What happens if you eat green foods every day recipes, benefits, expert advice

What happens if you eat green foods every day recipes, benefits, expert advice

We choose food not by calorie content and composition, but by color!

It turns out that this approach to nutrition is very beneficial for health and beauty. Olga Malakhova, an anti-aging medicine doctor, an expert on natural rejuvenation, will tell you what a “green day” is and why you need it.

What is a Green Day?

Once a week it is very effective to arrange a “green day” when we eat only green foods. There are a huge number of them:

  • vegetables;

  • fruit;

  • greenery;

  • cereals;

  • beans;

  • butter;

  • teas.

The diet turns out to be completely balanced, proteins, fats and carbohydrates enter the body. At the same time, the amount of food is not limited, you can eat as much as you want. If you practice “green day” regularly, then positive results will not be long in coming.

Why is a green diet good for you?

1. The fact is that green foods contain chlorophyll, which is similar in molecular structure to hemoglobin. The difference is only in one atom: in humans – iron, in plants – magnesium. As a result, when we eat green foods, we support blood formation. In addition, thanks to the Green Day, toxins will go away. The secret is that greens bind and remove heavy metal salts and poisons.

2. The intestines, liver, kidneys and stomach will thank you for such a diet.

  • Fiber, found in lettuce and greens, stabilizes blood sugar levels.

  • Dietary fiber cleanses the intestines and prevents overeating.

  • Certain vegetables prevent gastritis and ulcers, such as broccoli, which can kill Helicobacter Pylori.

  • The liver, thanks to green products, will unload, self-heal and excrete bile better.

  • Mineral salts and water, which are abundant in these foods, will help the kidneys to cleanse and repair.

3. In addition, thanks to the Green Day the body will alkalize… This is very important, since most people have a disturbed pH balance, there is an increased acidity of the blood, which is why pathogenic microflora is actively growing, which reduces immunity and leads to various diseases. And one day, when parsley, cucumbers, celery, spinach and other green foods are on the table, will help to establish a pH balance.

By the way, the German scientist Otto Warburg proved that even cancer cells die in an alkaline environment rich in oxygen, and received the Nobel Prize for this.

4. Green Day makes skin shine, the brain – to produce hormones of happiness. That is why such nutrition only once a week is a gentle cellular detox and an excellent anti-age solution!

5. Another indisputable advantage is that such a diet is suitable for everyone, even pregnant and lactating mothers. The only thing is to be more careful for people who have or have had oxalate stones, it is better for them to consult a doctor first.

Thus, “green day” is not fasting, it is a special type of food, when once a week you choose food according to its color. Thanks to this, not only there is a positive effect on the organs, but also cellular rejuvenation is ensured, since the cells are filled with oxygen, nutrients and receive detoxification. As a result, such nutrition has an anti-age effect.

Diet during the Green Day

Moreover, a wide variety of dishes can be prepared from green products – snacks, salads, soups and even hot dishes and desserts.


For example, great for breakfast:

– green buckwheat. You can make porridge, rolls or pancakes from it; 

– You can also start the day with a spinach and avocado smoothie or green grape, avocado, apple, cucumber and mint smoothie.


For lunch you can do:

– broccoli puree soup;

– spinach.


There are also a lot of options for dinner:

– green lentil cutlets with salad;

– broccoli tortillas with chimichuri sauce;

– zucchini spaghetti (we do not use pasta, but cut the zucchini with a vegetable cutter into thin strips like spaghetti);

– zucchini with pesto;

– broccoli or cauliflower with sauce.

The sauce, for example, can be made with basil, nuts, garlic, olive oil, and salt and pepper. It is better to pre-soak the nuts overnight, and then wash and dry. Then all the ingredients are mixed in a blender, spinach and parsley can also be added if desired.


As a dessert, you can consider:

– kiwi chia pudding;

– chocolate avocado mousse.

A salad can be made any time of the day. For example, a very healthy and satisfying option made from cucumber, green apple, dill, pumpkin seeds, Swiss chard and olive oil. Alternatively, mix broccoli, root, celery and pumpkin seeds.


During the “green day” try to drink more than eat, consume at least 2 liters of water.

In summer, lime and mint lemonade can help quench your thirst.

Herbal teas are also helpful.

Useful Tips

  • Focus on raw foods rather than cooked foods. If you are cooking food, it is better to steam the food rather than fry it.

  • Try to chew food as thoroughly as possible, do not swallow in chunks, try to chew at least 30 times.

  • Move more, walk in the fresh air and exercise.

Observing the “green day” just once a week, you will help your body become healthier and more beautiful inside and out, improve your well-being and mood.

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