What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

In the summer cottage, the whole season is an endless struggle with weeds. Due to their unpretentiousness, they adapt to any conditions, survive and multiply quickly even on poor soils. There are many ways to get rid of weeds. Among them, the cultivation of crops that suppress the growth of weeds and at the same time improve soil fertility deserves special attention. The question of how to sow a garden so that weeds do not grow has an amazing answer – green manure plants or green fertilizers.

What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

After the siderates have gained sufficient green mass, they are mowed down for compost or mulch. There is no need to dig up the earth – the roots will gradually rot themselves, fertilizing it. Most green manure prefers slightly acidic and neutral soils. Choosing what to sow the site, you need to take into account their characteristics.

The benefits of green manure

Siderates are gradually becoming widespread among gardeners, due to their availability and useful properties. Their advantages are obvious:

  • they allow you to almost completely eliminate the use of mineral fertilizers, as they enrich the soil with microelements;
  • restore the soil after acidification with fertilizers;
  • loosen, improving its structure;
  • activate soil microflora;
  • having a phytosanitary effect, they inhibit dangerous pathogens;
  • inhibit the growth of weeds.

Bean green manure

The most unpretentious legumes. This is the most common culture, including up to 18 thousand species. Among them are herbaceous plants – annuals and perennials that grow well in temperate climates. Shrubs and trees are common in the tropics. Peas, beans, lentils and others are typical for Our Country. They withstand slight frosts, and begin to sprout at three degrees Celsius, which allows them to be used in almost any climatic zone. In addition to edible beans, numerous types of fodder are used – alfalfa, clover and decorative – sweet peas, acacia.

What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

You can plant beans in early spring, and in autumn they give green mass almost until the first night frosts. Thanks to nitrogen-fixing bacteria located on the root system, the soil after them is enriched with nitrogen in a form available to plants. Legumes are also good for trees. The roots of plants, going deep into the soil, will become a source of nitrogen for them.

Important! According to experts, three times a season, sown with legumes and dug up a site, will be equivalent to soil fertilized with manure.

What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

Broad bean

On swampy or clay soils, it is recommended to plant fodder beans. They are excellent green manure, due to their features:

  • plants have a well-developed root system capable of draining and structuring the soil up to almost two meters deep;
  • normalize the pH of the soil, reducing its acidity;
  • convert phosphorus compounds into a form available to plants;
  • they are cold-resistant and are not afraid of frosts up to minus eight degrees;
  • beans are also rich in minerals.


This is a large green manure plant with powerful roots that go deep into the soil. It tolerates frost and drought well, improves the soil structure of solonchaks. It can be used in the fight against wireworm and other pests. Sweet clover is usually planted at the end of summer and left for the winter, in the spring a green mass grows again, which is cut before flowering.

What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 


What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

The unique green manure characteristics are the perennial honey plant sainfoin:

  • it is able to germinate even on stony soils;
  • thanks to strong and long roots, up to 10 meters, it perfectly drains the soil and brings nutrients from deep layers closer to the surface;
  • The plant is resistant to drought and frost.


Important! Esparcet begins to gain green mass the next year and provides green manure for seven years.

Other members of the family

  1. Peas have all the properties of bean green manure. It grows quickly, does not allow weeds to multiply. The plant prefers neutral soils, loves moisture. Peas are usually planted at the end of summer, and until autumn they gain sufficient green mass.
  2. In early spring, it is useful to sow tomato beds with vetch, an annual green manure leguminous plant that quickly gains green mass, inhibits weeds and structures the soil. Vika is cut 10-14 days before planting tomato seedlings.

    What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

  3. Lupines can be sown on abandoned plots. Siderat grows well on any soil, significantly improves their fertility and is considered the best predecessor for garden strawberries.
  4. Alfalfa is a wonderful perennial green manure that increases soil fertility with a green mass rich in nutrients. The plant loves moist, but not waterlogged, neutral soils. It is mowed during the formation of buds.
  5. Seradella can produce two crops of green mass in one season. This moisture-loving annual plant can grow on poor soils if provided with watering. Easily tolerates frost.


Plants from this family are unpretentious and hardy, and their root secretions repel many pests and inhibit late blight pathogens.

What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

Mustard white

An annual herbaceous plant of the cruciferous family – white mustard is quite resistant to frost, it can be planted in the middle zone of the country as early as March. As a siderat, it has the following characteristics:

  • inhibits the growth of weeds – is an effective remedy against bindweed;
  • binds iron in the soil, thereby protecting plants from late blight;
  • oppresses such pests as pea codling moth, slugs;
  • the resulting green mass turns into humus useful for plants;
  • mustard gives roots up to three meters long, loosening and draining the soil;
  • retains nitrogen in it;
  • after the first snow, the stems and leaves fall on the ground on their own, forming mulch and protecting it from frost;
  • after mustard, it is good to plant tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, and beans and grapes feel comfortable next to it;
  • like a beautiful honey plant, it attracts bees to the garden.
Warning! It must be remembered that mustard has the same pests as its related cruciferous. Therefore, it is not necessary to plant such crops after it.

What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

related plants

  1. Rape it is characterized by resistance to small frosts and a quick set of green mass – in a month it can grow up to 30 cm. With the help of long roots, it draws mineral phosphorus and sulfur compounds from the soil and converts them into a form accessible to garden crops.

    What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

  2. Oil radish – the most unpretentious plant of this family and a wonderful green manure, which is not afraid of either drought or frost. Thanks to a strong root system, it adapts perfectly to a wide variety of growing conditions. It has a depressing effect on wheatgrass. Even with late plantings, it manages to gain a significant green mass.

    What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

  3. Surepka – annual moisture-loving green manure. Even planted in September, with abundant watering, it quickly gains in green mass.

    What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 


Cereals are excellent green manure. They effectively clear the area of ​​weeds and fertilize it.

What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 


Green manure plant that grows well in acidic soils, and its roots have a phytosanitary effect against root rot. Grass is usually sown in early spring, when the frosts have passed, and the green mass is harvested before flowering. Its green sprouts are very useful for the body. Oats enrich the soil with potassium in a form available to plants, so tomatoes, peppers and eggplants feel good after it.


Due to its frost resistance, rye is more often used as a winter crop, sown in late August or September. It effectively suppresses both weeds and pathogenic microflora. Rye has a depressing effect on other crops, so garden plants should not be planted next to it. Usually the green mass is cut off at the end of spring, before planting vegetables. It is good to plant grass in wetlands to drain them.

What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 


With all the positive properties of green manure, barley is drought-resistant, which allows it to be used in arid regions. It is able to withstand frosts down to -5 degrees and quickly builds up green mass. Therefore, barley can be planted in early spring, and mowed in a month and a half.


What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

Excellent green manure properties are observed in buckwheat:

  • it grows very quickly, simultaneously with the green mass, growing long roots up to one and a half meters;
  • buckwheat is drought-resistant and does not take water from neighboring plants;
  • it is well adapted to any soil and does not leave chemical compounds in them that inhibit the growth of other crops;
  • enriches the soil with phosphorus and potassium;
  • effective against perennial weeds such as wheatgrass.

Buckwheat can be used as a winter crop. Often it is planted near the trunk circles around trees in gardens. It should be sown in the spring when the soil is warm enough. The green mass of buckwheat is mowed before flowering.


What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

Phacelia is universal in its green manure properties:

  • it withstands fairly low temperatures – up to minus nine degrees;
  • grows even on stony soils, quickly gaining green mass;
  • not afraid of drought;
  • you can sow a plot with it almost at any time – in summer, autumn or early spring;
  • the plant has a phytosanitary effect on the nematode and various pathogens;
  • after its sowing, almost all crops grow well;
  • in the presence of legumes, their mutual action is enhanced.


What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

It is better to plant beds freed after early vegetable crops with this heat-loving plant, and you can mow the green mass before flowering or before autumn frosts. It is unpretentious, takes root on both salty and acidic soils, is not afraid of drought. Thanks to its long, two-meter roots, amaranth improves soil structure and increases its fertility. The plant is disease resistant and has phytosanitary properties.


What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

An irreplaceable green manure for tomatoes, as well as for joint plantings with eggplants and potatoes, is calendula. It refers to medicinal plants that have a healing effect on the soil. It is planted by the end of August and the resulting green mass is mowed in the fall.

Important! Calendula can be used in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle.


What grass to sow so that weeds do not grow 

Not all plants have green manure properties, but their list includes up to 400 items. These crops can be planted on the site all summer, alternating free areas, and mowed grass can be used for composting. Green manure successfully replace chemistry, and today gardeners and gardeners are increasingly using these unique plants.

Siderates in the garden. natural farming

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