Every month, Jungian analyst Stanislav Raevsky deciphers the pictures you saw in your dreams.
Natalia, 36 years old
I organize conventions. In a dream, I was on one of them, abroad, I was afraid not to have time to do everything I needed, I was constantly in a hurry. At the meeting, we talked with an unfamiliar man. He turned to me with a phrase from a movie that I also watched, and I continued, and then he continued … And then he kissed me. It was amazing, I haven’t kissed in such a long time.
But I was afraid that everyone was watching, and pushed him away, and he grinned and left, and I didn’t even have time to get to know him. I woke up regretting that I pushed him away.
I think you are also in a hurry in reality, you are afraid not to be in time for everything. Often we complain about work that requires so much attention that we do not have enough time for ourselves. But we ourselves choose what we do, and unconsciously we may prefer what supports our usual perception of the world and ourselves. So, if we have a lot of internal anxiety, we will choose a job where we need to worry. And if we put the needs of others first, forgetting about our own, then we will choose a place where everyone needs care. It seems to us that external circumstances determine our state, but it turns out the opposite: we adjust the circumstances to our usual states.
The organization of congresses provides you with both constant anxiety and concern for others. But the congress is also a place of contacts. And contact occurs: a man appears, speaking the same language with you, the language of the film that you both watched. It is so important to meet in life someone with whom you can speak the same language. and love the same films.
So why did you push him away? There is an explanation in the dream: you were afraid that everyone was watching. It `s naturally: we are often frightened by the approach of someone we especially likeespecially on people. But is there something more behind your fear? Those who selflessly care for others often have an abandonment complex. They are so afraid of being abandoned that they block any contact that might be meaningful.
Maybe you care too much what other people think of you, your relationship, or your partner.
Or maybe you care too much about someone else’s opinion about you, about your relationship or about your partner. Or you are afraid of your own sexuality or being judged by others. Or you are afraid to finally get something for yourself. But fear can also hide desire: perhaps you unconsciously want to kiss in front of everyone.
In addition to real relationships, relationships with internal figures are important. The figure of a man in a dream can mean not only a real person, but also animus is the archetype of masculinity. It is in the psyche of every woman. Connecting with him means achieving wholeness. Your dream may mean fear of meeting this guide to the center of your own psyche.
But you can use the active imagination technique to continue the dream and establish a dialogue with the unconscious. Imagine a man from a dream and ask him any questions. The answers will come by themselves if you relax enough. Perhaps these answers will surprise you and allow you to understand what is usually hidden from consciousness. Such a dialogue can restore not only contact with the inner male figure, but also with the real men in your life.
Have you had a dream that worries you? Do you remember what you dreamed about as a child? Stanislav Raevsky will try to decipher your dream. Write about it on the Psychologies.ru website forum in the topic “Analyzing your dreams” or at info@psychologies.ru