What does the spine like and what not? 7 factors for the sake of our efficiency!
What does the spine like and what not? 7 factors for the sake of our efficiency!What does the spine like and what not? 7 factors for the sake of our efficiency!

The topic is most often discussed in the case of injuries or during health and safety training. You can say that you rest the weight of your day on your spine. Improper posture when lifting heavy objects, as well as avoiding movement, can adversely affect our fitness.

Warehouse workers, but also ladies who wear high heels on a daily basis, are at risk of back pain. Everyday activities can contribute to strengthening the spine or limit our efficiency.

What does the spine like and what not?

  1. By choosing high heels, we shift the entire body weight to the front of the foot, which negatively affects the lumbar area and causes pain in many women. Therefore, it is worth spending this type of footwear on special occasions, and on a daily basis choose models that allow you to rest the center of gravity on the heel.
  2. Driving a car is also a big challenge for the lumbar region. However, a possible accident is associated with a high risk for the neck area. The steering wheel, headrest and seat should be carefully adjusted by the driver. The back should be kept straight so that we can comfortably use the pedals, while the buttocks are as close to the chair as possible. Before moving off, it is worth making sure that with the belts fastened and the shoulder blades resting on the backrest, we are able to travel comfortably.
  3. The mattress on which we sleep should not be too soft. Just after waking up, let’s not jump up nervously, let’s spend a few moments on lazy stretching, thanks to which we will prepare the muscles for sitting down. If we get up too quickly, there is a risk of slipping the disc located between the vertebrae of the spine, because relaxed and relaxed muscles are completely unprepared for a change of position.
  4. The spine exposed to long-term effort, after a day of hard work, is thirsty for relaxation. A visit to the sauna, a relaxing bath with an essential oil, or an hour spent on a treatment with a qualified masseur may be beneficial for us.
  5. For the sake of good lumbar form, do not bend down to pick up an object on the ground, but instead squat. In this situation, the weight will be transferred from the spine to the legs.
  6. The squat is also good for lifting weights. When returning from the store, we should distribute the purchases evenly in both hands, or carry them in a backpack or trolley on wheels.
  7. Even if the nature of our work requires us to constantly stand or sit in front of the computer, let’s try to change our position as often as possible. When sitting for several hours in a row, do not cross your legs, as this will weaken the circulation.

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