A dream that repeats itself over and over again can carry an encrypted message. Psychoanalyst Konstantin Slepak tells what the dream means: “My apartment is empty.”
Ivanna, 30 years old
“For many years I have had the same dream: I go to the front door, it is ajar, I go into the apartment, and there is nothing there … I always wake up in a cold sweat. Ten years ago my apartment was robbed, I remember this evening to the smallest detail, especially one moment. I open the door – the whole apartment is turned upside down the house, and many things are missing! I was very scared then … It was after the robbery that I began to see this nightmare. How can I get rid of it?”
“I believe that the image of an upside down apartment is an image of the mental chaos that you experienced when you saw the consequences of a robbery firsthand. I am sure that it was a strong shock for the psyche. Unfortunately, sometimes we are faced with events that we cannot consciously cope with: experience and use as part of life experience. Then a part of the shocked psyche, as it were, splits off and begins to live its own life. This is called mental trauma. It manifests itself in fears, anxieties, dreams. Such an injury may not heal for many years. If your dream is really connected with a robbery ten years ago, then it is important to start talking about this event to yourself and your loved ones, acquaintances whom you trust. Moreover, repeat what you saw, share the experiences that you experienced, again and again. This will allow you to relate to this experience more consciously and release energy from traumatic memories.