What guests find in hotel rooms: 20 real photos

If these pictures permanently discourage you from staying in hotels, forgive us. We are not on purpose.

Do you travel often? Well, for sure it happens at least once or twice a year. And those whose work is connected with business trips are completely accustomed to the hotel life, as to their own cuisine. By the way, you will not envy them. If travelers have a choice of where to stay, business travelers have to live where they book. And this is not always pleasant.

Number of one of the hotels in Krasnodar region

It turns out that hotels are sometimes so bad that even a horror movie based on Stephen King will seem like a children’s fairy tale. Most often these are, of course, problems with cleanliness, sanitation, hygiene and safety. Flooded fire exits, rusty water from taps, views of a concrete wall, insects, dirt and even mold are common. In second place are staff problems. Hospitality? No, you haven’t. At least an ostentatious courtesy, maybe? What else was missing. The guest should feel that they are doing him a favor by giving out the room key. Yes, he paid for it, but still!

In a good hotel, everything should be good: a thoughtful interior that combines music, smells, and the tone of voice of the staff, experts in the hotel business say.

Instagram user @ cody_coyote302 begs his friends never to stay in one of the Californian hotels – it turned out that there are a lot of bedbugs that almost ate the guy

These criteria are difficult to meet. Therefore, many do not try. For example, they put a kettle in the room – they say, use it, dear guests. And in the drawer of the table, at the same time, the hotel rules are gathering dust, in which it is spelled out in black and white: for using a kettle in the room, a fine is imposed. And the interior of provincial hotels often makes you cry with bloody tears.

In some rooms, guests find mold on furniture, mushrooms growing directly from the carpeting, dirty linen forgotten by someone in the closet. And as for sanitation … Dirty towels and sheets, and sometimes even bundles of someone else’s hair or underwear right in bed.

We’ve collected pictures of the ugliest hotel finds. And just in case, we warn you: it’s better not to look at these photos while eating!

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