If headache is your constant problem, then in addition to establishing the cause and adequate treatment, proper nutrition will help you, which will help relax muscles, normalize blood pressure and vascular function. This food will ease the pain, and in some cases, even relieve you of it.
It is a source of strength and energy, recovery is impossible without water, and an ailing organism needs it more acutely. Sometimes dehydration itself can cause frequent migraine attacks. Therefore, watch your drinking regime and control your habit of drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. If you don’t like water, add some lemon or lime juice.
An active lifestyle, working in a stuffy room increases the need for water.
Whole-grain products
Whole grains – cereals and breads – should form the basis of your diet. It is a source of fiber, energy in the form of normal carbohydrates, which are so necessary for a person. In addition, whole grains contain magnesium, and since headaches can be caused by stress or menstrual syndrome in women, magnesium can positively influence the regulation of these factors.
Magnesium is also found in nuts, seeds, avocados, herbs, seafood.
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which will relieve inflammation if it is a headache. Look out for tuna or flaxseed oil – they are also high in omega-3s. Lack of calcium can also provoke headaches, and it is absorbed thanks to vitamin D, which is found in fish.
If you know for sure that pressure drops are the cause of your headache, then caffeine will help you to regulate it. However, it is very important to withstand the dose, otherwise this “medicine” will turn into a cause and entail even greater problems.
A frequent companion of headaches is nausea, which can be easily removed by a cup of ginger tea. Also, due to its ability to relieve inflammation and allergies, ginger will relieve headaches that arise as a result of these factors.
Potatoes contain potassium. If you bake a potato or cook it in a uniform, then its beneficial properties will be preserved. There is much more potassium in such potatoes than in a banana. And banana peel contains tyramine, which is one of the provocateurs of headaches.
Hot pepper is a source of the alkaloid capsaicin, which has a direct effect on nerve endings and their “message” to the brain, and therefore reduces pain, blocks them. Pepper also helps to lower blood pressure.
What triggers a headache?
First of all, these are foods containing tyramine. This substance is also formed in the protein during long-term storage. That is, cheese is a direct threat of headaches. Tyramine leads to vasospasm, increases blood pressure. If you often have a headache, do not eat canned food, smoked meat, cheese, red wine, canned food, chocolate.