- Dmitry Gusev
- Zhanna Chugaevskaya
- Maria Davidova
- Alexander Budargin
- Ksenia Golubtsova
- Irina Belchikova
- Irina Dymskaya
- The distance did not immediately conquer me …
- I got my dream job
- Communication:
- Mood:
- Health:
- Procedure:
- I know why I need Distance.
- For 6 months at the Distance, I received more than for the last 7 years of work in a large company
- Seven months at a distance
- My successes for the year
- The distance has changed my whole life
- Question answer
The distance reports and their success stories are many volumes of amazing stories: a reality that looks like a fairy tale. We will not post old reports, we will start only with fresh ones. So,
The students who passed the Distance talk about their successes.
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Maria Davydova talks about the successes of her past week. Cool!
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What gives distance? Reality is like a fairy tale.
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Work at a distance, we work out intonations.
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A virtual chef helps self-organization.
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Hello. My name is Dmitry, I am the husband of Natalia Mikhailyuk.
My wife asked me to write a review for her about how her studies at UPP influenced her, our family, our relationships, and continues to influence her.
There is such an opinion:
«people do not change»
I partly agree with this opinion, if a person does not want and does nothing to change something, then nothing and no one really changes. But if a person looks with wide eyes at things, at the world, at himself, then everything is possible. He is able to see and change!
So, when Natalya just started her studies, I, like any, probably, a man, looked at it this way: no matter what the child would amuse, if only I was well, warm, and full)).
The exercises started from the first day.
Over the past few years, I have already begun to get used to how she experiments on us)), but there was something different here. Her involvement in the learning process and in the exercises revealed her to me as a person who is able to overcome, overcome, and fight. I have always seen it in her, but now it has sparkled with new colors.
In every exercise she invited us to take part, and although we looked at it as another game, everyone in our family began to notice that Natalia began to change very much.
Where before it was possible to stumble upon reproaches, now a different approach was felt, she began to look for + rather than -. Where there used to be disputes, she began to give an alternative, while she tries to give the right of last resort to me. Where before we, quarreling, diverged to our corners, now we try to talk, and when she speaks, I don’t feel guilty or obliged, I feel that we will solve these situations now, before sunset, and at the same time no one will be left in the position of the victim.
Her speech became more intelligible, accurate, she formulates her thoughts with greater clarity, and it became easier for me to understand her. And earlier it was the cause of our misunderstandings and conflicts.
Even her sense of humor began to develop, where before my jokes did not find a response, now she is able to understand them.
The various exercises that she studies at UPP have already practically taken root in our family, and sometimes one gets the feeling that it’s not her who is studying, but our whole family))!
At the end of my review, I want to say that I really like the changes that I see during these 5 months, and the most pleasant thing I see is that it has already become part of Natalie’s habits and character, and part of our relationship.
Bottom line: if people want and are ready to work on themselves, then they can really become better, more interesting and more beautiful.
My Natalie is blooming!
Dmitry Gusev
Result format
I have been running the distance for 9 months. Six months under the mentorship of Marina Konstantinovna Smirnova, currently (three months) under the mentorship of Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov.
Walked the distance to develop leadership skills.
Before training, the situation at work was as follows:
My branch is the worst in our district (among 6 branches). My stores do not fulfill plans, violate technological processes. At work, I spend 10-11 hours a day, waiting for the next remark, and a possible conversation about dismissal. Fear, constant stress. One-time successes were devalued by the volume of errors and shortcomings.
At the end of the study period:
- The division under my leadership took 1st place in the main indicators among the six branches of our district, and 3rd place among 52 branches in Russia at the end of the Spring-Summer 2018 season.
- Prepared 5 salespeople for the position of Department Heads. Employees successfully passed the certification at the Training Center, were appointed to the position, and are currently successfully fulfilling their duties.
- Developed two planning tools to facilitate the work of Directors. Thanks to which Store Directors were able to plan work more correctly, achieve greater sales results, and earn more money.
- At two seasonal meetings of the district, the leadership recognized my reports as exemplary. The presentation and the report. He met the allotted time (20 minutes), everything is clear, to the point and exhaustive.
- The leader noted the growth of my professionalism as a leader. During this period, he replaced him twice during the holidays. And colleagues began to seek advice and help.
At the same time, personal successes were achieved:
- Thanks to the results achieved at work, I received seasonal bonuses and bought an apartment for my mother (moved closer to me)
- For the first time in four years, I took a full vacation and the whole family rested at sea.
- Improved the state of health: got rid of pain in the shoulders and back, accumulated due to constant stress.
Tasty format
Over the past year and a half, my life has changed a lot.
- From an outsider leader with a constant fear of being fired, I became a leader — a leader who is held up as an example, who received two seasonal awards.
- Improved my physical condition: acquaintances envy my posture, physical form, ask questions about how I can stay cheerful throughout the day.
- I improved my communication skills: colleagues began to turn to me for advice not only on work, but also on personal issues. They like that my advice is simple and practical. And my wife wonders how I just manage with my daughter. And if earlier my wife said to my advice: “I know better, I’m a mother!” Now, now she first asks what I think about raising my daughter.
- I became more successful. In conditions of heavy workload, I manage to perform not only work tasks, but also take care of loved ones, engage in my development, and relax.
- He completed many tasks and achieved goals that he had been thinking about for the last five years, but did not dare to do. The most significant goals: I bought an apartment for my mother, moved her closer to me, and the family rested on the sea.
And these changes are due to distance learning.
Went to her to keep a job. And he became a leader, an interesting conversationalist, a smart parent and an effective person who achieves his goals.
If you have problems, go to the Distance. Here you will find practical tools that will help you deal with any problem. And along the way, you will bring more order, confidence, joy into your life. At the same time, courage and strength will appear in order to realize what you dreamed about, but either did not dare, or did not find the strength and opportunities.
Zhanna Chugaevskaya
«Delicious» format
Our friendship has been over 20 years. And it began with admission to the musical and pedagogical school. During this time, there were weddings, and divorces, the birth of children and their growing up. Joint trips with tents to Seliger and tete-a-tete conversations in the kitchen about life. We know almost everything about each other, as far as is allowed.
And in December, the girls gathered in a private bath and invite me. Yes, it’s a good idea to reward yourself with a break. After all, I received a certificate of a 1C specialist. This is an indicator of the qualifications of a specialist and an IT company. Yes, and the girls have not seen for a long time.
5 beautiful women gathered, took a steam bath and it began … “how tired I am … there is another check at work, you only write plans, but there is no time to work … my daughter does not want to study, she is constantly on the phone … there is not enough money.” And let the Victims pour out their complaints and groans on life. And I sit silently, only smiling.
I remember when I was practicing the exercise “I don’t play the Victim” at the Distance, we discussed with the curator how to relate to the Victims and what to do in their society. And so I tell my girlfriends:
— My good ones, I know that you also have good, happy moments in your life, let’s talk about them. For example, this week I received a certificate for 1C. Now I am a qualified employee. This is important for me and for the organization. Organizations pay attention to the presence of certified employees when deciding to work with us. I also walk 8-10 km every day. I am in the fresh air, move and strengthen my muscles.
One friend supported me, said that she does exercises every morning and even advised a set of exercises. The second told about work, she teaches at school, children love and respect her. So one student said that he was studying history because Tatyana Valentinovna taught this subject, and he did not want to upset her. Yes, it’s cool to hear from the children such an assessment of the teacher, and for us — the assessment of a friend. Then I began to tell that we have such an exercise “Success Diary” at the Distance, how important it is to keep it every day. Every day you get to know yourself — a smart girl, you remember your successes, self-esteem and confidence grows. She also advised me to remember 15 Achievements of my life. That’s when wings grow behind your back, you start to love yourself and be proud of yourself.
The third girlfriend listened, listened to us, and everything about her: “Here you are, everything is fine, share your successes, but I have no successes. Yesterday I drove out of the parking lot, backed up and crashed into a fence, crushed the bumper. Here I sit and think, what a fool I am, why didn’t I look in the mirror. Where can I get the money for a new one now? And I told her: “Olechka, why do you call yourself bad words? Do you really think so? Why are you selfish? Are you delicious? For your case, we also have an exercise called Mistake. I give instructions on how to do it. The girls laugh, join the exercise, pat themselves on the shoulders and say, «I’m good, I’m good.» “Well, my dears, what shall we do to prevent such situations in the future?” And then, as the game began, so many options were sketched: both real and not very).
I look at my girls, and the conversation went well, we laugh, everything is positive.
And then Katyusha asks: “Do you have any exercises for fatigue?” And then I remembered our basics — I go to bed on time, Cheerful rest. “In order not to get tired, you need to learn to rest. You need to make yourself a rule — to rest 10 minutes every hour. And Katyusha again asks me a question: “Well, you are such an interesting person, how will I relax at work?” “Yes, just rest, I say! You imagine relaxing like lying on the couch, right? And I’m talking about a different holiday. When your work is connected with physical activity, in this case, rest is physical peace. For example, drink tea, surf the Internet, water flowers, call your mother. And when you have mental work, rest is physical activity. For example, walk up the stairs, take documents to the accounting department and chat with colleagues. The main feature of «Cheerful rest» is a change of activity! I also like the cool exercise for a cheerful rest “u.e.a firewood”, do you want to show me?” All — «Yes, come on!» — Then we do everything together, get up, sit at the table. Time for a relaxing break!
In the meantime, our husbands returned from the bath and found us doing the exercise «cue firewood.» And as in that film, everyone has one question: “What are you doing here, huh?”
And the girls in unison: “It’s Zhanna who shows us the exercises from the Distance.”
When the girls parted, they asked the next time to tell a few more exercises for life. I agreed, only on the condition that we share successes and positive. And better, I advise you — come to study at the University, you will find much more useful for yourself there.
Then they called each other and remembered how they did it. I’m good and have firewood. And most importantly, they shared with other stories where they used these exercises. Yes, it was a great meeting, positive and useful.
Maria Davidova
- For 5 months of my work at the Distance, my efficiency has increased by 1,5 times! If earlier I led 9 projects, now I successfully manage to lead 14!
- Thanks to the special techniques and techniques mastered at the Distance, I rescheduled my work activity and rest time in such a way that I have more strength for everything and the joy of life has increased significantly! This allows me to do more now thanks to the increase in energy and health.
- I improved and improved the following areas of my life: health, proper rest, emotional background, personal life, psychological resistance to stress, financial literacy, networking, improved my professional qualifications (as a psychologist) and seriously improved communication skills in personal and business communication.
- During this time, I seriously revised my communication styles with people and built in new communication and negotiation habits, which allowed me to open 3 new projects in different cities of Russia. Also, thanks to the establishment of communication techniques, I found new promising friendships with 4 unique specialists in different fields.
- During this time, I rewrote, supplemented and improved my annual task plan in all areas of life 5 times, developed plans for 1, 3, 5, 10 years and a maximum of life, which I now successfully and quickly implement, because, thanks to awareness and the absence of unnecessary «brakes» work efficiency has increased significantly.
- At the Distance, I passed 51 out of 59 exercises before the rest of the students and I am ready to start leading the Distance myself to improve the lives of other people.
- I mastered new coaching techniques for myself, developed my own model of step-by-step mastering of the Distance exercises and began to introduce an additional way to attract new students to the Distance — the game «Way to the Dream». My partner and I have already played the game 4 times for different people.
- My partner and I developed and conducted our own communication training for our classmates.
- My financial level for these 5 months has grown by 1,3 times.
- I am in the Top 5 best students of the course.
Alexander Budargin
During my work at the Distance in UPP, I received the following results:
1) I conduct training more slowly and more consciously, as a result, saving content and exercises by one and a half times compared to September.
2) held meetings with the heads of client companies for the sale of trainings by a third more, due to increased self-confidence.
3) I sleep peacefully before trainings, I am relaxed in the process of conducting even complex courses. This has happened about half the time before.
4) applied 5 new ideas — did exercises for the group. This is due to increased creativity.
5) developed and conducted two completely new trainings.
6) in case of failure, I am absolutely calm, I do not blame myself and others, I begin to act.
7) in negotiations, it turns out to find mutual understanding even with difficult interlocutors because of my real positive attitude towards the situation.
8) thanks to the “plus-idea-plus” exercise, he began to give correct and constructive feedback in 75-80 percent. cases
9) went to the management with ideas about reorganizing the work of the department. I was able to argue ideas thanks to the skills of working with theses.
Please allocate a budget for the spring semester.
Ksenia Golubtsova
1) In 5 months, I increased my efficiency by 100%: now I work at a private school as a curator + administrator in Evrika Park, I study at UPP, I participate in a movie club (including the direction of cartoon training), I play the role of the director in the musical «Matilda» in English, while managing to fully communicate with friends and relatives. From 7 in the morning until 12 at night I am cheerful and energetic!
The exercises helped me: «Cheerful morning», «Healthy sleep», «Daily routine», «Cheerful rest».
2) For 2 months (December 2013 and January 2014) she created a “financial cushion” in the form of a deposit in the amount of 60 USD, which is replenished monthly by about 000 USD. The deposit rate is 15%.
The exercises helped me: “Goals and Objectives”, “Accounting for Money” and “Budget Optimization”.
3) Conversations with my participation became more effective + conversation time was reduced by about 40% (for example, calls from my mother were reduced from 20 to 10-12 minutes). I hear the interlocutor, I give clear answers, I ask questions on the merits. This applies to both business and personal communication.
The exercises helped me: “NO”, “Meaningful speech”, “Total YES”, “Pure speech”, “Designation of intention”.
4) I am changing my life in the direction that I need. I have developed confidence, responsibility and performance. I establish and observe the format in any relationship. Result:
— changed 2 rooms to live in the third — the best;
— rearranged the furniture in the room and got rid of unnecessary things;
— changed jobs to gain experience in a promising field for me;
— introduced penalties for squatting in her class, due to which the number of swear words was reduced to 3 per day from the whole class.
The exercises helped me: “Mistake”, “I don’t play the victim”, “Goals and objectives”.
5) The general emotional background has risen (from “the world is ordinary” to “the world is good, and in some places wonderful”). It has become more pleasant and more fun for people to be with me, thanks to this it is easier to work in a team + I occasionally have the opportunity to work on special conditions.
The exercises helped me: “Diary of emotions”, “Good”, “Sunshine”, “If I loved”.
Irina Belchikova
What gave me a few months at the Distance:
1. I learned how to properly organize my working time. Freed up 30% of wasted time.
2. Reduced business correspondence — I get sufficient answers the first time — due to the correct formulation of the question.
3. Increased my responsibility. I know how much time it takes for a specific task, I can give an exact answer, by what time the work will be ready. Reduced typical work time by 20%.
4. Reduced the time of meetings by half with the achievement of results on the issues raised.
5. I stopped getting tired, sitting up at work, but all the work was done on time
6. And from the soul — I began to enjoy life more and be proud of my work.
And how much more good will I bring to the company by continuing the “Distance”! Distance is a good investment!
Irina Dymskaya
All the above skills allowed me to improve the quality of the legal services I have provided.
For cases related to marriage and family relations.
1. Over the past month, in divorce cases, we managed to reconcile the parties in 3 cases out of 10. Last year there was not a single case.
2. In cases related to determining the place of residence of children, it was possible to conclude settlement agreements in 7 cases out of 10. Last year there were 3 settlement agreements out of 10 cases. Negotiations with parents were more productive and constructive. They took place in a more relaxed atmosphere. It was possible to extinguish the tension between the former spouses. Offer more scheduling options for the non-resident parent.
On cases related to conducting economic disputes and servicing corporations.
1. All of the 5 negotiations carried out on behalf of the Principals regarding the conclusion of various business contracts were successful. Contracts are concluded on the terms of our Principals. Last year there were only 40% of such contracts. The remaining 60% were concluded on compromise terms.
2. Within the framework of contracts for subscription services, training seminars were held with employees of sales departments on the procedure and conditions for concluding business contracts. The feedback from the Trustees was positive. As a result, requests were received from the Principals to conduct additional 4 seminars on the procedure for maintaining personnel records.
In addition, I am ready to share my knowledge and experience with other specialists of our Society. I believe that this will lead to an improvement in the quality of the Company’s work and, as a result, an increase in the volume of sales of services.
Sincerely, I. Dymskaya
The distance did not immediately conquer me …
Despite the popularity and simplicity of this method, it did not «submit» to me immediately. For the first time, I got acquainted with this approach in detail and meaningfully a year ago, when a “freshman” of the UPP, and part-time my supervisor, sent me detailed information about this method. Simplicity, consistency, taking into account all aspects of life, interesting group work — these are just the basic advantages that were visible from the first minutes of acquaintance with this method of personal development. But, except for one month contract, which ended with a discussion with a friend, things did not go any further. And already at my first online distances, being a student of UPP, I wondered why I didn’t have a clear systemic picture of how I should work at the Distance. Intuitively, I understood that this method was close to me, but I could not fully find its “zest”.
Communication with fellow students, A. Melnikov’s explanations, the experience of those people who are already working in this direction, helped me to understand in detail and start using this system of personality development right now. The key moment in understanding the Distance occurred after I shifted this approach to the “language of management”. In my understanding, distance is a way to manage our own development, i.e. we ourselves are managers who systematically and systematically work on our own “micro-projects” (family, health, business, etc.). We set a goal for ourselves, what we want to be in this or that area of life (successful, healthy, constructive in communication, etc.), clearly prescribe our actions in the Contract (practically according to SMART, because we clearly define the criteria for assessing the achievement of the result ) — planning, systematically working on the implementation of the tasks set — organizing, involving partners to monitor compliance with the terms of the Contract, exchanging successes at group Distances (feedback), analyzing achievements, comparing them with the planned result and describing new (or correcting old) actions in the Contract.
Thus, the distance for me is a tool of «self-management», management of one’s development. The system is clear, understandable and simple. But, like everything in management, it can bring long-term results only with regular, painstaking, systematic and clear work according to the Plan.
I got my dream job
What I achieved while I was at a distance:
I came to the distance in November and regularly walked on Sundays for 6 months.
During this time, the following changes took place in me and in my life:
I have appeared my dream job — a job where I am the only person who works according to a personal schedule, chooses when it is convenient for him to work, and when it is convenient to do something else, and a team of 15 people adapts to me and treats this normally, because my quality as an employee is — justifies the privilege.
I am recognized as the best seller and would have become a leader long ago if I had not chosen freedom and got a job officially.
I bring the biggest revenue to my store — everything I touch is sold, and not only at work))
I myself set daily norms that are noticeably larger than others, and which I am interested in achieving.
I have customers who only go to my place, there were times when people left the booths when they heard my voice.
At home I am a beloved wife. Relations with her husband have become even better and warmer. There was an understanding of what kind of love he wants from me and confidence that I can give him just such love and in the quantity and quality in which he would like.
There were noticeably fewer cases when my husband came home from work and dumped his negativity and fatigue on me. More often began to come with a smile. I learned to express my demands to him — requests in a warm, edible form.
Conflicts and disagreements are resolved through friendly conversations, in which there are options that suit everyone.
Together with him, we walk hand in hand along the path of realizing our great family goal.
Speaking of goals: I have a clear idea of what I want to achieve in different areas of my life.
And how to move to these heights. Every day I do something very important for them. This gives a feeling of fullness of life, the meaning of life.
No matter what happens around, I can’t be knocked down, because there are vectors and wide roads that can be seen from afar.
I learned to build a year, a week, a day and adjust the world for myself and my goals.
Relationship with parents: It seems to be unchanged — I always adore my Mamuska! As before, she is a big fan of everything that happens in Sinton. She reads all the books on distance topics, actively discusses — she successfully integrates a lot, this noticeably affects her health and mood.
Speaking of health and mood People used to be very surprised when they found out how old I am, and now I feel as good as I look.
Over the past year, I have never been seriously ill — a couple of days of a runny nose at the beginning of embedding douches and an annual spring cough at the beginning of flowering.
Previously, I tried many times to quit smoking, but after two weeks — two months I returned to the addiction.
When I began to walk the distance, I gave up cigarettes completely and with ease.
It became easy to get up in the morning (at 6:00 even on weekends).
I keep a charge of vivacity and energy all day long — which affects everything that I do.
She straightened her posture — she became more beautiful and meaningful.
Communication with friends is among the most worthy and beloved people.
I set the optimal time for communication with them and distributed them evenly so that each of them remained in the focus of my attention. The quality of communication has changed — there are fewer complaints about life on their part, more positive and desire to develop and develop — to qualitatively change their lives and solve problems effectively, share discoveries and new ways to cope with difficulties.
Skills acquired at a distance that helped me become special:
Adjustments — make it easier to understand
Soft voice — makes it more pleasant for others
Complimenter — helps to notice all the good, a great way to influence.
Diary of emotions — allows you to get to know yourself better, take control of your mood
Beliefs — replacing negative attitudes with positive ones
Scooping out the pros — reveals benefits even in the most seemingly bad events
The sun adds joy and lightness, warms me and those around me
Going to bed on time improves sleep quality
Cheerful morning — helps to get up easily
Jogging, dousing — give a powerful boost of energy and strength for the whole day
Auto-training — allows you to qualitatively relax the body and truly relax and recover
Posture — a straight back eliminates the occurrence of many diseases, promotes a sense of self-confidence
Maximum — arranges and strengthens life vectors (based on values) and ways to move along them
Goals and objectives (based on the maximum) — fill life with meaning
Time tracking — gives a real understanding of what I spend my time on, disciplines
Accounting for money — gives a real understanding of what I spend my money on, disciplines
Planning — helps to allocate resources in the most profitable way to accelerate movement towards goals
Many thanks to the coaches Marina and Kostya, as well as to everyone who studied with me this year!
See you in September!
I know why I need Distance.
Why start working at a Distance? I know the answer, because I can share what 4 months of work at the Distance gave me.
I wrote my Maximum Life, where I wrote down how I want to live and what to achieve. I have an understanding of what, how and why I do and will do every day to reach my Maximum. It became easy to choose and prioritize in business, desires.
I became the Author of my life, I live the way I want — I achieve the planned results, I am happy, useful, interesting, cheerful. It’s easy 🙂 My life is my responsibility. All interfering circumstances, accidents, reasons why it is impossible, I removed from my life.
Now I manage my time, it began to be enough for work, for myself, and for relatives and friends. The main focus is on the main things.
I have learned to manage my emotions. First, I think about what emotion will be optimal in a particular situation, then I make it for myself. It’s easy 🙂 Relations with relatives, friends, colleagues have become brighter, warmer, happier.
I also changed outwardly — a beautiful posture, a radiant smile, I am well-rested, cheerful and energetic every day.
I am learning to love others and myself. Inspire and care, support, surround with warmth.
At work, it has become easier and more constructive to negotiate with people, my results are growing. She got a promotion, her salary went up. Although I have less time to work.
At the Distance, you work “here and now”, without postponing for later and someday, what you need and want.
Simple, easy and effective exercises. I choose for myself those exercises that are necessary for me, for the development of those qualities that I want to develop in myself.
All this in the company of wonderful people who are also engaged in their growth, always give feedback, valuable ideas and share useful experience.
Favorite hosts help and inspire, suggest and motivate.
Much has been done. I will do even more 🙂 Do you also want to? Join now!
Why start working at a Distance? I know the answer, because I can share what 4 months of work at the Distance gave me.
I wrote my Maximum Life, where I wrote down how I want to live and what to achieve. I have an understanding of what, how and why I do and will do every day to reach my Maximum. It became easy to choose and prioritize in business, desires.
I became the Author of my life, I live the way I want — I achieve the planned results, I am happy, useful, interesting, cheerful. It’s easy 🙂 My life is my responsibility. All interfering circumstances, accidents, reasons why it is impossible, I removed from my life.
Now I manage my time, it began to be enough for work, for myself, and for relatives and friends. The main focus is on the main things.
I have learned to manage my emotions. First, I think about what emotion will be optimal in a particular situation, then I make it for myself. It’s easy 🙂 Relations with relatives, friends, colleagues have become brighter, warmer, happier.
I also changed outwardly — a beautiful posture, a radiant smile, I am well-rested, cheerful and energetic every day.
I am learning to love others and myself. Inspire and care, support, surround with warmth.
At work, it has become easier and more constructive to negotiate with people, my results are growing. She got a promotion, her salary went up. Although I have less time to work.
At the Distance, you work “here and now”, without postponing for later and someday, what you need and want.
Simple, easy and effective exercises. I choose for myself those exercises that are necessary for me, for the development of those qualities that I want to develop in myself.
All this in the company of wonderful people who are also engaged in their growth, always give feedback, valuable ideas and share useful experience.
Favorite hosts help and inspire, suggest and motivate.
Much has been done. I will do even more 🙂 Do you also want to? Join now!
For 6 months at the Distance, I received more than for the last 7 years of work in a large company
I saw that there are decent successful people with high goals at the Distance, competent leaders work with them. And I decided to start studying: I wrote my Maximum Life, organized a team of 11 people and was its captain at the Spring All-Synton rally. I am deeply convinced that in 6 months I have moved towards a successful and happy life more than in the last 7 years of working in a large company. Now I do things consciously, I know how to plan a day and affairs, I do it in such a way that I do everything I have planned, at least I do the most important things first, I stay late after the end of the working day a maximum of one day a week, I stopped working on weekends, giving time at home, people dear to me and myself, my development. I learned to turn on a good mood on the first request and worry about failures for a maximum of 15 minutes. I do exercises in the morning and douse myself with cold water, do yoga. I developed a good posture with the help of special exercises and now I can walk easily and beautifully. I think a lot about the line of my life and how to do more and more usefully — for people, for the country. I think about what, why, why I do it, what it will give me and the people around me. In general, I’m almost a decent person! See →
Seven months at a distance
Seven months of work at the Distance have passed. What are the results? I included morning running, fitness, dousing in my life, excluded all starchy foods from the diet, no alcohol, healthy sleep from 24 to 7 in the morning, I wake up myself without an alarm clock; Subordinates began to independently initiate changes — I support with praise and point out flaws in a playful and demanding manner. Conducted the first webinar and a trial piece of the training “Beauty beyond age”, a team-building training in my hotel, plans in May for two webinars “A beautiful age” and “Family and career — I don’t see any contradictions” Wow! See →
My successes for the year
Together with friends, he brought an Internet project to the stage that he received investments. Won a gold medal at the World Programming Championship. Put a beautiful end to the end of a programmer’s career. Now I’m comfortable, I like to be among people. I love communication and society. I do what I love. I see where to develop, where to grow, what to do. I’m happy. See →
The distance has changed my whole life
Dear Nikolai Ivanovich, this is Anya. To be brief, your work has changed my life. No less, I’m a mathematician, I’m used to expressing myself accurately. I had to live differently, in complexes, in poverty, in hard work from bell to bell. But when I got the Internet, one of my first searches was ‘How to change your life’. And besides all the esotericism, I found your site, your books. Then she grew up, entered the Distance, worked hard on her life. And, 10 years later, I, as they say in English, have it all. With my profession, I will never starve or be poor, with my skills to get acquainted, I will never be left alone, with my skills in mental hygiene, I will always be happy. Of course, I not only learned from you :), one of the first things I understood from the Distance is that you need to look for successful people and learn from them, and I did it. But you were the one who first explained how, who showed what is POSSIBLE, who inspired. Until the age of 18, I did not know practically ONE realized adult, in your books I read for the FIRST TIME that life can be good. Thank you very much for this.
And yes, anticipating your question, I believe that I have received so much from life that I definitely need to give back. And I will give, I already give, don’t worry about it.
Question answer
Question: Can the Distance be considered a universal tool for achieving goals, i.e. Is it possible to achieve with the help of it, in principle, any goals — or are there limitations? For example, I am very interested in whether it is possible to solve the problem of writing a PhD thesis with the help of the Distance?
Can the Distance be considered a universal tool for achieving the goal? Yes, you can. The distance develops all the basic skills that are necessary to achieve any goals: awareness, constructiveness, the position of the Author, puts thinking and brings up internal discipline. On the other hand, special tools will be required for certain purposes: for example, if you need to open a door, just general physical training is not enough, you need a key to this door. Accordingly, in order to quickly write a Ph.D. thesis, it is useful to find a person who will suggest how this is done, what rules and rituals this business has, where it is better to start, and what is a reasonable work plan. And a general consideration: any business goes easier when it is supported by the environment. Either this is a group of graduate students, or a group of distance students, but when you are reminded, supported and asked, things go easier, it is easier to work. Consider what kind of support group you can arrange for yourself.
And also read the story of Vladimir Vinogradov, the host of the «Workshop of Perspectives» in Sinton: Debunking the myth that the hunchbacked grave will correct. As well as:
- Personal formula for positivity
- Soft gestures: practice at a distance
- Download. April 21-13 report.docx
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