What does thick saliva show?

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What does thick saliva indicate? Can thick saliva be a symptom of an illness? How to deal with the problem of thick saliva? Which specialist should you go to? What could be the causes of thick saliva? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

What does thick saliva indicate?

Hello, my name is Henryk and I am 55 years old. My problem is thick saliva. I have been struggling with this problem for several months. Recently, however, I have noticed an increase in this problem thick saliva it is starting to make my life significantly more difficult. I cannot swallow normally because the thick saliva makes it very difficult. At first, I thought that thick saliva was the result of my body becoming dehydrated. I started to drink a lot more water – about 2-3 liters a day of pure water, but thick saliva is still there.

What does thick saliva show? Can thick saliva be a symptom of an illness? I don’t know what to do anymore and the problem is only getting worse. I don’t even enjoy eating anymore, because from thick saliva I have trouble swallowing. Only liquid meals are easier for me, because then thick saliva is not that problematic in my case. I don’t know exactly what to do or how to deal with this problem anymore, so please explain causes of thick saliva and what I could do to make this problem end.

The doctor explains the causes of thick saliva

Pathological symptom of dry mouth we professionally call xerostomia. We distinguish between dry mouth caused by reduced salivation and unrelated reduced secretion. Saliva plays an important role in the human body. It takes part in the chewing and digesting process. Thanks to saliva, the food is pre-processed in the mouth and prepares it to go through the subsequent stages of digestion in the digestive tract. The saliva makes it possible to taste. It contains substances that have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, which prevents oral infections. It naturally moisturizes the oral cavity, allows you to swallow food, and removes food debris.

Therefore, there is no or saliva deficiency disrupts proper functioning. Unfortunately, we observe with age reduction of saliva production. Salivary deficiency may result from a pathology in the salivary glands or be a symptom of a developing systemic disease. Behind dry mouth chronic medications and interactions between them are often relevant. We observe xerostimia in the course of systemic diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, scleroderma, Sjögren’s syndrome.

Conditions in which the patient breathes through the mouth, e.g. in the course of infection, nasal septum curve, allergic rhinitis, chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses lead to drying of the oral mucosa. The diagnosis should exclude dehydration.

Dry mouth, which is severe, causes pain, causes difficulties in swallowing food, requires diagnostics. Therefore, I suggest that you visit your GP. After collecting a complete medical history and examining the patient, the doctor will decide on further treatment. Depending on the most probable cause, he or she will order additional tests and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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