What does the money look like?
There are a great many different signs, proverbs and sayings, as well as interpretations of dreams about money. Because finances, wealth or poverty associated with them, have always seriously influenced life, whatever one may say. And what is the money for?

Money in Vanga’s dream book

There are no “no one’s” finances. Therefore, the dream book interprets money of this kind (if you found “no one’s” money) as follows – beware of damage. Money can be conspired. Do not take someone else’s or “nobody’s”. The interpretation of dreams about money according to Vanga’s dream book does not stop there. Torn banknotes? Beware of robbery. To take money? Wangi’s dream book explains – this is for the good and respect of others. It’s also good to give away money. Wangi’s dream book says that these expenses will pay off with a successful completion of the case. But if you count cash in a dream, this is a cause for concern. Enough trifles, call trouble.

Money in Freud’s dream book

Freud has everything because of problems with sex. Or somehow reflects them. Well, almost everything. And money that is able to “strengthen” passions – even more so. Why dream of money according to Freud’s dream book? If you gave banknotes in a dream, you will find yourself a permanent partner. But if you find a wallet with some amount, an unexpected acquaintance and violent sex await you. If you borrowed money, then you should find the positive in the person who lent you the necessary funds. If additional income appeared in addition to the main job, then there will be money for a mistress. Or a holiday romance. But it’s not worth losing them. The interpretation of dreams according to Freud’s dream book in this case is unequivocal – it is worth going to the doctor about health.

Money in Loff’s dream book

Loff’s dream book is specific in interpreting dreams about money. Finances, they are finances, are interpreted unambiguously. For example, if, according to Loff’s dream book, to find money, this is to receive a reward. And if you give it away – accordingly, to troubles and unnecessary expenses. Do you hold banknotes in your hands? According to Loff’s dream book, money in this case will come if you make the right decision. If you ask for a loan in a dream, expect financial problems. If you lend yourself, be careful, not good. Funds may not be returned.

Money in Miller’s dream book

Dream Interpretation appreciates money. So, if you have a thick bundle of banknotes, the interpretation of dreams about money according to Miller suggests that your ideas, including financial ones, are feasible. But if the money “goes” out of hand – you pay with it for something – this is at a loss. Their amount depends on the money spent. Do you count banknotes over and over again? I want to get more, but it looks like you have reached the maximum. Why withdraw money from Miller’s dream book if you borrow large sums? The fact that in life you have to make an impression and spend more than necessary.

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