominal and hip muscles are being worked out. Even the muscles of the feet and toes become more flexible.
- The metabolism improves and continues to work at high speeds even during sleep. It is proved that the plank helps to “burn” more calories than any other classic exercises for the press.
- The emotional state returns to normal. The plank helps to remove the clamps in the muscles that occur during a sedentary lifestyle and, conversely, if you spend the whole day on your feet. The muscles become toned, the body relaxes and the nervous tension passes by itself.
How to properly perform the bar to get the most out of it
Classic plank at arm’s length
- Starting position: emphasis on straight arms and fingertips of straight legs.
- Important! Fully straighten your elbows and knees, put your palms exactly under your shoulders. Do not bend or lift the pelvis or lower back. Do not lower your head down and do not throw it back.
- Tighten the abdominal muscles and thighs.
- Fix the torso in this position and stay in it for as long as you can.
- To increase the load, bring your feet together. The closer they are to each other, the more difficult it is to fulfill the bar. Also, to increase efficiency, you can lower yourself from the hands to the forearms.
Beginners are recommended to hold the bar for 15-20 seconds at the first stage. Gradually add 5-10 seconds to this segment to eventually bring the total execution time to 5 minutes. That’s how much it takes to get the maximum result. Remember, you need to do the bar regularly and with pleasure as much as possible. Practice with your favorite music, audiobook or movie.