What does unusual urine smell mean? A strange smell is an alarm signal

Usually our urine has a delicate smell and a straw yellow color. Sometimes, however, there are deviations from the norm. In most cases, a strong smell of urine is not likely to be a symptom of a disease. It can be influenced by medication, diet or hydration level. What else causes our urine to smell unusual? We advise!

  1. Urine usually has a delicate, even imperceptible odor and a straw-yellow color
  2. When the smell of urine begins to change, we should be more vigilant. It may be the first symptom of a serious illness, especially type 2 diabetes
  3. The smell and color of urine is also influenced by, among other things, the level of hydration in our body
  4. If we notice any disturbing changes in the smell or appearance of our urine, we should consult a doctor immediately.
  5. You can find more such stories on the Onet homepage.

What affects the smell of urine?

  1. The degree of hydration of the body

If your body isn’t hydrated enough it can make your urine smell more intense. All because it contains a high level of ammonia. The way to do this is to get into the habit of reaching for water. Thanks to this, you will hydrate the body, and at the same time you will dilute the ammonia contained in the urine, which will reduce its intense smell.

  1. Some food items

Some foods contain compounds that can make urine odorous. The main culprit is primarily the asparagus. When we eat them, our urine may smell like sweat. What other products influence its smell?

  1. coffee,
  2. honey,
  3. dried fruits,
  4. Brussels sprouts,
  5. alcohol,
  6. fennel,
  7. Garlic,
  8. onion.
  1. Medications taken

If you are taking an antibiotic, for example, it can affect the smell of your urine. Some of them are made of mold. Therefore, urine may have a faint, yeast odor. The same applies to some vitamins, especially those of group B. They are soluble in water, which means that the body does not store them. Everything that is not necessary for him is excreted in the urine, among other things. This may affect its smell.

  1. Some diseases

The main culprit behind the unusual smell of urine is diabetes or pre-diabetes. If we struggle with these conditions, our urine will smell sweet or even fruity. Why is this happening? This is how our body wants to get rid of excess blood sugar. If you notice that you are urinating more frequently which has a sweetish odor, consult your doctor as soon as possible. It is one of the earliest symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is not the only condition that causes your urine to smell sweet. In the same way, it is affected by maple syrup disease. It is a rare genetic condition that prevents the body from breaking down certain amino acids. The disease may also be associated with seizures, drowsiness and irritability.

Another medical condition that affects the smell of our urine is kidney stones. These are hard masses that form in the kidneys when certain substances crystallize in our urine. This is why it can be cloudy and smell extremely unpleasant. Sometimes blood also appears in it.

When was the last time you had a urine test?

Don’t hesitate! General mail order urine test, which checks 10 urine parameters, is available at medonetmarket.pl. You will do the research without leaving your home

Liver disease also affects the smell of urine. They make the urine not only very dark, but also smell extremely bad. Conversely, a urinary tract infection can make urine smell strong or sweet. This is because bacteria appear in it. In turn, a urinary tract infection causes urine to smell strongly of ammonia.

  1. Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your urine may smell harsher. This is due to the hormones your body produces at the time.

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