In this article you will learn, among other things:
- what gives sea and what should be the beginnings and preparations,
- is it possible to sea in children and the elderly,
- what are the benefits of seawater and when is it most recommended?
- when is it worth to hold back and decide on other activities instead of a cold bath.
It is worth remembering that before you open the ice in the nearest lake and jump into the water, you should have at least a basic knowledge of how to sea properly. In particular, it is good to surround yourself with experienced people who can help with the implementation in the first phase – for this purpose, special clubs have been created, bringing together the greatest enthusiasts.
Mating for beginners
How to start? First of all, you have to overcome the first psychological barrier in the form of fear and constant thinking about “what it will be like”. Experiences of walruses with longer experience show that the best start is, after all, using the company of people for whom it will not be the first sea – the effects of going solo can also be good, but it is still worth having someone on hand who will be able to answer the questions or help in the event of an unexpected reaction of the body.
In addition, the appropriate equipment must not be forgotten. Fortunately, there aren’t too many requirements here, so you can navigate without spending round amounts on accessories. First of all, the following will be useful:
- Towel. Be sure to dry yourself very thoroughly after getting out of the water, so a large bath towel is an iron staple in your inventory.
- Neoprene accessories. Shoes that make it easier to navigate on the bottom of natural water reservoirs are essential. Beginner mowing often involves the use of gloves and a hat – as experience is gained, these accessories are discarded.
- Gadgets. It’s a great idea to bring your watch with you so that you can measure the time spent in the water. In addition, a thermometer will be useful, it can be an ordinary aquarium model.
- Woods. A simple accessory that is used after leaving the water to isolate wet feet from contact, for example with sand, while changing clothes.
- A bag with some space in it and… a thermos with tea! A regular sports bag will be helpful, in which you will find space for all the above-mentioned things and a change of clothes. In addition, it is worth including a thermos with warm tea, which will help the body warm up after leaving the water.
The question of the dress itself before and after is no less important. You have to choose the outerwear so that you can undress and put on very quickly. Any tight pants and a multitude of accessories should be eliminated, replacing the elegant outfit with a rather loose, sporty one.
A valuable tip is also that after returning from sea, it is best to find everything sequentially in a bag, with properly rolled up sleeves – just ready to put it on again. You can wear regular one-piece or two-piece swimwear when entering the water.
We check the advantages. What does sea water help for?
The list of advantages of winter bathing is quite long. One of the most important issues is the strengthening of the body’s immunity, built by affecting the immune system. Importantly, it has been observed that marine treatment inhibits the aging process.
A very interesting phenomenon of cross adaptation was presented by Dawid Dobropolski in his book “Cold Strength”, noting that an organism that becomes resistant to a stressor in the form of cold gains adaptation to coping with other stressors. This means that walruses can consequently cope much better with difficulties at work, for example.
Moving on, sea water is very good for ponds. By bathing in cold water, you can effectively get rid of the pain, the range of their movement also increases, and the entire structure undergoes faster regeneration. It is very often observed that people who regularly swim are slightly more satisfied, full of energy and will to live.
Exercising and slimming
And what effect will ice water baths have on our mass and adipose tissue? Within 3-5 minutes of good seaing you can burn even several hundred calories. We should remember, however, that what is too much is unhealthy – regardless of the level of advancement, a warm-up will be necessary (easy running, jogging, general development exercises), and the recommended duration of the sea is no more than 5 minutes at a water temperature of 2 degrees C. Of course, every walrus knows best. your body, so once again we encourage you to start in the company of more experienced people.
Morsowanie – children and seniors
Being a walrus with a twenty, thirty or forty on your neck is a common thing. And how does this activity look like in the case of older people, reaching the age of senior or who are already, for example, seventy-year-olds? How is the sea of children presented, is it possible to let a child into the cold water without fear?
In an interview prepared by the Polish Press Agency, prof. dr hab. Ewa Ziemann, referring to the conclusions of her research, stated that it is difficult to establish an upper age limit for walruses. It all depends on the condition of seniors, accompanying diseases and possible cardiovascular failure. Besides – there are no restrictions.
In turn, sea water in children should not start until 3 years. Even then, some scientists recommend such activity, noting a positive effect on the body’s resistance and hardening. Parents of children under three should, however, refrain from taking their children – mainly due to the fact that it is more difficult for such a young person to verbalize possible negative feelings. As for the very essence of sea in two-year-olds, researchers are still looking for a clear answer as to whether it is recommended or not.
We know what marine does. So when should it be avoided?
The advantages of sea watering are difficult to list in one breath, while the list of disadvantages is much shorter. As already mentioned, the issue of the so-called The sea is still being decided, but the current state of knowledge tells us that seaing children under three is not the best idea. In addition, it is better to avoid cold baths if:
- Have recently had an illness. After the flu, it is better to give your body time to recover.
- You are prone to fainting. The so-called The vasovagal reflex will not be an unambiguous contraindication here, but rather an indication not to do it alone, but in a group.
- Cardiovascular diseases were diagnosed. Heart disease, severe hypertension – by definition, these are important no-votes to marine life. In order to be 100% sure (e.g. when we want to replace a referral to the cryochamber in connection with varicose veins by sea), it is worth consulting the whole thing with the attending physician.
- You have known Lyme disease or epilepsy. There are also other diseases of the nervous system, which again require verification together with a doctor.
It is also worth taking into account the fact that the feelings related to thermics are different for each person. For some, exposure to cold may be so far beyond comfort that urging them to do so may be misinterpreted. It is worth persuading the slightly undecided – after all, there are quite a few advantages of sea!