In the difficult epidemiological situation in the country, are pharmacies lacking medicines? portal has published a list of funds with limited availability.
Availability of drugs in Poland
A few weeks ago, many experts feared that the spreading epidemic and problems with the supply of pharmaceutical raw materials from China would result in a lack of many drugs in pharmacies. According to the analysis of the website, which monitors the situation in Polish pharmacies, the list of shortages has shortened over the last month.
Below we publish a list of missing drugs:
What drugs are missing in Poland?
The difficult situation concerns especially patients taking Euthyrox N – as we have already informed, there have been problems with the availability of this preparation for several months. It is a popular drug in the case of endocrine diseases, incl. used in hypothyroidism. There is also a lack of preparations for menopausal patients who use hormone replacement therapy.
There are difficulties in getting Arechin and Plaquenil in pharmacies – both drugs are currently used in patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The Ministry of Health decided to ration these funds. Arechin is available in pharmacies for patients who use this drug chronically in the following indications: malaria (malaria), amoebiasis and liver abscess, various forms of lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases other than those specified in the SPC, late cutaneous porphyria. HERE for more information on the rationing of two COVID-19 drugs.
You can find a list of online pharmacies at
The list of missing drugs also includes agents containing acenocoumarol, a substance with anticoagulant activity.
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