What giants! 15 breeds of the biggest dogs

What giants! 15 breeds of the biggest dogs

If space allows you to get someone a little more than a Chihuahua or a Pomeranian, here is a list of our big brothers.

Large, strong dogs, which are nevertheless called “gentle giants” for their golden character. These dogs are calm, friendly, very attached to their family members. Grooming such a dog is not difficult, but what they need is a lot of movement. It is better not to spare the time for walking with the Great Dane.

TTH: height – up to 86 cm, weight – up to 90 kg

2. English Mastiff

One of the largest dogs in the world. Mastiffs are powerful, look frightening, but at the same time good-natured, like teddy bears. They love to spend time with people, they adore their family. Caring for the mastiff needs minimal, and you won’t even have to walk for a long time – the mastiff needs light physical activity.

TTH: height – up to 91 cm, weight – up to 100 kg

3. Neapolitan Mastiff

This handsome man cannot be confused with his English counterpart. The Neapolitan Mastiff is as wrinkled as a Shar Pei, only much larger. These dogs are very peaceful despite their threatening appearance. However, a stranger can be barked at if they decide that he is a threat to their family. The defender of such a dog is simply excellent. Caring for them is usually simple, but there is a nuance: drooling. A lot of drooling.

TTH: height – up to 77 cm, weight – up to 70 kg

4. Saturdays

Strong, muscular, massive and very kind dog. The St. Bernards have a gentle disposition and a calm disposition, they get along well with children. Initially, they were taken out as protectors, but it turned out that the St. Bernards are ideal rescuers. Loving and obedient, they are ideal pets. But they shed heavily twice a year and are very slobbering.

TTH: height – up to 90 cm, weight – up to 120 kg

5. Newfoundland

A large and hardworking dog with a very showy appearance. Loves water, they are even called divers. Newfoundlands are used as rescuers – not lost people, like St. Bernards, but drowning ones. Such a dog is able to pull anyone out of the water, and thanks to its webbed paws, it swims just fine. Its fluffy coat needs to be combed out every day, as well as to play sports: movement is simply necessary for the Newfoundland.

TTH: height – up to 74 cm, weight – up to 70 kg

6. Cane Corso

A relatively small dog, but only relatively. Cane Corso are muscular strong dogs, powerful and broad-shouldered. They were bred in Italy to hunt wild boars and guard possessions. Therefore, the dog is very unpretentious in grooming, they only need to be combed out from time to time. But they need a lot of movement, they are real athletes.

TTH: height – up to 70 cm, weight – up to 50 kg

7. Dogue de Bordeaux

The appearance of this dog can be seriously scary: he is just huge, powerful muscles roll under the red skin, and the look of his icy eyes creeps through to the creeps. But in fact, this is a very caring dog, affectionate, calm and patient. They are easy to care for, save for extreme drooling.

TTH: height – up to 67 cm, weight – up to 65 kg

8. Pyrenean mountain dog

Initially, she was bred as a shepherd’s dog, but it turned out that these are excellent protectors and guardians. They are gentle, affectionate, confident, patient and fearless. It may seem difficult to care for them, as the Pyrenean dogs have very thick coats. But no, it is enough to comb out once a week. And you should also take a good walk.

TTH: height – up to 82 cm, weight – up to 54 kg

9. Anatolian Shepherd Dog

One of the oldest dog breeds. The American Kennel Club claims that this is a Turkish breed that was bred back in 2000 BC! Its purpose is to protect herds and guard houses. By the way, thanks to these dogs, it was possible to preserve the population of cheetahs in Namibia – before, cattle breeders killed giant cats to protect their herds. And the Anatolian shepherd dogs, kangals, as they are also called, managed to somehow come to an agreement with the cheetahs – and they are safe, and livestock.

TTH: height – up to 81 cm, weight – up to 65 kg

10. Black Russian Terrier

This is not some one for you! This is a hefty service dog, bred in the USSR in the second half of the last century in the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel. Energetic and fearless, it is an excellent defender. The Russian Terrier does not like strangers, but he does not attack until he decides that he is a direct threat. But he adores his owners. These are very athletic and agile dogs, which, among other things, need to brush their teeth regularly.

TTH: height – up to 72 cm, weight – up to 68 kg

11. Tibetan Mastiff

They look like good-natured teddy bears. But just to pat them behind the ear, few dare: nevertheless, the size of the dog makes you treat it with reverence. The Tibetan Mastiff is an excellent protector who adores his family and is wary of strangers. These dogs are very intelligent, strong-willed and stubborn – this must be borne in mind.

TTH: height – up to 76 cm, weight – up to 73 kg

12. Bernese Mountain Dog

A hardy dog ​​who doesn’t care about the cold – still, with such and such a fur coat! Dogs of this breed are strong, intelligent, agile, but without fanaticism. They are gentle and docile, and feel like a silk pillow. True, this “pillow” needs to be combed out regularly.

TTH: height – up to 70 cm, weight – up to 50 kg

13. Leonberger

A very, well, just a very impressive dog. He was bred in Germany as a herding dog, and it turned out to be an ideal family pet. Leonberger looks like a small lion – a charming fluffy ball. They are strong, smart, well trained. But if he is not brought up, he can destroy the whole house.

TTH: height – up to 80 cm, weight – up to 75 kg

14. Irish Wolfhound

A hunting dog breed, one of the largest in the world. He is big, muscular and very tall, there is no one above him. Despite its purpose, it is a very peaceful dog. From wolfhounds, wonderful family pets are obtained, which will not offend flies if the fly does not irritate them. Gentle, noble, patient and loyal – the wolfhound is just that.

TTH: height – on average 86-90 cm, weight – up to 120 kg

15. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Another shepherd dog, created in order to protect the property entrusted to her. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog did an excellent job of protecting sheep from predators. They cannot be called peaceful, unlike other large dogs: they are stubborn, headstrong, do not like strangers and other dogs. But with proper education and training, even the Caucasian Shepherd Dog can become a friendly dog.

TTH: height – up to 70 cm, weight – up to 100 kg

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