What does the increased PDW blood test mean?

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What exactly does the PDW indicator mean? What role does it play in the human body? What might an increased PDW indicate? Should the results be consulted with a specialist? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

What does a platelet distribution test mean?

Such a marker in the study will show whether there is a threat of myeloproliferative diseases – pathological changes. Directly when considering the results of analyzes on platelet indices, we are talking about the following pathologies:

  • Malignant hematological lesions;
  • Hemorrhagic syndrome (bleeding);
  • Thrombocytosis (risk of blockage of blood vessels);
  • Autoimmune diseases.

With the help of such an analysis in the laboratory, it becomes clearly visible which forms of PLT predominate relative to the total mass of platelets. This is called heterogeneity, that is, the heterogeneity of the ratio between elements within the same group of blood cells. Normally, all forms of platelets are present in the blood, and all of them are in a certain balance. However, in one of the diseases, there is a pathological increase in the mass of those forms that, due to their structure, cannot cope with the tasks of platelets.

Forms of platelets

This type of blood cells can be called secondary: a platelet is part of megakaryocytes, which are one of the types of bone marrow production.

What does the increased PDW blood test mean?

The life expectancy of platelets is short, these blood cells are renewed within 5-11 days. These blood cells differ in size and degree of maturity:

  • Young

They make up less than 1% of the total mass of PLT, their increase is always associated with an active regeneration process in the red bone marrow. Increased production of new blood cells is associated with its loss for various reasons, including in women during the monthly cycle.  

  • mature

Among the total volume of platelets, these forms in a healthy body are present in the largest mass: 80-95%. It is the mature ones that perform most of the functions assigned to PLT: this is blood clotting and stopping, that is, its aggregation or adhesion.

  • old

Their presence is limited to 2.2 – 5%, blood with a volume of old platelets more than this norm indicates the risk of developing malignant tumors or their presence.

  • Forms of irritation

0.8-2.3-3% of the total mass of platelets, appear as an error in the process of separation from the megakaryocyte. Practically non-functional, the ability to stick together is extremely low, they are not suitable for performing the tasks inherent in platelets.  

  • Degenerative

Such forms of platelets are not found in healthy people, a mass of 0-0.2% is considered acceptable, and everything that goes beyond the norm is detected in chronic severe diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Excesses in the last two forms – degenerative and irritation – indicate anisocytosis, that is, an atypical ratio of different types of platelets, and as a result, pathology.

What does the increased PDW blood test mean?

Why PDW rises

Informative interpretation of this part of the analysis is added by all other platelet indices as part of a laboratory study, as well as other parameters of the KLA, including the leukocyte formula, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), etc.

An increase in only one point from all the parameters of the platelet study indicates more about a violation of the rules for preparing for the delivery of the KLA or an error in processing the results than about the actual disease.

What might an increased PDW index indicate?

Hello and welcome. I had a complete blood count recently and most of the results were normal. However, I was concerned about the fact that I do significantly increased PDW. Hence my question as to what it testifies to increased PDW? What exactly does this indicator mean? I have been doing some research on the internet about this and I know it has to do with platelets. However, I was not able to find much information as evidenced by the increased PDW.

I only came across information that it might be related to leukemia, but I don’t believe I could have this disease. I am young and I do not think that I am in danger of such serious ailments so far. So what could this mean? Could elevated PDW indicate an illness and should I see a specialist? Is there nothing to worry about and I should not worry about the results for now, unless in the next tests, which I will definitely do in some time, the result will be elevated again?

I would like to emphasize that I am not sick, I do not have any chronic diseases or ailments. Thank you in advance for your answer.


– inflammation . Platelets are always sensitive to damage or infection; even a harmless cosmetic procedure on the eve of the blood sampling procedure can lead to a temporary increase in the PLT distribution index.

– medicines . What exactly – it will not be possible to determine, it all depends on the purpose of therapy. But even vitamins are recommended to be excluded.

– menstrual cycle . Refers to conditions of hemorrhage.

– pregnancy . Blood clotting inevitably increases, the body undergoes a global restructuring.

– physical activity . The blood flow is accelerated, the production of all types of blood cells increases.

Reasons for lowering PWD

With a decrease in the level, it is always worth suspecting diseases, deviations down from the reference values ​​in the analyzes are interpreted as pathologies of oppression of hematopoietic mechanisms and a consequence of their treatment:

-diseases associated with the bone marrow (myelodysplastic syndrome), metastases to the bone marrow;

-chemotherapy or chemical poisoning;

– leukemia (blood cancer);

-radiation sickness;

– thrombocytopenia (lack of platelets in the blood);

-chronic hepatitis (liver disease, closely related to blood, its quality, filtration, etc.);

– anemia (against the background of a deficiency of vitamins B9 and B12).

Norms in the blood test of the platelet formula and the distribution of platelets

What does the increased PDW blood test mean?

Micronutrients and platelets

It would be wrong to talk about the direct relationship of vitamins, macro- and microelements with platelets, their maturation and proper activity. However, full-fledged hematopoiesis – the formation of blood cells in the red bone marrow – is impossible without additional nutrition. Two elements are of primary importance:

Vitamin B9 – folic acid. This is the speed and quality of cell renewal, amino acid metabolism.

Water-soluble, that is, not accumulated in tissues, this compound is of priority importance for regulating the development of new cells, including blood and its formed elements. Also, this folate is actively involved in the processes associated with hematopoiesis.

A short-term lack of vitamin B9 without aggravating factors will not adversely affect the processes of cell division. However, an increasing deficiency of folic acid leads to the fact that the place of mature, fully functional blood cells (platelets and red blood cells) is occupied by immature cells – megaloblasts .

What does the increased PDW blood test mean?

The presence of these giant, but completely incapable functional cells leads to the appearance of folate deficiency (megaloblastic) anemia. However, the deficiency of vitamin B9 is not limited to this, and in addition to the deterioration in the functionality of the blood, those processes in the body that depend on cell division suffer – that is, everything.

Physiological factors:

  • Cardiovascular pathologies
  • Oncological diseases
  • Premature loss of skin tone
  • Difficulties with conception

Depression, anxiety and a general deterioration in the psycho-emotional state are also an important aspect, although to a lesser extent dependent on the presence of vitamin B9 in the blood.

Vitamin B12  – a representative of the group of cobalamins, and in particular the compound cyanocobalamin, capable of being converted into the form of a coenzyme (coenzyme), an active enzyme accelerator. Vitamin B12 is also known as an anti-anemia compound, and together with a lack of vitamin B9 leads to severe pathologies of the hematopoietic system.

We will not be mistaken in reminding that an imbalance of any micronutrients always leads to a deterioration in well-being. The role of vitamins at the cellular level is so important that the lack of only one, especially for a long time, leads to malfunctions in the transport chain, after which the delivery of nutrition to cells through the blood is disrupted, and the accumulation of excess undelivered compounds.

Equally important is the interaction of vitamins, micro-macroelements with each other.

What does the increased PDW blood test mean?

Vitamins E and C protect the most important antioxidant – vitamin A – from oxidation. In order for retinol A to take one of its active forms, zinc is also needed. In turn, vitamin A improves the absorption of iron, which is necessary for the prevention of anemia and is required for blood loss. Vitamin C helps the gland to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, but it also prevents the liver from accumulating vitamin A, which is necessary to protect cells from premature death.

This cycle of interactions and confrontations in the body of each person is individual and endless. But this, at first glance, complex, but perfectly balanced by evolution, system leads to a clear understanding that uncontrolled intake of vitamins and micronutrients is at least useless, and in a number of diseases can cause more harm than good.

The calculation of a personal micronutrient formula is a sound decision and leads to the need to monitor the state of health. Visual, up-to-date, and more importantly, a personalized view of most processes in the body and give blood tests.

PDW (Platelet Distribution Width) Blood Test Normal Range, Low and High Value explained..

The doctor points to possible causes of increased PDW

The blood count test allows the determination of the number of morphotic elements of the blood and the analysis of some of their features. It is a very common test and is often performed as one of the first in the diagnosis and monitoring of the patient’s health. Morphology is used in prophylaxis as well as in detecting diseases, e.g. anemia.

One of the parameters in morphology is PDW – an index of the spread of the platelet volume distribution. Platelets (thrombocytes) are the smallest blood morphotic elements involved in the clotting process. Among other things, thanks to the platelets, in the event of an injury, blood clots are formed, which helps to stop the bleeding process. Blood counts measure total platelet count (PLT) as well as major platelet count and mean platelet volume (MPV).

Correct number of tiles it is in the range of 150-000 / μl. A reduction in the number of platelets indicates thrombocytopenia. The index of the spread of the volume of the plates (PDW) shows the differentiation in the volume of individual thrombocytes. With the simultaneous occurrence of other abnormalities in the results, it may indicate the occurrence of, for example, vitamin deficiencies or a neoplastic disease. Symptoms indicating abnormalities in the quantity and quality of platelets include bleeding from the skin, mucous membranes, and frequent nosebleeds. Women experience heavy, prolonged periods.

Additionally, you can observe easy formation of “bruises”, technically known as bruises, or small bruises on the skin. In the course of even small procedures, haemorrhages that are difficult to control may occur. The test results are assessed based on the clinical picture. It is important to take a medical history and examine the patient.

It should also be borne in mind that laboratory errors often occur and sometimes the test must be repeated for verification. Please show the results of the morphology tests to the attending physician, who will decide on the implementation of possible further diagnostics.

The editorial board recommends:

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  2. Is excess potassium dangerous?
  3. Do food intolerance tests work?

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