What foods contain vitamin D

The importance of vitamin D for the body cannot be overestimated. It is responsible for a number of important biochemical processes:

  • helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, “opening” the cells of bone tissue, teeth and nails to receive these minerals;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • synthesizes monocytes, which cleanse the blood;
  • stimulates the synthesis of a number of hormones;
  • improves the transmission of impulses between neurons;
  • affects the development of the embryo.

With the right intake of vitamin D, bones and muscles are strengthened, blood composition improves, dryness of hair and skin disappears, the risk of oncology and diabetes mellitus appears and develops, immunity, working capacity, concentration of attention increase, thyroid gland and heart work improves, blood pressure is regulated.

Types of Vitamin D

Vitamin D, or calciferol, is the common name for a group of biologically active substances – fat-soluble vitamins D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6. Of these, two are beneficial to human health:

  • ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and
  • cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).

Ergocalciferol enters the body from the outside – along with plant foods (juices, cereals, mushrooms).
But cholecalciferol under the influence of ultraviolet is synthesized by the body itself. That’s why it’s also called a “natural” vitamin. In addition, it is found in food of animal origin – fatty fish, yolks, butter, etc. According to scientific research, D3 is involved in human life by about 30% more actively, which means that this type of calciferol is especially useful.

Vitamin D deficiency

It is known that vitamin D is synthesized by the body when it hits the skin at a certain angle, which is observed from 11 am to 2 pm. This time for children may coincide with lunch or sleep, while for adults it is necessary for work. Factors that lower vitamin D levels include constant use of sunscreen in the summer and bad habits such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

Symptoms in adults

Vitamin D deficiency can be detected through clinical and laboratory tests. And the signal that it’s time to go to the doctor should be the following symptoms:

  • chronic fatigue,
  • irritability, nervousness,
  • chair problems,
  • sleep disorder,
  • caries,
  • decreased vision,
  • bone loss and bone fragility,
  • aching pain in the bones and joints,
  • increased sweating of the occipital region,
  • cramps, pulling pains in the muscles,
  • dryness, peeling of the skin,
  • alopecia,
  • loss of appetite, anorexia,
  • overweight,
  • frequent respiratory tract infections.

As we can see, the symptoms from this list are not specific. And on their basis it can be difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, those who suspect that they have calciferol vitamin deficiency should be tested for 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH) D). If your indicator is in the range of 30-100 ng / ml, there is no need to worry. A reading of less than 20-30 ng/mL is indicative of vitamin D deficiency, and less than 10 ng/mL is diagnosed as a deficiency, in which case immediate action should be taken. Read more about the importance of vitamin D for women .

Symptoms in children

Calciferol is involved in the development of the embryo and the formation of innate immunity, so children should receive this vitamin before they are born, during the prenatal period. In childhood, when the child’s skeleton, teeth and muscular body are actively developing, an adequate level of vitamin D is very important.
Some of the symptoms of this vitamin deficiency in children include:

  • increased tearfulness, excitability and sleep disturbances;
  • growth retardation;
  • slowing down the closure of the fontanel;
  • weight loss;
  • profuse sweating, especially during sleep;
  • rickets, changes in the skeletal system (curved legs, enlarged head, flat nape, too convex forehead).

At-risk groups

  1. Patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys and intestines . Vitamin D is activated in the liver and kidneys, so in people with diseases of these organs, the process is disrupted.
  2. Owners of swarthy skin . A large amount of melanin in dark or tanned skin protects it from UV rays, which reduces the volume of synthesized cholecalciferol.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women. The developing skeleton of the embryo requires a large amount of calcium and calciferol – it receives them from the mother’s body. During lactation, calcium is also washed out of the body, therefore, nursing mothers, as a rule, do not have enough vitamin D and they are recommended to take vitamin complexes .
  4. People over the age of 60. As we age, intestinal absorption of fat decreases, which affects the absorption of fat-soluble vitamin D.
  5. Overweight . Being a fat-soluble vitamin, calciferol dissolves in adipose tissue without having time to participate in a number of biochemical processes. Thus, the need for vitamin D is higher in obese people.
  6. Vegetarians . This is easily explained by the lack of animal food containing vitamin D in their diet.

Too much vitamin D

The cause of supersaturation of calciferol is often an excessive passion for vitamins. In this case, hypervitaminosis occurs, that is, a state when the hydroxyvitamin D index exceeds 100 ng / ml.
Calcium salts begin to be deposited in the muscles, internal organs, skin, which negatively affects their condition and work. Hypervitaminosis provokes visual impairment, kidney failure and the appearance of stones.
The enthusiasm of some young mothers for vitamins can lead to an excess of calciferol in the child’s body. Therefore, the treatment and choice of medicines for the child should be carried out as directed by the pediatrician. It takes into account the appearance of the newborn, as well as the type of feeding on which he is. For example, if you feed your child with milk formulas, then vitamin D is already included in their composition in the right amount, which means that you do not need to use drugs to prevent its deficiency. While mother’s milk, especially in winter, may contain insufficient amounts of this vitamin.

Among the signs of excess calciferol in children and adults:

  • insomnia;
  • frequent urination, diarrhea and vomiting;
  • skin rashes;
  • muscle cramps;
  • irritability.

In addition, in children, an excess of vitamin D increases the symptoms of other diseases. Skin rashes or loose stools are sometimes mistaken for an allergy to vitamin D. In fact, this is just an overdose that disrupts the liver and causes reactions similar to allergic ones.

Boost your vitamin D levels

How to increase the level of vitamin D in the body

Ultra-violet rays

The easiest and most natural way to boost your vitamin D levels is to spend more time in the sun. The ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight consists of three fractions of rays: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. The synthesis of cholecalciferol requires B-fraction rays that do not pass through a glass window. Therefore, it is recommended to catch them only in the fresh air. It should also be remembered that clouds and urban smog are capable of retaining up to 50% of ultraviolet radiation.
The minimum duration of sunbathing should be 20-30 minutes a day from 11 am to 2 pm. Unfortunately, it is during these hours in the summer that the likelihood of getting a sunburn is high. And the use of sunscreens with an SPF factor above 8 blocks the production of vitamin D. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the danger and benefits of such a tan.
If there is no opportunity to be in the sun, you can use the solarium. The rays of UV lamps are not equivalent to the sun, but partially compensate for the deficiency of natural ultraviolet radiation. However, the unreasonable use of a solarium can provoke premature skin aging, pigmentation, and even the appearance of melanoma.

What foods contain vitamin D?

Winter is coming to an end, and with it our strength. And all because of the lack of sun and vitamin D, which are responsible for good mood and energy.

Richest Vitamin D Foods | Healthy Foods | Foodie Features | The Foodie

Immunity, emotional balance, state of bones – due to the lack of sunlight with all this is simply a disaster. This is because in winter we really do not have enough sunlight. The signs of a vitamin D deficiency are terribly unpleasant, ranging from sweating to hair loss to being overweight. But all these troubles can be avoided by making up for the deficiency of the solar vitamin with the right food. The daily intake of vitamin D is about 600 IU. And if you do not see the sun at all, then the rate rises to 1000 IU. Wday.ru has compiled a list of foods that contain the most vitamin D.

1. Salmon

Atlantic salmon is an excellent source of vitamin D. 100 grams contains about 980 IU, that is, one and a half daily doses of the vitamin. But there is a catch: only wild salmon is distinguished by such nutritional properties. In fish grown artificially, the vitamin content is reduced to 250 IU per 100 grams.

2. Herring and sardines

These types of oily fish are good both fresh and pickled. But fresh it is still better: Atlantic herring will provide you with 1600 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams, and pickled herring – only 680 IU. Which, however, is also good. But experts warn: do not get carried away with herring in the marinade, because there is a lot of salt in it. And this negatively affects the work of the heart.

Sardines contain about 270 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams. But other fatty fish are also good: halibut and mackerel contain, respectively, 600 and 360 IU of vitamin per serving.

3. Cod liver

This product is good from almost every angle. You just need to remember that it is very high in calories. And the rest is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D in cod liver is about 100 IU per 100 grams, a lot of vitamins A, B2, E, C, folic acid and easily digestible minerals (phosphorus, sodium, potassium). By the way, cod liver oil, the same fish oil, is considered one of the best suppliers of vitamin D to our body.

4. Canned tuna

You will not find fresh tuna with us in the afternoon with fire. And canned food is also cheaper. You don’t need to cook it, you can just add it to a vegetable salad. And in such a simple way to provide yourself with 230 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams of canned food. In addition, tuna contains a lot of vitamin K, which is necessary for normal metabolism and kidney function.

However, there is one “but” – in tuna there are many not only useful substances, but also methylmercury, which, in fact, is a poison. If this substance accumulates in the body, serious health problems can develop. By the way, this is why pregnant ocean fish are not advised to eat.

5. Oysters

These shellfish are not only well-known aphrodisiacs, but also suppliers of the solar vitamin, copper, zinc, vitamin B12, which are also called the vitamin of happiness. As for D, 100 grams of oysters contains 320 IU. That’s five times the calories.

6. Shrimp

A wonderful treat that contains a lot of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and at the same time practically does not contain fat. And the vitamin D in shrimp is 152 IU per 100 grams. The main thing with shrimp is not to get too carried away. Protein overdose can be unpleasant, even poisoning.

7. Eggs

Chicken eggs have long ceased to be demonized and allowed to fearlessly eat two a day. And if without yolks, then more. However, from the point of view of the source of vitamin D, the main thing in eggs is still the yolks. One yolk contains about 18–39 IU of this vitamin. This is the case if the eggs are factory-made. If from a domestic chicken that has not been sitting in a confined space, then the amount of vitamin increases to 120 IU per yolk. In addition, some chickens are fed a special compound feed fortified with vitamin D. The eggs they carry can contain up to 6000 IU. But this is a rarity for our region.

8. Mushrooms

This is one of the few decent sources of vitamin D. The only difference is that animal products contain vitamin D3, while mushrooms contain D2. Which one is more effective, doctors still argue. Some types of mushrooms contain up to 2400 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams. But the mushrooms grown on farms lag far behind their wild counterparts: they grow in the dark, so there is critically little vitamin D in them. An exception is those mushrooms that are treated with ultraviolet light. They contain 130 to 450 IU of sunshine vitamin per 100 grams.

9. Beef and chicken liver

They do not contain as much vitamin D as other foods: beef contains about 45 IU, chicken and goose – about 50 IU. But on the other hand, they contain many other useful substances: vitamin A, iron, protein. But there is also a lot of fat, so it is better not to overuse dishes with liver.

Daily rate

The required daily intake of cholecalciferol for a healthy adult is 15 mcg, or 600 IU, which is equivalent to its content in about 100 grams of salmon.
For children under three years of age, doctors prescribe up to 400 IU of vitamin per day to prevent rickets. For children older than three years, the daily intake of calciferod is 600 IU.

The ratio of patients to the recommended daily dose of vitamin D3 (in IU) is shown in this table.

PatientD3 (ME)
Baby under 6 months old400
Baby 6-12 months400
Toddler 1-3 years old600
Children 4-8 years old600
Teenagers and adults600
Pregnant and lactating800
Elderly people over 70800

The constant lack of vitamin D in the diet is fraught with a number of unpleasant consequences, including:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • oncology,
  • hypertension,
  • migraine,
  • diabetes,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • immunodeficiency,
  • allergies,
  • periodontitis,
  • risk of preterm birth.

More than a hundred years have passed since the discovery of vitamin D. But every year, scientists learn about its new features. Its role in life processes is very great. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the level of this substance in the body.

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