Even if these foods are not in your chosen food system, you can still eat them. They, definitely, will not harm the figure. Moreover, the products that we will talk about will provide the body with the necessary elements for successful work and will not contribute to weight gain.
- For a snack, you can always use apples – a source of fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. At the same time, their calorie content is low.
- Add to any dish avocado – a source of unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily absorbed and have a beneficial effect on the skin condition. Avocado is a very satisfying ingredient.
- Bell pepper also low in calories, yet filling, high in fiber and vitamin C.
- Cabbage – white, colored, broccoli – will help to avoid digestive problems and prevent oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- grapefruit speeds up metabolism and satisfies the desire to eat dessert – which is why this citrus is loved by many nutritionists.
- Blueberries contain fiber, as well as antioxidants that protect the weakened body during diets from the effects of free radicals.
- pears, if they do not have a firming effect on your body, are beneficial due to the high content of folic acid, potassium and iodine. And the low calorie content of pears allows their use during a diet.
- Tomatoes, as a source of vitamin C, are very important for the functioning of any organism. And depriving yourself of this juicy product during a diet is not worth it. Tomatoes also contain potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and organic acids.
- beans is a plant-based protein source that is essential for muscle growth. Replace high-calorie potatoes with beans – and this will immediately affect your figure!
- Boiled egg can be a hearty breakfast or snack. It perfectly relieves appetite and allows you to hold out until the main meal.
- Oily fishSalmon, in particular, contains healthy fats that keep the skin hydrated and firm, as well as protein for muscles. Fish is also good for digestion and contains healthy acids for brain and heart function.
- Coffee without sugar and cream will help burn calories, just don’t get carried away with it, as coffee is a well-known diuretic.
- Green teaas a source of antioxidants, it will improve your appearance and promote rejuvenation. Green tea contains useful vitamins such as A, B, C, E, F, K, P, U.
- Natural yoghurt – Another snacking alternative that will help improve digestion in the stomach and intestines, as well as provide the body with calcium and protein.
- Porridge – a satisfying source of fiber, trace elements and vitamins. If you do not overuse the side dish, exclude oils and sauces, then cereals can become the basis of your menu.
Be healthy!