What happens if you don’t wear panties? [WE EXPLAIN]

Doctors admit that sleeping naked is healthier than resting at night in windproof underwear. And what about the complete abandonment of panties, also during the day? This solution has advantages for both women and men. But it also has a few downsides.

  1. There are several important health benefits from not wearing panties
  2. This is especially beneficial for men, although women also benefit from this solution
  3. This does not mean, however, that resigning from wearing panties is an ideal solution
  4. On May 31, we celebrate the World Day without Panties
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Advantages of not wearing panties for women

The complete abandonment of underwear has several positive effects on the health of ladies. First of all, the lack of panties can reduce the risk of developing vaginal mycosis. The yeasts responsible for infections multiply in an environment that is warm and humid. Meanwhile, tight underwear, especially if it is made of synthetic materials, is conducive to such conditions.

  1. Check also: Why you shouldn’t sleep in panties? [WE EXPLAIN]

The second advantage of not wearing panties for women is less sweating and thus also the reduction of unpleasant odors. In addition, the lack of underwear minimizes the unpleasant sensations associated with pressing or chafing intimate parts. And this, in turn, leads us to another plus of this solution: lower risk of abrasions. The labia are delicate and easily irritated, and the tight-fitting material can damage the epidermis. This is not only unpleasant, it is also conducive to infections.

To reduce the risk of problems with infections or irritation, remember about proper intimate hygiene. Use Gentle intimate cleanser with extracts of blueberry and Anthyllis marigold, which you order from Medonet Market.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Advantages of not wearing panties for men

In the case of men, the benefits of giving up underwear are usually similar. Walking without panties therefore means less irritation, discomfort and less infection. The lack of underwear allows for better ventilation, preventing the development of, for example, fungal infections.

  1. Editors recommend: Discoloration of panties in the crotch – is it dangerous? “It took me years to find out what this means”

However, the benefits for men do not end there. Lack of underwear can also positively affect male fertility. The testicles are outside the body for a reason. This is due to the fact that the semen should be “stored” at a slightly lower temperature than the standard 36,6 degrees C. However, this effect is disturbed when a man wears underwear that is not airy. In such a situation, there is a risk that there will be less sperm and its quality will decline.

Disadvantages of not wearing panties regardless of gender

Apart from the undoubted advantages of not wearing underwear, however, there are also disadvantages. Both for men and women. In the absence of panties, the risk of irritation to the genitals still occurs, and is even higher, because in the case of, for example, stiff jeans, their material is harder than that used for the production of underwear. To avoid this negative effect, it is therefore necessary to wear loose and airy clothes. The risk of abrasions can be practically minimized if you choose skirts or pants with lowered crotch.

  1. Also read: What can happen if you don’t change your underwear every day?

Too tight clothes and lack of underwear are, in turn, a simple recipe for intimate infections, and therefore a problem that also arises when panties are worn. Here, too, the solution is to choose the garment in such a way that it does not stick to the body too much.

In order to avoid intimate infections, it is worth using an antibacterial and anti-fungal cleanser every day. It is worth using it not only at home, but also during trips, e.g. at the campground. It also works well for cleaning erotic gadgets, the lack of disinfection of which may also lead to the development of diseases of the reproductive organs.

Intimate hygiene should be taken care of not only by adults, but also by children and adolescents. For them, there are special preparations for the care of intimate places. We recommend, for example, Dermoxen 4Girls – intimate hygiene liquid for girls before puberty.

Walking without panties – the two most important rules

We already know that the basic problems resulting from not wearing underwear can be eliminated by choosing better clothes. So there are two more rules that should be followed so that giving up underwear does not turn out to be harmful to your health.

First of all, you need to remember to change your clothes regularly. When you are not wearing underwear, put your pants or skirt in the washing machine after one day of wearing it. You have to remember that a bacterium that causes infections can grow on clothing.

This, in turn, brings us to the second principle, which is safety in fitting rooms. You absolutely should not measure pants without underwear! It’s a simple way to harm yourself and others. Such clothing may contain bacteria left behind by previous customers. Or by other people who also do not wear underwear and have forgotten this rule. The effect is easy to predict: an intimate infection.

To strengthen the bacterial flora and prevent the development of an intimate infection, try the Azeol AF fungal infection probiotic.

For care, it is worth using the Dermoxen Florexil vaginal irrigation for women and girls, available at an attractive price on the Medonet Market.

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