What happens if you drink beer every day

Many people are interested in the answer to the question: “What will happen if a man or a woman drinks beer every day?”.

Vzboltay decided to look into this issue, as usual, briefly and clearly read below …

Hangover syndrome

About half an hour after drinking the drink, a person experiences positive emotions, becomes overly cheerful.

After an hour and a half, all joy disappears, drowsiness arises. The body requires frequent trips to the toilet to empty the bladder. This leads to dehydration.

It will take about half a day and you will experience hangover symptoms:

  1. The skin becomes pale.

  2. Possible dizziness.

  3. There is a strong feeling of thirst.

  4. There will be severe headaches and trembling in the body.

  5. The mood is spoiled.

Problems in the digestive system

Beer irritates the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach, interferes with the natural process of creating gastric juice.

The glands that are on the walls of the stomach create a large amount of mucus, and over time they can atrophy.

Food is not completely digested in the digestive system, it enters the intestines half processed.

The liver stops functioning normally

The main task of the liver is to cleanse the body of toxic substances. With daily use of a foamy drink, the liver is constantly struggling with the toxicity of ethyl alcohol.

The effectiveness of the body’s defense against other toxic substances is significantly reduced.

kidneys suffer

This body regulates the water-electrolyte balance, maintains the internal environment in good condition.

When drinking beer, there is a significant load, so the kidneys have to work in an enhanced mode.

Ethyl alcohol, which is necessarily present in the composition of the foamy drink, negatively affects the kidney tissue. That is why filtration is greatly enhanced in the internal organ.

Together with toxic substances, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which are necessary for the normal operation of all internal systems, are removed from the body.

The work of the heart is disrupted

When drinking beer, blood vessels overflow. Due to constant exposure to ethanol, they become flabby.

Over time, fat builds up on the heart, which can cause shortness of breath, increased pressure, or arrhythmia.

The endocrine system is not working properly

A person who drinks beer daily can develop a beer belly.

A man will definitely lose his “strength”, his voice will change

In addition to the negative impact on male potency, the social life of a person is changing. He has problems in family relationships, and daily expenses for beer lead to a “hole” in the budget.

Frequent use of a foamy drink is an addiction that will ruin your life and health.

Relevance: 21.11.2019

Tags: beer, cider, ale

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