What foods you need to eat to get picked up faster

As it turned out, foods that increase the likelihood of conception are great for proper nutrition – in the name of a healthy lifestyle.

We used to think that the goal of most diets is weight loss and a beautiful body. But there are still health diets. And there is also a fertile one – it has nothing to do with losing weight at all. Such a diet is devoted to a single topic – family planning, and to be absolutely precise, it will help you get pregnant.

Scientists began developing this special diet back in 1991. The study involved 18 thousand women, and the painstaking work lasted 8 years. The women shared in detail what they ate and what supplements they took. And scientists and nutritionists kept statistics on who were lucky enough to become a mother faster than others.

So what do you need to eat? Diet should be rich in healthy fats, whole grains, and plant proteins.

But it would seem that this set is suitable for everyone – just for the sake of a healthy lifestyle, when there is no goal of necessarily getting pregnant. But the main difference between a fertile diet and others is in a higher level of folic acid, which plays a large role in both conception and development of the embryo. It is rich in fruits, nuts and greens.

And also, if you want to get pregnant, urgently go to the grocery store for fatty milk, cheeses and yoghurts.

Dairy products with normal fat levels promote the production of a hormone that is involved in the creation of insulin and may be associated with ovulation and fertility. And proper nutrition in general will keep the eggs in working order and normalize the sugar level.

“You can call it differently, but in general, I would classify all of the above products as a healthy lifestyle,” nutritionist Angelina Artipova shares with healthy-food-near-me.com. – Contraindications, if there is no personal intolerance to dairy products, I do not see in this diet. On the contrary, I would recommend that all girls eat like this. I don’t think that cheese or milk will help to get pregnant, but rather general well-being and mood. After all, our mood directly depends on nutrition, and if a person is full, then he is happy. “


Do you believe in a fertile diet?

  • Sure! I followed the doctor’s recommendations for a year before pregnancy …

  • Everything is individual. Maybe it helps someone.

  • This is all nonsense! The main thing is to love each other

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