What foods can you eat at night so as not to get fat

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! What foods can be eaten at night? This short article and video will answer your question.

It often happens that dinner has already passed, it’s time to go to bed, and suddenly I felt like eating. Many people simply ignore this urge of the body and go to bed. Although this can negatively affect well-being, as well as the quality of rest. In addition, if you refuse your body, you may not feel very good in the morning.

All this indicates that you should not give up late snacking, but you need to carefully choose the foods that you can eat before bed.

There is a widespread myth that it is not recommended to eat after 18 pm in order not to gain weight. In fact, it is permissible to eat after 18 hours, but you need to stop eating 3 hours before bedtime.

What foods can you eat at night so as not to get fat

What foods can you eat at night so as not to get fat

What you can eat before bed

Green vegetables

It can be lettuce, cucumbers, salad peppers, celery. It is advisable to prepare a light salad (250 grams per serving). You can also afford a piece of fish or lean meat.

White meat

It should be remembered that meat is exclusively steamed, boiled or baked. In no case should you fry meat! This is because it doubles the calorie content of the product. When it comes to an after-dinner snack, 130 grams of meat is sufficient. A turkey or rabbit is a good option.


In this case, we are not talking about its classic version, but rather about the broth.


This berry contains a large number of nutrients. You can eat both fresh and frozen berries. It has a positive effect on health in general, as well as on brain activity. If you don’t have problems with extra pounds, add a little cream to the berries.

Milk and honey

Just before bed, a glass of warm milk is a great solution. It helps you fall asleep faster and makes you sleep more sound. You can add some honey to the glass. In this case, it is important not to overdo it. It will be enough to add one teaspoon of honey per glass. Kefir at night is a classic option.


Just like meat, they should be eaten only boiled or stewed. In addition, you can use the vegetables mentioned earlier. But, remember that about 130 grams is considered a normal amount.

Green apples

Apples can be eaten fresh or baked before bed. Bananas or citrus fruits are fine.


This video provides additional information on what foods to eat overnight and what not to eat.

Dear readers, if you liked the information on what foods you can eat at night, share on social networks. 😉 Always be healthy!

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