
In the depths of your soul, you have made a cardinal decision, but you lack the strength to believe in yourself and begin to implement it. At such moments, we often begin to dream about losses. Psychology professor and ethnopsychotherapist Tobie Nathan explains what the dream «My luggage is gone» means.

Dream of Charlotte, 53:

“I dream that I am at the airport. I walk along the corridors — whether I should get on the plane, or I just left, I don’t remember. Suddenly, I notice that all my luggage has disappeared, and anxiety seizes me. I look everywhere for my suitcases, but I can’t find them. I return to a completely deserted airport. Now my ex-lover is next to me, I tell him about my confusion, but he laughs at me. I wake up in a sweat. I often see this dream, although some details of the situation change. Sometimes I lose my bag or wallet, but I always wake up in a state of anxiety that does not go away all day, or even several days … «


Dear Charlotte, this recurring dream is a reminder. Deep down, you have made a decision that you can’t put into practice in any way, and a dream periodically reminds you of this. You said that you decided to change, moreover, radically reborn. That is why in a dream you lose all your things, documents, wallet — after all, as soon as changes occur, everything that identified you will lose its power.

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You had a sad childhood. The cold father was indifferent to you, and the mother is depressed and embittered. She transferred her bitterness to you. Despite a brilliant education and prestigious positions, you still remained a scapegoat for her. Although it would seem that you realize all her dreams — education, travel … but no! For you, she had only reproaches and insults. Are you sure that difficult relationships with men were the result of your difficult relationship with your mother. When you cut off all ties with her, she started calling and apologizing for being a bad mother. And you believed her. It seemed to you that this time she would finally recognize you. But, like the man in your dream, she abandoned you, remaining indifferent to your situation.

I know you are a very gifted person, but you cannot believe in yourself. Let me give you a tip, Charlotte, sign up for a pool. Go swimming at least twice a week, dive! Yes, yes, dive, 10-15 times. Because when we dive — this moment is in the air, not yet in the water and no longer on land — the anxiety about the coming changes releases us, and we can accept them.

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