What foods should be removed from the diet forever

There are only two such products. Rather, these are two large categories of products – trans fats and white sugar. What is wrong with them and how to live without them, says healthy nutrition specialist Alisa Shabanova.

Each person has their own unique metabolism. Someone can eat potatoes with lard all day and not get better. Others gain excess weight from one type of sweet bun. However, there are products that everyone should refuse. Their use is not a matter of an ideal figure, but a matter of health.

Sweet and ugly

White sugar, molasses, syrups and all products containing them have the highest glycemic index. Their use, especially unlimited, leads to the development of insulin resistance and type XNUMX diabetes. An alternative is natural sweeteners (for example, stevia, agave or Jerusalem artichoke syrup), fruits.

There is a misconception that knowledge workers are required to eat sugar, because glucose stimulates the brain. Indeed, the only product that our brain consumes is glucose. But the body can produce it from almost any “material”, not only from carbohydrates, but also from fats and proteins. So worry about the lack of nutrition for the gray matter is not worth it.

The keto diet is bad for health, but effective in terms of weight loss.

The only exception where pure sugar is vital is hypoglycemia. If you are shaking with hunger, your heart beats faster than 90 beats per minute, your nails turn blue, and your hands become cold, you need to take action quickly. Sugar begins to be absorbed already in the mouth, so eating one cube is the right decision. Although, of course, it is impossible to bring the body to such a state.

Fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates

Many diets are based on the rejection of glucose. For example, the keto diet or LCHF is now fashionable, when carbohydrates are minimized, and fats can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

The keto diet is the strongest stress for the body, and artificially created. In fact, the complete rejection of carbohydrates leads to a lack of glucose, on the one hand, and the impossibility of utilizing ketone bodies, on the other. An excess of ketone bodies is harmful to the body, primarily to the liver.

Normally, the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is interconnected: when carbohydrates are broken down, ketone bodies are utilized and excreted from the body. This is reflected in the common phrase of nutritionists: “Fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates.” This reversible metabolic disorder leads to a decrease in adipose tissue while maintaining muscle.

Too strict diets and restrictions inevitably lead to breakdowns

The keto diet is not healthy for health, but in terms of weight loss, it is effective. In addition, it has a lot of contraindications – from kidney diseases to neuroses, and a number of side effects, including dehydration, irritability, fatigue, bad breath, skin problems, etc.

A person who puts physical and mental health in the first place is unlikely to force his body like that. Although the effectiveness of this method is recognized even by its opponents.

Not to fat

Trans fats are the second product that is important to remove from the diet forever. They are the strongest carcinogens and also cause cardiovascular diseases. Where are trans fats found? In margarine and spreads (an alternative to butter), in all fried fast food dishes (fries, pies, pasties, hamburgers, chicken pieces, etc.).

We also exclude from the menu all purchased sauces, factory-made pastries (buns, cakes, pastries, crackers and cookies), or before buying, we carefully study the composition for the presence of trans- or hydrogenated fats.

Last Supper Syndrome

Do not forget that even with “safe” products, a measure is needed. Kebab or fried potatoes, if consumed once a month, will not cause harm. Therefore, you should not completely deny yourself your favorite dishes. Moreover, too strict diets and restrictions inevitably lead to breakdowns.

There is even such a thing as the syndrome of the last supper, when before starting a diet we gorge on harmful foods that will be banned for us from tomorrow. According to recent research, this syndrome can predict dietary disruptions. The more you ate during the “last supper”, the faster the breakdown will come. Because the realization that chocolate, sugar or ice cream will no longer be available, causes acute resistance at an unconscious level, makes us suffer and leads to a violation of the diet.

It happens that on a diet we manage to eat more forbidden foods than in ordinary life.

A calm attitude towards food cannot be developed by a person who forbids himself to eat. The less we think about food, the smoother and more painless the process of weight loss goes. If you forbid yourself chocolate, you will dream about it day and night.

Recent studies have shown that while on a diet, some of us manage to eat more forbidden foods than in normal life. So always look for a healthy way to satisfy your food cravings. For example, dark chocolate without sugar will be an alternative to a chocolate muffin, and fresh berries with yogurt and a spoonful of honey will replace an unhealthy cake.

About expert

Alisa Shabanova, nutritionist, business development director and co-owner of GrinDin, a delicious and healthy food delivery company.

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