What gives an intraoral facial massage at a beautician
To maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, complex care is required: healthy nutrition, healthy sleep, cosmetics and procedures. An effective and popular method of rejuvenation is massage. Regular and correct implementation of the procedure helps to improve the appearance, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and correct the complexion of the face. What explains the miraculous effect? What does a facial massage give and where is it better to do it – at home or at a beautician?
Women who know what a facial massage can do is to include the procedure in their regular skin care program.
What is a face massage for?
This procedure is indicated for women over 25 years old. It not only acts as an excellent prolactic agent, but also helps to solve existing problems:
improves blood flow and metabolism;
stimulates collagen production;
relieves swelling;
Smoothes wrinkles;
tightens the contour of the face.
The procedure prepares the skin for the application of toners, serums, creams, masks. As a result, caring products are instantly absorbed and work as efficiently as possible.
What gives intraoral facial massage
Cosmetologists have come up with different massage techniques aimed at solving specific problems. Among the advanced techniques, a special place is given to intraoral, in which mimic wrinkles are massaged not from the outside, but from the inside – through the mucous membrane of the mouth.
The massage is performed for cosmetic and medicinal purposes to improve the condition of the muscles:
- removes clamps;
- normalizes tone;
- improves blood flow;
- eliminates pain;
- reduces muscle paralysis.
A full-fledged massage course not only improves health, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin, performing all the functions of the classic version of this procedure – lifting, contouring, smoothing wrinkles on the face.
What does a facial massage by a beautician give and how does it differ from a home procedure?
Classic techniques are easy to learn and do on your own at home. The situation is different with extraordinary approaches to facial rejuvenation, as is the case with the intraoral technique. Such massage is recommended to be carried out by a beautician: the effect on tissues and muscles from the side of the oral cavity requires experience, skills and narrow-profile knowledge. An illiterate procedure will not lead to the expected result and may even harm.
If it is not possible to contact a beauty salon every time, ask a specialist to familiarize you with the technique in detail and teach you the basic techniques of self-massage at home
Facial massage is an important step in complex care that helps to transform and rejuvenate the skin. The technique of the procedure is selected individually depending on the problems and goals of the course. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of technique, it is worth contacting a beautician: a specialist will help you decide on the type of massage and teach you the correct implementation of the technique.