What foods will help you lose weight in 2020 according to the horoscope

The patroness of 2020, the Rat is a big food lover, which is why many zodiac signs have a serious risk of gaining extra pounds. To prevent this from happening, follow a special “astrological” diet.

Expert of the heading “Beauty and Health”

Aries – real lovers of eating at night, so the main thing that they need to observe in 2020 is a strict daily regimen. Buckwheat is perfect for the representatives of this sign as dietary dishes (it does not have to be boiled, you can just fill it with water overnight), low-fat fish, watermelon, bananas, carrots, tomatoes, oranges. It is advisable to exclude strong coffee and black tea from the diet. On Tuesdays, it is good for Aries to refuse food altogether and drink only water.

Taurus you need to take care of your figure twice as hard as representatives of other signs of the zodiac, because they tend to be overweight and are not fools to eat.

For weight loss, protein foods are suitable for Taurus: legumes, seaweed, cottage cheese, eggs, chicken, lean veal. Apples, corn, pumpkin, pears, strawberries, plums, persimmons, spinach are also useful. If you are determined, have a raw food day once a week – eat only raw vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Gemini completely indiscriminate in food and tend to eat everything that comes to hand, without thinking about the consequences. Therefore, it is important for them to learn how to control their gastronomic impulses. It is advisable to lean on light food: seafood, green vegetables (cabbage, celery, zucchini, peas, peppers), natural vegetable juices. Cod liver, boiled eggs, cheese and beef are also helpful. To increase energy, it is useful for Gemini to eat nuts or seeds at least a couple of times a month, and to arrange kefir days for themselves on Wednesdays. 

Cancer to maintain a slim body in 2020, exotic foods are recommended – papaya, coconuts, shrimp and crabs. You need to indulge yourself with overseas delicacies at least once a month. Low-fat fish, cucumbers, zucchini, turnips, garlic and onions are very useful. The best drinks are green or sea buckthorn tea. The best day for a fasting diet is Monday. 

Lions gain weight easily, mainly because they like fatty, high-calorie foods. However, it is undesirable for them to completely abandon meat. Since Lions are zodiacal predators, they are recommended game: quails, partridges, ducks, rabbits … Moreover, it is recommended to cook it over a fire, as in ancient times. As a side dish for the representatives of this zodiac sign, grilled rice and vegetables are useful. The best day for fasting and unloading is Sunday.

Main disadvantage Dev – irregular food intake. They should eat on a schedule, as well as lean on oatmeal in the water, buckwheat, millet. Pasta, stewed vegetables and all kinds of cottage cheese are also useful. Don’t ignore pumpkins, carrots, cabbage, and apples.

If your plans do not include a set of extra pounds, completely give up alcohol and unnatural juices containing sugar.

To those born under the sign weights, in 2020 it is advisable to limit the consumption of meat and sugar, especially if you have health problems. Eat plant foods: millet porridge, sprouted oats, corn, tomatoes, spinach. In the summer, include as many sour berries as possible in your diet. And if you decide to starve or spend a fasting day, do it on Fridays.

Scorpions the luckiest of all – the basis of their diet in 2020 should be seafood: shrimp, mussels, squid and other sea creatures. It is enough to include them in the usual dishes – salads, soups, pasta. It is also good for Scorpios to eat onions, carrots, garlic, radishes, beets, watermelons and melons. It is advisable to completely abandon baked goods, fries and other fried treats like nuggets. Start your diet and detox on Tuesdays.

Sagittariusto lose weight, it is useful to drink tea with ginger, honey and cinnamon. At least once a month, it is advisable to get out to the dacha or into the forest and fry the meat there over an open fire. The food cooked on the grill charges Sagittarius with energy and optimism. Also, to keep in good shape, they are advised to eat a lot of greens, vegetable salads, egg dishes and boiled chicken. Dried fruits are also useful: dried apricots, dried apples, figs, dates, raisins and compotes from them. Every Thursday, cleanse the body with kefir or natural juices. 

Food Capricorn should contain a lot of dairy products – cheese and cottage cheese, as well as spices: pepper, ginger, cloves, cilantro, basil. Their main problems are slow metabolism and lack of calcium in the body. You can also add ground eggshells to your food. Otherwise, there are no special restrictions, the main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol and flour, and the weight will be normal. The best day to do a one-day fast for Capricorns is Saturday.

Aquarius, unlike representatives of other zodiac signs, diets and starvation are the easiest to tolerate. The stars recommend that they often eat vegetable soups, carrot salad, baked apples and stews. All types of citrus fruits are also useful for this sign, as well as warm water with honey and lemon in the morning. It is believed that the more often Aquarians eat eggplants, tomatoes and onions, the slimmer their bodies will be. The best day for detox is Saturday.

Pisces you need not only to limit yourself in food, but also to take good care of the condition of the stomach. Their food should be light and not contain a lot of seasonings and salt. Representatives of this sign are useful for baked fish, crayfish, seaweed, cabbage and carrot salads. It is better if they eat the same product once a week, for example, they eat only apples, buckwheat or pumpkin for 24 hours. Such mono diets have a great effect on the weight of Pisces. It is better to spend them on Thursdays. 

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